Document Type : Research Paper


univercity Isfahan,Isfahan.iran


In this research, using contextual analysis method, the contexts of rural home business development were identified. The information was collected based on semi-structured interviews and a study of sources and documents. Findings show that out of 126 open codes, 34 basic concepts were identified that can be divided into 11 categories of organizing themes. . These concepts are divided into 11 categories including: motivational, structural and infrastructural factors, marketing, policy-making, educational and extension, management, partnership, financial and credit resources, information system, attitude and support as organizing themes of the research subject. Were. The results of the analysis indicate that the participation of members, empowerment of stakeholders, change of attitude of villagers, improvement of credit and financial resources of villagers, improvement of infrastructure and comprehensive policy for the development of home-based businesses should be considered.

Employment and unemployment, which are very important issues in rural areas, can be solved in general through home-based jobs and their development.


Main Subjects

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