Hossein Azizi; Mohammad Reza Rezaei; Hassan Oroji
Tourism becomes the largest and most diverse industry in the world, which, as the main source of income and work, plays an important role in the economic growth of the countries of the world. Accidents and crises play the role of inhibiting the development of the industry. Epidemics are distinguished ...
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Tourism becomes the largest and most diverse industry in the world, which, as the main source of income and work, plays an important role in the economic growth of the countries of the world. Accidents and crises play the role of inhibiting the development of the industry. Epidemics are distinguished from other crises by the fact that they usually leave the local government. Resilience strategy for quick recovery of destinations affected by the crisis has been introduced. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a research with the aim of investigating the role of resilience in the epidemic crisis in tourist cities. The present research method is analytical-descriptive in nature and it is a survey type by completing a questionnaire. At first, the path analysis model was used to determine the factors on the tourism resilience of the studied city (Shiraz) during the epidemic crisis. Therefore, according to the number of research criteria, the multiple regression test was implemented, which was directly considered first. The combination of resilience is determined as an independent variable on Shiraz as dependent changes. It is considered indirect in the next steps. In the stages of direct research, all research indicators have a significant effect on the dependent variable and there is a significant linear relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. The most direct effect is related to the social-cultural index and the most indirect effect is related to the economic index. In total, the social-cultural index has the highest correlation coefficient among the resilience indices, which indicates the most influential index on the epidemic crisis in Shiraz tourism. The economic index is on the second level. Finally, infrastructure and institutional-organizational indicators are placed in the next ranks with small distances.
keramatollah ziari; hossein iraji
Introduction As the center of the province of Fars, the City of Shiraz experienced an endogenic and organic growth until the 1960s and prior to the onset of modernity in Iran, which saw a good balance between the urban population growth rate and its area growth. Following a rise in the urban population ...
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Introduction As the center of the province of Fars, the City of Shiraz experienced an endogenic and organic growth until the 1960s and prior to the onset of modernity in Iran, which saw a good balance between the urban population growth rate and its area growth. Following a rise in the urban population in recent decades, the physical form of the cites also changed.Data and Method To investigate the changes and dynamism of the land cover, land use maps were developed to determine the changes over different time intervals. The maps were derived from Landsat satellite images with OLI, TM and Mss sensors in 1984 and 1994 as well as in 2014 and 2020 by using Remote Sensing techniques on the Earth Explorer Site. TerrSet software was also used to analyze the images. To analyze satellite images, it is required to use TerrSet software.Discussion and conclusionConsistent with regression model analysis, land use changes into urban territories have, over the past 40 years, involved 60% of the total area of the city of Shiraz, indicating sharp change trends in this time interval. The orientation of the changes has mainly been north to south of the city which is due to the proportionate developmental space and presence of open plains.Results Data analysis suggests that land use changes as well as their analysis in the Markov’s model are experiencing a disproportionate expansion under the effect of unsystematic and irregular urban growth. This study determines that districts 9, 10 and 6 saw an irregular (spiral) urban growth in 2018.
Urban Planning
sara mirzaei; Ali Zanghiabadi
Introduction Existence of urban facilities and infrastructures is one of the effective factors in creating a happy city because without leisure spaces, public spaces where people are present and communication is increased and without cultural, educational, health, Sports facilities and services, ...
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Introduction Existence of urban facilities and infrastructures is one of the effective factors in creating a happy city because without leisure spaces, public spaces where people are present and communication is increased and without cultural, educational, health, Sports facilities and services, as the basic needs of the citizens, a happy city cannot be created. Tourism is also one of the most important areas of life that creates happiness and therefore overall life satisfaction. Therefore, in this study, an attempt is made to study the urban development indices related to tourism, to determine the status of Shiraz city in terms of these indices as effective indicators in creating a happy city. Shiraz Urban development has taken a linear form and the location of urban land use has been largely inappropriate and out of science. Shiraz, as the international tourism counter, the third shrine of Ahl al-Bayt, and as the third Iranian tourist city, needs dynamic, happy and vital citizens. Happy citizens have a better interaction with tourists and pilgrims, thereby increasing their satisfaction and attracting more tourists. Since the most important step in development planning as well as the realization of a happy city is to reduce imbalances and inequality, it will be possible to diagnosis the direction and type of development by determining the degree of development of each of the urban zones of Shiraz. Research questions are: 1. How is the development status of Shiraz zones in terms of the indicators that are effective in achieving the happy city? 2. What are the Priority variables affecting the balance of urban space?A happy city is a city with a high quality of life that is the result of meeting the needs of inhabitants in the best possible way and tourism is one of the most important areas of life that creates happiness and thus overall life satisfaction. In the new geography, justice and injustice cannot be confined to measuring economic inequalities, because space is a fundamental dimension of human society, and justice and injustice appear in space. Environmental justice is equality of people by their needs, abilities, efforts and impact on the production of society, so it is treated equally with all residents wherever they live. In urban planning, the physical-spatial distribution of urban elements and services is balanced and commensurate with the needs of citizens in each neighborhood and urban area. Harvey has identified need as the most important criterion of justice. The basic needs that are nowadays called essential services in urban planning and management can be the basis for measuring spatial justice. In order to achieve balance and equilibrium in each city, studies are needed to identify the current status of the city and to resolve failures, deprivation, and equitable distribution of facilities and services. This can be a step towards making the city happy. One of the most important theories that relates place to happiness is the need / livability theory. This theory considers happiness as a result of objective living conditions and meeting needs, and states that improved objective conditions