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Mostafa Karimi; Sousan Heidari; Morteza sharif
IntroductionIncrease temperatures and decrease rainfall can lead to the drying up of wetlands, lakes and rivers, the formation of aerosol centers, which directly and indirectly change the structure of society and the ecological conditions of lakes around the world; As a result, it leads to changes in ...
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IntroductionIncrease temperatures and decrease rainfall can lead to the drying up of wetlands, lakes and rivers, the formation of aerosol centers, which directly and indirectly change the structure of society and the ecological conditions of lakes around the world; As a result, it leads to changes in the distribution of animal and plant species, ecological diversity, changes in the plant phonological cycle, factors, growth and organisms, and ecological metabolism. These changes also severely affect vegetation in arid and semi-arid climates. Finally, changes in surface conditions caused by human activities may also affect various hydrological processes. Thus, the twenty-first century is facing many environmental problems, one of the most important of which is the variability of environmental and climatic parameters. Lake Urmia is one of the most important water areas in Iran and one of the largest salt lakes on earth. The lake plays an important role in the climatic, environmental and economic situation and a national and international natural heritage in the northwest of Iran.variability of environmental and climatic parameters is one of the most important challenges for human specific in arid and semiarid environment such as Iran. The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes in environmental and climatic parameters in the catchment of Lake Urmia in the last two decades. The purpose of the above was to answer the question of how the changes in environmental and climatic parameters in the basin and the relationship between these changes in the current conditions of the basin Lake Urmia.Data and methodsResearch data includes six categories: 1) TOPEX and Jason 1 to 3 satellites data to study of changes in altitude level of Lake Urmia, 2) Landsat 7 satellite images of 2000 and Landsat 8 of 2019 for extract lake water area changes and 3) Precipitation data from GPM[1] satellite product (IMERG[2]) 4) Vegetation index products of Modis sensor (Mod13A3 v006) to identify vegetation changes, 5) LST Night and daytime of Modis sensor (MOD11A2 v006) and finally 6) gridded reanalysis data (ERA5) to detect of trend air temperature, were used.First, the changes in the water level of the lake were extracted using the data of TOPEX and Jason 1 to 3 satellites, and in the next step, the trend of changes in its was calculated. Landsat 7 images of 2000 and Landsat 8 of 2019 using the Normalized Differential Water Index (MNDWI) were used to achieve changes in the lake's water area. Then LST (day and night) of MOD11A2 v006 products were converted into monthly data using MATLAB software. Finally, the trend changes in precipitation data, 2 m air temperature, LST (day and night) and vegetation (NDVI) were investigated using Mann-Kendall test (Mann, 1945; Kendall, 1975).ResultsThe highest changes in water level in the last two decades are from 2000 to 2010. The decrease in level is evident from the year 2000, from that year to 2010, the water level of the lake decreased by 4 meters and the highest slope of the decrease in it observed in the same period. The change in the area obtained from the MNDWI index is 2740 km2, which has caused the lake to decrease from 5143km2 to 2400km2 in 2019. The decrease of the lake level in its southern and eastern part has been more than the western and northern part. The trend of monthly precipitation changes shows two different temporal and spatial patterns. It is important to note that there is a monthly decreasing trend every three months in January, August and December in the central and southern parts of the basin. In contrast, in May and July, a marked increasing trend is observed in the eastern and southern half of the basin. Spatial displacement of incremental changes in air temperature indicates a clockwise movement from north to east and then south and west from May to August. The trend of day of the LST changes indicates a spatial contrast between the Lake and around it. This behavioral contradiction is more pronounced with the increase of the lake surface temperature and the decreasing trend in the southern and western regions corresponding to the agricultural areas in August, September and October. Changes in LST at the basin level from November to February, in which scattered and small incremental zones are observed, can also be due to reduced vegetation in the cold period of the year. In contrast to the daytime LST, at night what is most noticeable is large zones of temperature rise, especially from June to September throughout the basin. NDVI in the period 2019-2000 has had an increasing trend in all months, but with varying intensity and extent. Three temporal patterns are understandable in the process of basin vegetation change. Increased from January to May, then start decreasing trend from June to August and again increasing trend that continued until December. The lowest increasing trend is observed during the summer months from June to August.DiscussionLake Urmia has experienced a continuous decrease in water level since 2000, so that during the last twenty years, the water level has decreased by more than seven meters. The results of the present study also showed that there was a significant increasing trend in the NDVI index at the basin, especially with the southern of the basin. However, at the basin level, the trend of rainfall changes in this period (2000-2000) is not generally significant and also due to the occurrence of numerous droughts in the basin, which has also had an increasing trend and the expansion of irrigated lands, Demand for groundwater has increased. Therefore, this issue indicates various reasons other than changes in climatic parameters, especially precipitation in reducing the water level of Lake Urmia. In addition to the above, daytime and nighttime LST have increased during the warm period of the year as well as the air temperature on the lake. This increase increment evaporation, especially during periods when recharge is reduced due to seasonal dry. Although precipitation has increased at the end of spring, but with increasing temperature, precipitation increases with increasing evapotranspiration and water requirement of plants is neutralized. Therefore, the simultaneous change of environmental and atmospheric parameters can be considered as aggravating the conditions of hazardous events in this basin.ConclusionBased on the evaluation done in this study, it can be concluded that the basin of Lake Urmia is vulnerable. Therefore, the three main and significant effects of environmental variability in these areas are increasing ground temperature, vegetation and reducing water resources. The result of these conditions on the one hand and the increase of water needs of plants on the other hand will increase the stress on water resources, especially groundwater. Decreasing the lake surface and increasing consumption and reducing water resources can lead to the spread of bare surfaces and the occurrence of dust.
