Volume 28 (2024)
Volume 27 (2023)
Volume 26 (2022)
Volume 25 (2021)
Volume 24 (2020)
Volume 23 (2019)
Volume 22 (2018)
Volume 21 (2017)
Volume 20 (2016)
Volume 19 (2015)
Volume 18 (2014)
Volume 17 (2013)
Volume 16 (2012)
Classification of Annual Temperature of Iran Meteorological Stations Using Fuzzy Cluster Analysis and Kohonen Artificial Neural Networks

mohammad ali goorbani; surur poorbabak; hosein Jabari; esmaeil asadi; mohammad hasan fazelifard

Volume 20, Issue 55 , May 2016, , Pages 45-63


  Abstract Classification of Meteorological stations, causing a large volume of data to be allocated a smaller homogeneous groups, Ease of use in modeling and also can help to spread the information to point to the lack of regional  data to Statistics regional statistic. Meteorological stations in ...  Read More