Jamal Mohammadi; Mehdi Ahmadian; Saeed Azadi Ghatar; Rahim Golamhoseyni
Volume 19, Issue 53 , September 2015, , Pages 299-323
The present paper, seeks to analyze and ranking the cities of west Azerbaijan province in terms of urban services development indicators with regard to the inseparable linkage between balanced distribution of urban facilities and services with social welfare, social justice and urban sustainable ...
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The present paper, seeks to analyze and ranking the cities of west Azerbaijan province in terms of urban services development indicators with regard to the inseparable linkage between balanced distribution of urban facilities and services with social welfare, social justice and urban sustainable development. This research was implemented with descriptive- analytical approach by using MCDM techniques. According to the SAW model results, the cities of Maku, Silvana, Sero, Urmia and Miandoab are placed within first to fifth ranking, respectively, and the cities of Bazargan, Nooshin, Mohammadyar, Mir Abad and Rabat are in the ranking of 32 to 36 across the province in terms of development of indicators and functions of urban services. In this regard, based on the VIKOR technique, according to the development of studied indicators the city of Silvana became the provincial superior and the cities of Sero, Maku, Urmia and Sardasht are in the 2nd to 5th rankings and the cities of Nalas, Shut, Qarazia’eddin, Mir Abad, Rabt and Mohammadyar are in the rank of 31 to the end. Combining the results of both Vikor and SAW models, displayed that the cities of Silvana and Maku together are in first ranking and the cities of Sero, Urmia, Mir Abad, Mohammadyar and Rabat are placed in the 2nd to end ranking. Finally, the province cities, according to the ranking of developing the urban services per capita, were classified in three levels using hierarchical cluster analysis. The research finding also indicated that there was no significant correlation between ranking of developing the urban services and province cities population ranking.
Jamal Mohammadi; Asghar Zarrabi; Hossein Pourgayyoumi
Volume 16, Issue 38 , February 2012, , Pages 123-152
Nowadays the industrial pollutions have destructive influences on biology environment and the life of their inhibitors. For reducing the destructive effects of these biological hits, the most effective and at the same time the simplest way is to improve the Green space and biology. The geographic information ...
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Nowadays the industrial pollutions have destructive influences on biology environment and the life of their inhibitors. For reducing the destructive effects of these biological hits, the most effective and at the same time the simplest way is to improve the Green space and biology. The geographic information software by utilizing different analysis functions, allows the incorporation of spatial and non-spatial data and also the management and simultaneous analysis of them, thus it can be used as an instrument for city planners. In the Kazerun city that was studied in this article, the excessive lack of green space and un just distribution of that is highly sensed. This study searches for efficient distribution of Green space by using hierarchy analysis (AHP) and index overlap model (IO). To obtain this aim, by using the GIS software and after going through data collection stage, providing new data layers, sorting and valuating the layers and at last, weighing and data layers overlapping, we prioritize the Kazrun city lands for new Green space development. At last, we divided these lands to very good, good, medial, weak and very weak that after adapting this map to land facts, the very good and good land classes were chosen for Green space development (local or City Park). The current research method is descriptive-analytic. The required information of this research were collected from field observation, comprehensive design study and descriptive of Kazerun city, 1/2000 maps of current situation
Asghar Zarabi; Jamal Mahamadi; Jabbar Alizadeh
Volume 16, Issue 37 , November 2011, , Pages 83-109
The current paper attempts to examine information and communication technology (ICT) in Esfahan’s central district. The research method is applied-developmental and the study method is survey-documental. To collect data, questionnaires were used and SPSS was used for analyzing data. The samples ...
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The current paper attempts to examine information and communication technology (ICT) in Esfahan’s central district. The research method is applied-developmental and the study method is survey-documental. To collect data, questionnaires were used and SPSS was used for analyzing data. The samples were selected from residents of Esfahan central district and its size was estimated 322 by Cochran method. Ultimately 400 questionnaires were provided from citizens and institutes. Findings show that there is a signficant relationship between information literacy and acceptance of ICT (correlation=0.47, Sig=0.000) that is to say, citizens do not have necessary knowledge to make use of ICT. Accessibility to ICT services in workplace (Sig=0.000) was suitable but in residencies, the case was not true (Sig=0.02). Citizens mostly fulfill their requests personally. The more the satisfaction of citizens with urban managers’ services, the more is involvement of citizens in urban management (correlation=0.43, Sig=0.000). There is a relationship between the use of ICT and the extent of citizen participation in urban management (correlation= 0.46, Sig=0.000). The more citizens were satisfied with ICT services, the more they tend to make use of these services. The results of current research is with the correlation of sig=0.031 are average downwards and it demands the care of urban managers. Finally, in order to promote this technology in urban societies, suggestions are presented.