Majid Rezaei Banafsheh; saeid Jahanbakhsh; Shoaieb Abkharabat; Aliakbar Rasouli; Mostafa Karimi
Introduction 120-day winds of Sistan are considered as one of the significant phenomenon which has a great impact on the morphology and environment of east and southeast of Iran (Figure.1). The common region for these winds is the border of monsoon region in south of Asia which mainly has sunny and cloudless ...
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Introduction 120-day winds of Sistan are considered as one of the significant phenomenon which has a great impact on the morphology and environment of east and southeast of Iran (Figure.1). The common region for these winds is the border of monsoon region in south of Asia which mainly has sunny and cloudless weather during monsoon period. This condition is due to lack of higher humidity divergence accompanied by tangible decrease of the air on the atmosphere (Salighe, 2010). These winds are the most famous advection system in northern hemisphere whose effects are visible in eastern regions of Iran, west and south of Afghanistan, and northwest of Pakistan(Khosravi, 2008). Data and Methodology In order to evaluate the role of the winds, data network of Geopotential height of 850 hPa (hectopascal) level during a 19-year period (1993-2012) from May to the end of September, the period of 120-day winds of Sistan, were found. These data were of those revisited data of 2.5*2.5 NCEO/NCAR during 2480 days. Then, factor analysis and clustering tests were applied on data network of Geopotential height to classify map patterns (Yarnal, translated by Masoudian, 2006: 100). As a matter of fact 5 clusters were recognized in this study presented in table 1. Dynamic method was used in GrADS software in order to find humidity flux of each region in the quintuplet patterns. Discussion Northern Wind Pattern (120-day wind of Sistan) As a matter of fact 120-day winds of Sistan are a part of northern Trade winds which are the most important source of Caspian Sea high pressure. After passing east of Iran, these winds reach Oman Sea and converge with southern Trade winds. Both of them moved toward Indian Subcontinent and finally enter atmospheric monsoon circulation of south of Asia. High pressure of north of Iran is also a tongue of high pressure Azores which is extended over northern regions of Iran and Caspian Sea by Mediterranean and Black sea Basin. Both existing Gang low during hot period of a year in south of Asia and spreading, its tongues over regions of Middle East make Azores high not be able to penetrate the zone in lower levels of atmosphere (from the earth surface to thelevel 850 hPa.). As a result, Azores high has to locate in northern parts especially north of Iran. Analyzing the curves of geo-potential height, figure (2) precisely shows this phenomenon. Gang low not only is weaken among middle levels of atmospheretongue, but also lost its appearance on Iran Plateau and Arabian Peninsula. Therefore, Azores high tongue also can locate in its normal position and appear with maximum pressure on Iran Plateau and Arabian Peninsula. Figure (3) presents the order of synoptic systems in level 500 hPa. of pattern 1. It shows that Gang low has lost its nature in this level, while Azores high tongue obviously is located on Middle East, especially Iran Plateau and Arabian Peninsula. As a matter of fact atmospheric levels of Geopotential height in pattern 1 (figures 2,3, 4) reveal that as we go away from lower levels of atmosphere to middle levels of atmosphere, Gang low gradually is weaken especially over Iran Plateau and Arabian Peninsula. This situation makes Azores high tongue locate in lower latitude. However, in lower levels (earth surface to level 850 hPa.), as a tongue of Gang comes into some parts of Middle East, expanded tongue of Azores high pressure has to locate on higher latitudes than normal latitudes; on north of Iran Plateau and Caspian Sea.Pattern (2) shows the same order as pattern (1), so it will not be repeated here. In the following, the effect of 120-day winds of Sistan on humidity of the region will be investigated, thus humidity flux is calculated between levels 925-1000 hPa. 850-925 hPa. and 850 -700hPa. Figure (5) shows sum of humidity flux for aforesaid levels of synoptic pattern (1). 