Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Planning and Environmental Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran

2 MSC of Geography and Urban Planning - University of Tabriz

3 P.hd. Student Geography and Urban Planning - University of Tabriz


The city of Tabriz, which has the fastest urban growth in the northwest of the country, is one of the largest cities in Iran in terms of population, economic activity, industry and transportation options. Public transportation and industry combustion and lack of proper filtration of these industries, such as thermal power plants, has led to increased air pollution in the city. For this purpose, the present study tries to use input variables (distance from industrial centers, humidity, temperature, population density, distance from commercial centers, distance from bus stations, distance from educational centers, vegetation changes, distance from free Roads, building density, wind direction, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide) to assess air pollution using artificial neural networks in the metropolis of Tabriz. In the present study, the independent variables affecting the distribution of pollution probability in two models of multilayer perceptron neural network (MLP) and linear regression were tried to be defined by defining measures in urban management and influencing and planning the mentioned variables.‌Improve pollution control.The results show that the major pollutants are mostly suspended particles (PM10), gas (CO2), (SO2) and (NOx).The dispersion of airborne particles is mostly‌due to vehicle traffic, industrial activities, fuel combustion of diesel engines and construction and the need to generate more electricity.-The activities of thermal power plants, Tabriz refinery and domestic and commercial heating systems are also among the factors producing SO2 and the highest CO2 production is related to the fuel of gasoline-burning vehicles.‌The intensity of the increase in the amount of this pollutant in all selected stations in the autumn and winter seasons is much higher, so that in these seasons the pollutants reach more than twice the allowable level.The share of Tabriz air pollutants can be divided into three general categories, the most important of which is the thermal power plant and transportation.


Main Subjects

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