Document Type : Research Paper


1 payame noor university

2 Department of Geography and Planning, School of Geography, University of Tabriz

3 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Payam Noor



Changes in urbanization after the Industrial Revolution and the emergence of modernism in urban planning have destroyed the traditional elements and structures of cities, and functional zoning has replaced the organic system and functional diversity of cities and urban neighborhoods. Based on this division, a special space was provided for each of the city's functions so that their performance did not interfere with each other and did not disturb each other. Because cities are complex, complex, and multifunctional systems, limiting them to four functions and separating them through segregation and zoning has reduced the efficiency of cities and thus imposed many problems on cities. Following the criticism of this model, postmodern urbanism was introduced, in which a kind of nostalgia for the past, lost truth, and the search for the lost meaning can be seen. Postmodernists are interested in mixing urban lands to enliven urban neighborhoods, emphasizing pluralism. Today, land use - the immediate vicinity of homes, places of activity and services in buildings, neighborhoods of mixed use and urban areas - has become an important principle for the good urban shape in the 21st century.
In Iran, with the beginning of developments in the second half of the twentieth century, the city went out of its traditional form and took a step towards renewal and expansion. In the meantime, the city of Tabriz, as one of the most important historical cities in the country, has not been deprived of these developments. In this city, in addition to the traditional textures that have undergone changes, new areas have also been built around the criteria of modern urban designs. Poverty zones have also been added to the city without any plans.
At present, it seems inevitable to return to the traditional concept of a neighborhood in order to achieve a sustainable and sustainable human city. Given the importance of this issue, this research firstly wants to measure the level of land use mix in different residential areas of Tabriz in the current situation and secondly it wants to know whether mixing land use in urban areas can be an incentive for pedestrians be on top of most residents?
The type of research in this paper is practical and its review method is analytical-comparative. The data collection method has been performed both in the library and in the field. To measure the mixing of land uses, first, urban land uses in the study areas were classified into six categories: 1) residential land uses, 2) commercial land uses, 3) administrative and law enforcement land uses, 4) Cultural uses and leisure, 5) General uses such as educational use, health use and 6) Other uses. Then, through the entropy index and the Atkinson index, the amount of mixing in each of the three tissue tissues was calculated. Also, 588 people were selected using the Cochran's formula and the necessary information was collected through a questionnaire to collect the level of desire to access each user on foot in the neighborhoods of the study areas. The instrument for measuring the questionnaire was a 7-item questionnaire that included a five-item Likert scale that assessed respondents' views on how much they wanted to access different uses on foot. Finally, the relationship between the degree of desire to access pedestrians and the level of mixing of users through Pearson correlation coefficient was evaluated.
Results and discussion
Based on the two main components of this research, namely pedestrian and mixed use, the neighborhoods of traditional, modern and unplanned textures in Tabriz metropolitan area were compared, the results of which revealed many differences between different neighborhoods.
According to the calculation of the Entropy index and the Atkinson index, the average land use mixed in traditional texture neighborhoods is 0.673 and 0.588, respectively; This indicates that land use mixed is more common in traditional neighborhoods than in modern and unplanned textile neighborhoods. Of course, there is a large gap between the use of mixed among the neighborhoods of traditional textures. The difference between the Entropy Index and the Atkinson Index in calculating the mixing rate is that the Atkinson Index shows a gap between the higher availability and changes in the ranking of some neighborhoods.
In examining the relationship between the tendency of pedestrians to access the required land uses and the level of mixing of land uses in different contexts, different results were obtained. The result was a very high correlation between the two variables of mixed use and the tendency to access pedestrians in traditional tissue neighborhoods, but this correlation is less common between modern tissue and unplanned neighborhoods. Thus, neighborhoods of traditional textures, despite their physical problems (such as wear and tear, lack of proper infrastructure), are still considered human-oriented neighborhoods where the human scale prevails.
The results of this study are in line with most of the research conducted in this field, with the exception of one case mentioned in the background of the research. Jun and Hur believe that despite the strengthening of the centralized sidewalk with increasing land use mixing, other variables such as the prevailing social and economic conditions, such as poverty and insecurity, could affect the relationship between land use mix and the central sidewalk.
In general, it can be noted that this research can have a small but important contribution to the impact of physical elements on the social environment. However, according to the dimensions of the study area, its findings cannot be generalized. Because multiple and complex factors can affect the level of social behavior of neighborhood residents. Therefore, various variables such as social, economic, and political factors can be studied in relation to the effect of the physical environment on the social behavior of citizens


Main Subjects

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