120-day winds of Sistan with prevailing north direction in this pattern lead to the formation of a core of humidity flux divergence in east and center of Iran and decrease humidity of the region. As previously mentioned, after passing Iran, Sistan winds reach Oman Sea and north of Indian Ocean, and converge with southern Trade winds. Both of them move toward Indian Subcontinent. In fact, convergence of 120-day Sistan winds (northern Trade winds) and southern Trade winds leads to formation of a strong core of humidity flux convergence on Oman Sea and north of Indian Ocean (figure 5). The sum and average of humidity flux convergence and humidity flux divergence in studied region are presented in table (2). Eastern Wind Pattern The other clusters (3, 4, and 5) have different order from 120-day Sistan winds which are introduced as eastern wind pattern. Unlike clusters (1) and (2), in these clusters (table 1) the wind direction is not northern; in other words, the winds blow with prevailing east direction in east and northeast of Iran, however southeast of Iran experience mild weather at the same time. As synoptic order of pressure system and humidity flux system are mainly the same, pattern (3) will be analyzed precisely. The order of synoptic systems of level 850 hPa. in pattern (3) is presented in figure (5). This map reveals that the contrast between high pressure of north and Gang low differs from northern wind pattern, as on the one hand,the strength and breadth of Gang low increase, while on the other hand the strength and breadth of Azores high tongue (high pressure in north of Iran) decrease. In fact, this condition makes most regions of Iran Plateau in lower levels of atmosphere (1000 hPa, 925 hPa and 850 hPa.) be dominated by Gang low. Besides, this order of synoptic systems eliminates 120-day wind conditions of Sistan and make eastern wind conditions in east and northeast of Iran. Since the orders of synoptic systems of levels 925 hPa. and 1000 hPa are the same as level 850 hPa. they will not be presented here. The orders of synoptic systems in middle levels are different, as in level 700 hPa. Azores high tongue comes to Iran Plateau by Arabian Peninsula (figure 7). This layer of atmosphere is a transition layer from dominance of low pressure pattern in lower layers to high pressure pattern in middle levels and upper atmosphere. Moreover, in level 500 hpa. Azores high tongue dominates Iran Plateau and Arabian Peninsula with more power and breadth. The orders of synoptic systems of clusters 4 and 5 are the same as cluster 3. The sum of humidity flux divergence and humidity flux convergence of pattern 3 are presented in figure (9). In this figure, the core of humidity flux divergence, which covers eastern half and center of Iran, is omitted and a core of humidity flux convergence covers east and southeast of Iran. It can be said that both penetration of Gang low into Iran and lack of 120-day winds provide special conditions in which the zone of humidity flux convergence in north of Indian Ocean moves to southeast of Iran leading to moisture condensation. Conclusion In this study 2 patterns of synoptic systems of warm period in east and southeast of Iran were recognized. First pattern (northern wind pattern) makes 120-day winds of Sistan (cluster 1 and 2). In contrast to Gang low tongue, when high pressure of north of Iran and Caspian Sea are in strong mode, it provides the conditions for 120-day winds of Sistan. On the other hand,in contrast to Gang low tongue increasing its influence and spread over Iran Plateau, when the aforesaid high pressure rollbacks of north of Iran and it is weakened, 120-day winds of Sistan stop and second pattern (eastern wind pattern) starts. In this pattern the winds with prevailing east direction cover east and northeast of Iran (clusters 3, 4,and 5). High pressures of Caspian Sea and north of Iran are a tongue of Azores subtropical high pressure which has to move abnormally to higher latitudes due to coming Gang low into lower atmosphere layer. Since Gang low is an inter-tropical convergence zone moving abnormally to higher latitudes in south of Asia, 120-day winds of Sistan are part of northern Trade winds which are flowing from subtropical high pressure (Azores high tongue in north of Iran) to Gang low in south of Asia (inter-tropical convergence zone). After converging with southern Trade winds on north of Indian Ocean, they move toward Indian Subcontinent. 120-day winds of Sistan exclude the entranceof moisture from Oman Sea and Indian Ocean into southeast of Iran (figure 5). However, as 120-day winds of Sistan stop, a core of humidity flux is formed on southeast of Iran providing the entrance of moisture of water areas into southeast of Iran (figure 9). Generally, weakening of Azores subtropical high will help to provide rainfall conditions in southeast by 2 ways: on the one hand, as Azores high pressure is weakened, the influence of decent factors of this high pressure air in levels 700 hPa. and 500 hPa. decreases. As a result ascent conditions are provided in the zone, but on the other hand the weakening of subtropical high pressure in lower levels of atmosphere (1000 hPa to 850 hPa.) also makes expanded Azores tongue weaken and rollback over north of Iran and Caspian Sea leading to stop 120-day Sistan winds. This phenomenon provides appropriate condition to inject moisture from Oman Sea and Indian Ocean to southeast of Iran.
