Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant professor, Department of urbanism, Tabriz branch,, Islamic Azad university,, Tabriz, Iran



Traditional contextures and neighborhoods, as the primary residents center for urban residences, play a key role in the citizens’ life and one or more neighborhood center in its spatial structure cause the neighborhood spine to be more prominent. With the advent of modernism, such neighborhoods could not find chance to conform themselves with the new conditions and they lost their coherent contexture gradually as a result of street making and the function of the neighborhoods’ centers became prone to destruction, changing into low prosperous environments for their residents and this caused the current social activities to be fade out in the neighborhood.
Data and Method
developing a strategy of regenerating spatial structure of current condition in the Hokmabad neighborhood to create a lively urban space.The research strategy is a cases study. Firstly, for identification of overall structure of the neighborhood, in addition to studying the neighborhood background and investigating library documents, we proceeded on studying and investigating aerial maps and field data. Then analyzing the available data, regeneration manual of the neighborhood centers and their indexes were explained and lastly, the objective-oriented regeneration model of the area was developed.
Results and Discussion
Neighborhood center regeneration through exact identification of the neighborhood spine and generating new spaces in between traditional structure, relying on necessities and needs of time and past place of the neighborhoods might result in protecting their social and economic system and spatial organizing and this organizes spatial and physical structure of the neighborhood in accordance with its exclusive spatial and form features.
Making change in the form-spatial structure and function of the Hokm Abad neighborhood centers seems necessary, because improvement of physical identity and liveliness revival in the neighborhood and organizing overall  structure of the neighborhood will not be achieved without reviving centers of the neighborhood and its main street.


Main Subjects

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