Urban Planning
mehdi nejati; pegah Bavaghar zaimi; abdolmajid jalaee
Volume 23, Issue 69 , December 2019, , Pages 259-282
Air pollution is one of the most important of the metropolises of Iran. The problems are become to one of the most important obsessions of the diplomats that cause climate conditions change in global, territorial and local scale. In order to management and pollution decline planning is required the congition ...
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Air pollution is one of the most important of the metropolises of Iran. The problems are become to one of the most important obsessions of the diplomats that cause climate conditions change in global, territorial and local scale. In order to management and pollution decline planning is required the congition of the mutual relation between pollution emission level and economic pollution decline of the different activities. The aim of this study is energy consumption and production growth impact investigate on co2 emission in economic different parts of Iran (such as Industry, agriculture, transportation services , oil) over the period 1996 2014 by using a SUR model. The result show that the energy consumption has a positive relation with co2 emission and energy consumption in different parts hasn't equal effect on pollution. according to SUR calculation there is a reverse N relation between pollution and productions growth in economic parts. Nonetheless co2 emission of GDP can be introduced as verse U Because totally GDP left side is very little . reverse N curve significants environment destruction starts to decrease again after increasing in Particular level. Because of there is a Kuznets curve reverse U in Environmental Kuznets curve reverse N. we have been investigated if there is N curve for co2 in different Parts?