Document Type : Research Paper


geography department of P.N.U


Immigration is one of the four key elements of demographic change and circular and seasonal migration of rural labor force into the city, one of the sources of income of rural households in some rural areas. This study intends to study and analyze seasonal and circular migration patterns of rural labor force to the cities. About purpose this study is applied, the method is analytical, Gathering data on the basis of documentary research and field study, in the field section, questionnaires and observation method was used. Based on documentary research and field data collection method in the field of questionnaires, observation method was used. The study population included all heads of rural households of Sarvabad County. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire was carried out. according to the total number of households in the rural of sarvabad county, 324 samples were selected from a total statistical population and  of 60 villages, 13 villages (20 per cent of villages in the city) randomly selected, in each village as well as an equal number of households selected to complete the questionnaire. By comparing the situation of migrants and non-migrants in 5 Asset of households in two parts, were found in three types of physical capital and human and financial capital, situation of immigrants are better than non-immigrants, and non-immigrants at the social and natural capital are better. The situation was better in the objective capital (capitals that can be seen) of immigrants. According to the results, it can be concluded that the circular and seasonal migration at the case study base on two pattern of coping and cumulative are in cumulative pattern.


Main Subjects

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