Urban Planning
rasol gorbani; mahdieh tahooni
Volume 23, Issue 67 , April 2019, , Pages 243-262
Urban growth in itself is a rogue character. We need to harness and guide urban development policy is a great responsibility, because on the one hand and, on the other hand led to eliminate troubles and the emergence of rational longevity of buildings of particular abnormalities that prevent physical ...
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Urban growth in itself is a rogue character. We need to harness and guide urban development policy is a great responsibility, because on the one hand and, on the other hand led to eliminate troubles and the emergence of rational longevity of buildings of particular abnormalities that prevent physical dimensions .The study area in the city Sardroud research and analytical research method - comparative data and information needed in the form of documentary and field has been prepared. The analysis of the quantitative data relative entropy, Gary coefficient, the Gini coefficient Moran used to measure the results of spatial models - physical indicators of the form in which the unipolar model of random accumulation of urban distribution and is gone and values in 1378 and 1390 contracts respectively: (a relative entropy = 0.85, Ginny = 0.35, Moran = 0.03, Gray = 0.05) and (relative entropy = 0.91, Ginny = 0.36, Moran = 0.01, Gray = 1.99). In total, these values show that the city has gone to the dispersion pattern and causes the loss of farmland and gardens in the city so that the Sardroud in 1378, while the share of orchards and agricultural land was 65.2percent of the land in 1390 to 26.35percent and consequently the spatial and physical structure of the city has changed over time.