such as urban and physical or economic conditions will lead to greater happiness. Many cities are not livable, because of city problems such as poverty and crime; but even successful cities are not livable in many ways. There is also lack of nature and recreational spaces in cities. Finally, most people cannot afford good housing, especially in the largest cities. Others live somewhere on the fringes and commute long hours. Commuting is the worst thing that reduces happiness. Large cities are less livable than smaller ones. More precisely, cities are less acceptable to most people; the rich can afford a good life in a city. Therefore, access to urban amenities and services is an important factor in the livability of cities and the happiness of citizens. In some cases, when basic needs are met, more money does not bring more happiness. Likewise, spending is a poor way to buy much more happiness. So how can lasting happiness be achieved? We need to buy experiences (e.g., holidays, recreation centers), not things (e.g., a luxury home or car). According to this theory, leisure spaces for people and tourists should be created and city facilities and infrastructures should be balanced at city level, especially in big cities. Methodology The present study is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in terms of method. The Modified Numerical Taxonomy, WASPAS & MABAK methods were used for statistical analysis. Softwars used for data analysis included WASPAS, Taxonomy Solver, Excel and Arc GIS. In this study, urban land uses and services have been studied. Results & Discussion Based on the taxonomy analysis based on all the indices studied, it was found that none of the Shiraz zones were included in the developed level. Zones 8 & 1 are relatively developed. Zones 2, 3, 6 and 10 are in the third level, i.e. relatively deprived. Zones 4, 5, 7, 9 and 11 are in the lowest level and are among the deprived areas in terms of Indicators of urban development in related to tourism. In general, whether we move away from the city center, the zones become deprived. The zones around zone 8 are in the higher ranks, Then, the northern and southern zones are in the lower ranks, respectively. Conclusion The results showed that the Shiraz is not in a good condition in terms of physical characteristics of urban development and tourism infrastructure. Distributive justice for different land uses has not been regarded and most of them are concentrated in some urban zones. In fact, the lack of proper distribution of urban land uses and their concentration in some areas, especially in the central part of the city, has caused the zones to be in poor condition for all indicators and therefore none of the zones are in good condition.
mahdi narangifard; mehran fatemi; abdolali kamaneh; mohammad sadegh talebi
Introduction Recently, issues raised by changes in precipitation, especially problems brought about by floods and droughts, along with the environmental effects of diminished rainfall, have underscored the importance of precipitation studies at different temporal and spatial scales. Due to the pervasive ...
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Introduction Recently, issues raised by changes in precipitation, especially problems brought about by floods and droughts, along with the environmental effects of diminished rainfall, have underscored the importance of precipitation studies at different temporal and spatial scales. Due to the pervasive impact of precipitation parameter in various urban, industrial and agricultural fields with respect to water supply, the identification of fluctuations, changes and precipitation structure is of particular importance, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. The similarity feature in climatic variables allows the use of fractal geometry and analysis of temporal and spatial changes. Accordingly, the use of fractal geometry in predicting the behavior of many natural processes, including precipitation in different regions, has a special place. The goal of this study is to investigate the structure of different time periods of precipitation in Shiraz synoptic stations to explore changes and determine the spatial position of precipitation in the stability and instability period. Methodology In this study, daily precipitation data was received over a period of 58 years (1956-2013) from the Meteorological Organization of Fars Province to investigate the structure governing precipitation parameter. Then, statistical deficiencies were corrected by restructuring using difference ratio and linear regression. The methodology and algebraic logic of calculations in this study are such that in the first step, research parameters are arranged from minimum to maximum in an ascending order. Then, based on the triangular threshold coordinates(2Π), the minimum and maximum were extracted based on linear structures of the desired criteria and algebraic mathematical reference was conducted using Relation (1). Relation (1) F (x) = Then, in order to apply the fractal structure by applying the criterion for mathematical reference using Relation (2), the real structure of the desired meteorological parameters was obtained. Relation (2) Y = m2 × sin (1/m) Finally, by overlapping the output charts of the actual structures and the classical structure of the fractal (Figure 2) in the algebraic ranges of -0.4 to +0.4, the algebraic process of each climatic parameter was evaluated separately. Results and discussion In this study, based on the results, in addition to the daily analysis of the governing structure of precipitation over a 58-year period (1956-2012), which covered 21185 days, the governing structure along with the analysis of equilibrium dynamics of structures and its functions in three time periods (three 20-year periods) of different daily precipitation were also examined separately. The first period began in January 1, 1956 and lasted for 7065 days. The relevant calculations were performed on the data derived from the first period, which based on the findings of this study, precipitation in Shiraz''s synoptic stations do not follow the fractal logic in the first period by applying fractal algebraic structures, Also, in the second period, similar to the first one, the precipitation structure does not comply with a particular fractal logic. In other words, the logic governing precipitation parameter during the first and second periods changes from equilibrium to non-equilibrium. However, unlike the previous two periods, the fractal logic is followed in the third period. Conclusion The self-similarity feature in climatic variables allows the use of fractal dimension and analysis of temporal and spatial changes. Accordingly, the use of fractal geometry in predicting the behavior of many natural processes, including precipitation in different regions, has a special place. The goal of this study was to investigate the structure of different periods of precipitation in Shiraz synoptic station to identify changes and determine the spatial position of precipitation structure in the period of stability and instability. The behavior of meteorological parameters in various parts of the world is a function that never follows uniform algebraic structure. Therefore, the analysis of complex systems and changes in nonlinear climate parameters using chaotic, fractal and fuzzy concepts offers a suitable way to understand the equilibrium state and dynamic analyses of climate fractal changes. The results indicate the dynamic transition of this time period from non-equilibrium to equilibrium. Therefore, according to the three time periods, the equilibrium dynamics of the daily precipitation structure approaches fractal structure.