Document Type : Research Paper


1 faculty member of Geography Department , University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

2 faculty member of Geography Department,University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.

3 Ph.D. candidate in Geography and Urban Planning, Kish International Campus, University of Tehran.



Historical texture includes various spiritual, symbolic, and aesthetics aspects. It also indicates the regions as evidence of urban civilization because it is reflecting the city identity. There are various approaches for sustainable regeneration in the cities. An approach can create sustainability for the city that not only can implement reconstruction in physical dimensions but also can lead to the sustainable economic, social and cultural-identity performance of the texture. Regeneration with the tourism development approach can lead to texture sustainability. The historical context of Tabriz, with its many historical monuments, is an attractive area with many potential assets that can be used for tourism development. While the historical context of Tabriz has long been a center of production and trade, the city has lost much of its main attraction due to a wide range of social, cultural, economic, and physical issues. Research suggests that urban regeneration is the dominant theory for intervening with problems of historical and worn-out textures. It also shows that efforts to develop tourism can lead to the regeneration of historical textures. In this study, the impact of tourism on regeneration has been investigated, and its purpose is to analyze the relationship between tourism and urban regeneration in economic, socio-cultural, physical, and environmental dimensions.
The current research is an applied study, and the research method is analytical-descriptive. The study area is the historical texture of Tabriz City. The statistical population is the residents of the historical texture of Tabriz, which is 115580, according to the statistics in 2016 (Statistics Center of Iran, 2016). The sample size was determined using Cochran’s formula, which is 383. It must be mentioned that the proper sampling method in the current study is the cluster sampling method. A number of questionnaires were completed by the residents of the historical texture.  The questionnaires were prepared using a five-point Likert scale. The research results were analyzed using SPSS software and the Chi-square test.
Results and Conclusion
According to the conducted studies, tourism development leads to employment, increasing income, and investment in the texture, and results in the economic growth of the texture. This growth solves the social issues caused by the internal economic decline in society. On the other hand, one of the attractions of using tourism as an element in urban regeneration is its economic justification, which can be provided for the improvement and physical regeneration of the worn-out urban center. Environmental improvement in the historical texture can create positive feelings, resulting in the visitors’ satisfaction and loyalty. This is also followed by more serious support of the tourism development. The studies indicate the relationship between tourism development and urban regeneration in the texture. The total impact of the economic factor on the regeneration pattern of the historical texture of Tabriz city with tourism development approach equals 4.37, which is at a significant desirable level. It was revealed that most of the historical texture residents of Tabriz consider this texture valuable for investment (Public and private) and believe that the urban tourism development can lead to economic growth in the historical texture. Also, they consider economic growth a preventive factor of the migration of the youth and economic activists. In terms of the social-cultural aspect, the total impact of the social and cultural dimension on the regeneration pattern of the historical texture of Tabriz with tourism development equals 3.49, which is at a significant and relatively desirable level. Urban tourism development in the area increases the behavioral settings, the tendency to be present in the society, and improves the social relations and welfare and entertainment facilities, and leads to improving the living and security standards level for the women, children, and reducing the crime in the city. The total impact of the physical aspect on the regeneration pattern of the historical textures of Tabriz city with tourism development approach equals 2.64, which is at a significant and relatively desirable level. The urban tourism development leads to eliminating the ruined spaces and improving the access to the recreational centers and urban spaces, and enhancing the physical quality of the urban spaces and historical monuments. Moreover, improving the urban infrastructures will be followed by the improvement in the quality of the public services and urban landscape. However, tourism development will have less impact on the texture traffic and the number of parking lots. The total impact of the environmental aspect on the regeneration pattern of the historical textures of Tabriz city with tourism development approach equals 3, which is at the significant and relatively desirable level. Tourism development leads to improving the environmental situation and reducing environmental pollutions, and increasing the green space per capita in the city.  
 This case study shows that the historical properties and tourism potentials can have a significant impact on urban regeneration or lead to their possibility in terms of social, economic, physical, and environmental aspects. However, measures must be taken into account to reduce the negative impacts of the tourism development, such as lack of access to parking, lack of possibility to pass due to high traffic, and increase in costs, so that the tourism development leads to urban regeneration. The main issue in the Iranian cities is the fact that urban regeneration and tourism development are implemented by two different organizations. Therefore, tourism development cannot contribute to regenerating the historical textures. Urban regeneration with tourism development will be possible when integrated planning is conducted. 


Main Subjects

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