Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of Geography and Urban Planning, Department of Geography, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Tourism Resherch Center, Najafabad Branch , Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Tourism Resherch Center, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran

4 Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran



Vitality is the desire of citizens to be active and dynamic in urban environments, which makes urban spaces more prosperous and crowded and increases the presence of citizens in public spaces. So far, little attention has been paid to the vitality of urban environments in studies, research and design projects of new cities in Iran. Cities are considered to be the most important political, technological, artistic, cultural and social fruits of human beings, and urban spaces of cities are the most important parts that shape the city. In the meantime, it is important to pay attention to the psychological and physical well-being of human beings. The development of today's cities has generally sacrificed this point for its physical growth and development. Today, one of the most important concerns in designing public spaces in the city is the vibrancy of these places, which continues the presence of citizens. Variety of uses can be mentioned as one of the most important factors in attracting people to this place, but at the same time, this factor alone cannot cause vitality and dynamism of the space. Other factors influencing the vitality of an urban space include cultural, social, and environmental factors.
The present research is descriptive in terms of practical purpose and analytical in terms of nature and descriptive method. Analysis has been used using descriptive statistics and inferential tests (T-test and analysis of variance) and differences and correlations between indicators using structural equation model.The statistical population of this study includes all citizens living in 4 regions of Isfahan, which according to the 2016 census, was 452453 people. The Cochran's formula was estimated to be 95% reliable with a sample size of 584 people. The statistical sample of the study is half of the residents and half of the tourists in the period of January 1996 to June 1997 present in the public spaces of 4 areas of the 15 districts located in the central part of the city and most tourists use these places as territory.
Results and discussion
Given that with improved security, and physical identity and attractiveness, vitality also improves. To measure the difference between the two independent groups of citizens and tourists on the average of a (quantitative) livability variable, the T test was used with independent samples. The results showed that the statistical value of t to compare the rate of vitality in public spaces in central Isfahan from the citizens' point of view. Tourists are equal to -0.630, and the probability of their significant study is 0.0529, which is higher than 0.05, so with 0.95 confidence, zero statistical assumption that the rate of vitality in public spaces is equal. Central Isfahan is approved from the point of view of citizens and tourists. As a result, the average livelihood is the same for citizens and tourists.
Vitality is the tendency of citizens to be active and dynamic in urban environments, which makes urban spaces more prosperous and crowded and increases the presence of citizens in public spaces. Vitality is one of the most important constructive qualities of urban spaces to improve the quality of urban spaces and create space.The descriptive and inferential results of the research have been analyzed using SPSS and AMOS software and the results of the hypothesis test showed that based on the results of the structural equation model, the effect of security on vitality is 0.221 and this coefficient has a significant effect . (Coefficient t is greater than 1.96) so the first hypothesis is confirmed. This means that with improved security, vitality also improves. The effect of identity on vitality is 0.854, and this coefficient has a significant effect (coefficient t more than 1.96), so the second hypothesis is confirmed. This means that with the improvement of identity, vitality also improves. The effect of physical attractiveness on vitality is 0.170 and this coefficient has a significant effect (coefficient t is more than 1.96) so the third hypothesis is confirmed. This means that as physical attractiveness improves, so does vitality. The level of vitality in public spaces in the central areas of Isfahan is confirmed from the point of view of citizens and tourists. As a result, the average livelihood is the same for citizens and tourists.


Main Subjects

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