Document Type : Research Paper


1 university of tabriz

2 Assistant professor and faculty member of the Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Planning and Environmental Sciences, Tabriz University

3 expert in geography and urban planning, majoring in urban planning


Population growth and urbanization have reduced the per capita access to many social and economic facilities and its consequences have been manifested in a decrease in the quality of life in various urban areas.Tabriz metropolis, like most major cities in the country, is the bedrock of spatial inefficiency in the regions to benefit from public urban services, especially educational services. The need to pay attention to educational use as the most basic urban public services is very important due to the youth of our country. This research has analyzed the distribution of educational centers in Tabriz, especially girls' schools in the first and second secondary school, from the point of view of spatial justice. The research method is descriptive-analytical. In order to achieve the research objectives, GIS software has been used to determine the operating radius of these units and the per capita of these units has been calculated and compared with the standard per capita and the amount of shortage or surplus of these services has been determined. In order to rank these schools, indicators have been determined and these indicators have been weighed using the Topsis technique. Finally, the schools have been ranked from excellent to very poor in terms of the desired indicators and have shown their distribution in the city of Tabriz Has been. The result is that the largest number of schools are ranked as poor schools and only 7 schools are excellent according to the desired indicators, which are located in areas 1 and 3.The urban management of Tabriz metropolis needs to pay attention to areas deprived of the educational services index.


Population growth and urbanization have reduced the per capita access to many social and economic facilities and its consequences have been manifested in a decrease in the quality of life in various urban areas.Tabriz metropolis, like most major cities in the country, is the bedrock of spatial inefficiency in the regions to benefit from public urban services, especially educational services. The need to pay attention to educational use as the most basic urban public services is very important due to the youth of our country. This research has analyzed the distribution of educational centers in Tabriz, especially girls' schools in the first and second secondary school, from the point of view of spatial justice. The research method is descriptive-analytical. In order to achieve the research objectives, GIS software has been used to determine the operating radius of these units and the per capita of these units has been calculated and compared with the standard per capita and the amount of shortage or surplus of these services has been determined. In order to rank these schools, indicators have been determined and these indicators have been weighed using the Topsis technique. Finally, the schools have been ranked from excellent to very poor in terms of the desired indicators and have shown their distribution in the city of Tabriz Has been. The result is that the largest number of schools are ranked as poor schools and only 7 schools are excellent according to the desired indicators, which are located in areas 1 and 3.The urban management of Tabriz metropolis needs to pay attention to areas deprived of the educational services index.


Main Subjects

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