Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of geography and urban planning, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor of Architecture and Urban Planning, Maragheh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Maragheh, Iran.



The concept of a livable city means to be suitable for living or habitable, which has been very strong today by expanding and intensifying the problems human societies and the loose of quality of life. The phrase "livable cities" was used for the first time in 1970 by the national Arts organization to achieve their urban ideas and looking for it by other centers and research organizations such as the environmental protection organizations that has done extensive studies regarding the most of American cities was gone. Following the influence of this word in the literature related to this field can be searched in 1975 and the writings of William Marlins on the fields of livable in Saturday Review and Christian Science Monitor.
In recent years, research and development in the area of ​​sustainable cities has attracted much attention. The continued growth of urbanization with social, economic, physical, and environmental problems is creating a crisis leading to metropolitan instability, which in turn reduces the viability of metropolises. According to the standards, Tabriz's livelihoods were at a low level, and lack of proper planning would make it a city in the not too distant future where it would be difficult to live. Therefore, the necessity and importance of biodiversity debate in the Tabriz metropolis is increasing. In addition, given that Iranian cities are currently suffering from a lack of attention to existing urban contexts. In this regard, the present study aimed to evaluate the viability of Tabriz urban texture. This article is based on scientific study and tries to answer the following questions.
In terms of the subjective dimension of living (objectively satisfied residents) what is the status of Tabriz urban context?
Data and Method
This research is applied in nature and is descriptive-analytical in terms of method. The measurement tool in this study was a questionnaire developed based on the subjective-psychological dimension of living (objective satisfaction of residents).  The statistical population of the study is based on the empirical view of urban environment quality assessment, the inhabitants of old and new urban texture based on Morgan table number of  1558693 people according to the size of community and according to Morgan table is 384 people, Classified by sampling and assigned appropriately to each of the low-lying, semi-rich and rich neighborhoods respectively, 39, 70 and 42 (old tissue samples) and 100, 71 and 62 (new tissue samples), respectively  given. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) was used to analyze the data. Multivariate analysis of variance is the extension of variance analysis to situations in which there is more than one dependent variable.
Results and Discussion
What exactly is more socially viable, according to Winnewon?  It's not completely clear, and people are happier and more satisfied in communities where their needs are better met. In this regard, due to the lack of attention to urban texture biodiversity and the increasing expansion of urbanization, upgrading the viability of Tabriz metropolitan area requires an examination of the status of urban tissues; And provide the basis for new urban development, insights, and cognition on the nature of Tabriz metropolitan urban biodiversity that identifies priorities for action to make these tissues viable in the decision environment.
The results of the present study show that the overall life expectancy in Tabriz textures was below average, while the analysis of the current status of Tabriz's biodiversity in different dimensions shows that the average is generally achieved. In all aspects (urban services and infrastructure, urban environment, urban economy, urban management, urban history, and urban community), the findings were lower than average, and this is consistent with the findings of Rashidi et al (1395) who have estimated the biodiversity of Tabriz metropolitan area in comparison with Osco, Azarshahr, Bostanabad, Tabriz, Shabestar and Harris. This finding indicates that this metropolis will in the future be governed by the same current practice and managers and citizens will be not reinforce the deficiencies in the status queue, in the future the city will never move towards sustainability and sustainable development.
According to the assessment made between the old and new textures of Tabriz metropolis, there is a significant difference in the viability. The results showed that the old tissue viability was higher than the new tissue based on the results due to the higher average ratings of services and urban infrastructure, urban community, urban history, urban economy, and urban management in the old tissue neighborhoods; This finding is in line with the findings of Dalir et al (1388) based on indicators of access to educational, health, daily shopping centers, weekly shopping malls, green spaces, recreational and sports centers, downtown and public transport to measure people's satisfaction with the new context Low level of evaluation, alignment.
The findings also indicate that in order to sustain the new texture, urban community, and urban management indices that have a significant difference with the old texture should be given more attention by city officials and managers. And in order to make old tissue more viable then the urban environment, which is less ranked than new tissue, must be taken into consideration by urban managers, so that proper planning for resource allocation and viability in these tissues should be emphasized. At the core of the indicators are the lower levels, so that by utilizing the available forces and potentials to achieve a comprehensive development that will bring prosperity and prosperity to all citizens.


Main Subjects

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