Document Type : Research Paper
1 Ph.D. Student of Geography and Urban Planning, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran
2 Professor of All Faculty of Planning and Environmental Sciences, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Tabriz University
3 Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Unit of Science, Islamic Azad University, Marand, Iran
In modern approaches to city, township, as a strategic method in the field of thinking, planning and implementation of urban plans has been raised. This approach to the creative entry of citizens into different areas of encounter with city-related issues in order to realize the components of thinking of the right to the city (urban governance, social inclusion, cultural diversity in the city and social freedoms and rights
Access to urban services for all residents of the city. There is a strong link between space and creativity. Creative people need space for life, work, inspiration, and display of their work. By creating stable and reliable spaces for artists, creative people and creative people. Do not have to move and migrate, which can be a threat to the survival of creativity and innovation. Therefore, provision of stable spaces for these people is essential. In this regard, public spaces can play a very important role. Additionally, by acknowledging this diversity and difference in the quality and design of public spaces, the purpose of this article is to explain the patterns of city formation and provide a model for assessing the creativity of the public spaces of the city. The present paper is a fundamental-theoretical research that studies various patterns using library studies and text readings, and evaluates models for assessing the quality and integrity of urban public spaces, and then presents a new model. First research output, expression The patterns of the formation of the city are creative and a new model is proposed to explore the creativity of the city's public spaces (second output), which consists of eight criteria (governance, religious beliefs, intellectual thinking, physical component, perceptual, visual, functional performance). Given the above criteria, creativity of public spaces depends on the conditions prevailing in different societies The set is evaluated
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