Mostafa Karimi; Faramarz Khoshakhlagh; ali akbar shamsi por; fahimeh noruzi
Volume 23, Issue 69 , December 2019, , Pages 233-255
Large-scale circulation patterns are controlling climatic conditions and especially precipitation of the area. The purpose of the study is investigating the relationship between circulation patterns of Arabian subtropical anticyclone and Iran precipitation. For this reason, was used re-analysis data ...
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Large-scale circulation patterns are controlling climatic conditions and especially precipitation of the area. The purpose of the study is investigating the relationship between circulation patterns of Arabian subtropical anticyclone and Iran precipitation. For this reason, was used re-analysis data of geo-potential height form European Center for Medium-Range Weather forecasts (ECMWF), with spatial resolution of 1*1 degree and correlation distance cluster analysis. Circulation patterns at 30 to 80 degrees the East longitudes and5 to 30degrees north latitudes and the period of11years (2000- 2010) was calculated. The results showed that the patterns in terms of occurrence were divided the patterns of the cold period, the warm period and the transition period. During the cold period anticyclone is located at down latitudes on the Arabian sea and Gulf of Aden and have precipitation more areas of Iran that maximum amount of precipitation is related to the second pattern. In the patterns of transition period Arabian anticyclone sent a southwest clockwise current in to the trough East Mediterranean is effective in the occurrence of precipitation in the area of North and Northwest of the country. In the patterns warm period the anticyclone caused the anticyclone conditions on country and has been as a barrier to entry precipitation systems.
mostafa karimi ahmad abad; Adel Nabizadeh
Volume 22, Issue 65 , November 2018, , Pages 265-285
Now days ,in order to providing the best mecanisms to damp the impact of climate change , climatology scientists need long term prediction of climatical variables and their changes. This research studies the impacts of climate changes on daily parameters such as: rainfall , min and max temperature and ...
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Now days ,in order to providing the best mecanisms to damp the impact of climate change , climatology scientists need long term prediction of climatical variables and their changes. This research studies the impacts of climate changes on daily parameters such as: rainfall , min and max temperature and sunshine hours in Urmia lake basin. (Tabriz ,saqqez and Urmia synoptic stations) , selected as study stations , have long term gaged data for mitigation and Adabtation from 1980 to 2009. data prediction under as scenario A2 a type of GCM as HADCM3 model was used to simulate climatic parameters in 2011 to 2040 by LARS-WG model downscaled. Results show that prediction time distribution has been limited to short time in comparison to past decades .In other words the number fraindy days has been diminished , as far as in the future April will have the most decrease (7.5%) and February will have the increase (5.8%) in precipitation . overall , the precipitation max and min averay temperature of basin will increase about (4.3%) , (1.35 ) and (0.64 ) respectively in addition, November will have the most increase in daily max temperature (12.7) and January will have the least increase (0.33) in this parameter the sunshine hours of basin will not increase significantly .
Mostafa Karimi; Elahe Ghasemi
General circulation models (GCMs) are an important tool in the assessment of climate change. These numerical coupled models represent various earth systems including the atmosphere, oceans, land surface and sea-ice and offer considerable potential for the study of climate change and variability. However, ...
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General circulation models (GCMs) are an important tool in the assessment of climate change. These numerical coupled models represent various earth systems including the atmosphere, oceans, land surface and sea-ice and offer considerable potential for the study of climate change and variability. However, they remain relatively coarse in resolution and are unable to resolve significant subgrid scale features such as topography, clouds and land use. Bridging the gap between the resolution of climate models and regional and local scale processes represents a considerable problem for the impact assessment of climate change. Thus, considerable effort in the climate community has focussed on the development of techniques to bridge the gap, known as ‘downscaling’. In this study two statistical downscaling techniques (lars WG and SDSM) and Proportional Downscaling method have been sued , which are combination to TOPSIS approach.The result shows SDSM is more ability technique of downscaling. And climate change will reduce monthly rainfalls up to 39% and increase the temperatures up to 2 °C.