Document Type : Research Paper


1 Payam Noor University of Hashtrood

2 Academic Member of Payame Noor University


One of the consequences of the instability of Settlement System in local- regional spaces is the functional - spatial disability of  rural and urban settlements in the in creating the settlement connection through a effective spatial network. In many of the geographical areas in the country, the patterns of economic activity based settlement system network is formed that due to negligence of the cognition and analysis of structural-functional of this local networks, urban and rural settlements instability is escalated. in the rural areas of Hashtrood and Charoymaq (macro-region of Azerbaijan), the local-regional network is creating, based on the production and processing of milk products. For cognition and structural -functional analysis of this product in settlements relationships and spatial flows, 119 dairy workhouses, 269 rural settlements and 5 urban settlements was evaluated. The research method of this research is the combination of descriptive – analytical  Data sampling method was the snowball method and data analyzed through NodeXL and GIS software. The results showed that relationships and flows of the milk production network in the hurdles in realm faced the barrier and in Reciprocity extra-regional centers is interactive and complementary. Based on the reciprocital of relations, Degree centrality, Between ness centrality and Eigenvector centrality of the Bostan Abad city outside the studied areas recognized as the main node in the network structure of the studied region’s milk and following this, was the urban centers of Tabriz, Maragheh, Ghareaghaj and Hashtrood and  ganjine ketab rural with a significant difference. Sustainable pattern of local-regional network in the mentioned metropolitan area can be achieved with modification in the functional structure of urban and rural settlements through the functional allocation of activities and


Main Subjects

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