Jamal Mohammadi; Hossein Poorghayoomy
Volume 18, Issue 48 , June 2014, , Pages 279-298
In the past decade we encountered the population growth of our country, resulted in demand growth. Perhaps there are not much service centers in this city, but the efficient distribution of these centers is important. One of the service centers which has a significant role on city and is safety insurance ...
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In the past decade we encountered the population growth of our country, resulted in demand growth. Perhaps there are not much service centers in this city, but the efficient distribution of these centers is important. One of the service centers which has a significant role on city and is safety insurance for human life, is firehouse center. Fast and on time access of firehouse vehicles to the accident location is very important, because on time access of vehicles to accident location results to lesser damage. On the other hand, this on time access to accident location is related to efficient distribution of firehouse centers. In order to evaluate the current situation of firehouse centers regarding fire accidents, the Noorabad city was chosen as the study issue, and by using GIS function, network analysis and multiage analyses of Thiessen, the current situation of Noorabad firehouse centers were studied. After recognizing the improper distribution of these centers using AHP model and index overlaps, the proper location of firehouse centers of Noorabad city was identified using GIS software. The current research method is descriptive-analytic. The required information of this research were collected from field observation, comprehensive design study and descriptive data of Noorabad city, 1.5000 maps of current situation and also field observation
Jamal Mohammadi; Asghar Zarrabi; Hossein Pourgayyoumi
Volume 16, Issue 38 , February 2012, , Pages 123-152
Nowadays the industrial pollutions have destructive influences on biology environment and the life of their inhibitors. For reducing the destructive effects of these biological hits, the most effective and at the same time the simplest way is to improve the Green space and biology. The geographic information ...
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Nowadays the industrial pollutions have destructive influences on biology environment and the life of their inhibitors. For reducing the destructive effects of these biological hits, the most effective and at the same time the simplest way is to improve the Green space and biology. The geographic information software by utilizing different analysis functions, allows the incorporation of spatial and non-spatial data and also the management and simultaneous analysis of them, thus it can be used as an instrument for city planners. In the Kazerun city that was studied in this article, the excessive lack of green space and un just distribution of that is highly sensed. This study searches for efficient distribution of Green space by using hierarchy analysis (AHP) and index overlap model (IO). To obtain this aim, by using the GIS software and after going through data collection stage, providing new data layers, sorting and valuating the layers and at last, weighing and data layers overlapping, we prioritize the Kazrun city lands for new Green space development. At last, we divided these lands to very good, good, medial, weak and very weak that after adapting this map to land facts, the very good and good land classes were chosen for Green space development (local or City Park). The current research method is descriptive-analytic. The required information of this research were collected from field observation, comprehensive design study and descriptive of Kazerun city, 1/2000 maps of current situation