Urban Planning
Yousef Darvishi; omid hosseini
Access to open spaces in urban areas is one of the important principles of passive defense. This is because of the large number of post-crisis casualties, mostly due to the inability to access outdoor space as well as the ability to escape the danger zone.
Data and Method
The ...
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Access to open spaces in urban areas is one of the important principles of passive defense. This is because of the large number of post-crisis casualties, mostly due to the inability to access outdoor space as well as the ability to escape the danger zone.
Data and Method
The aim of this study is to investigate and accessibility of open spaces of urban areas in case of emergency from the perspective of passive defense of region 1 of Tabriz. For this purpose, in this research, related software such as 10 ARC GIS, Auto cad and Excel software have been used to zoning different spaces based on vulnerability and also to analyze information.
Results and Discussion
The results and findings of the study indicate that 67.3% of Tabriz Region 1 is in a good position in terms of access to open space in terms of passive defense against crises. But to increase the quality and quantity of these conditions to the desired level, improve the functional condition of open spaces (green and enclosed space) and increase the width of streets and alleys leading to the open space.
so that quick and easy access to the organ is possible. Provides things like volcanism, etc. in times of crisis, is of particular importance.