Document Type : Research Paper



2 Department of Geography and Planning, School of Geography, University of Tabriz



Local planning of rural settlements is an inevitable issue and requires foresight and the development of appropriate development policies in this area. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of nature and data collection is descriptive-analytical and based on the nature of data is mixed and in terms of time is futuristic. The sample size of the present study consists of 30 panels of respondents. MICMAC method has been used for futurism and processing of interaction matrices. Local development plans, include "rural guide plans, rural areas reorganization plan, scattered village integration plan, improvement plan, reorganization plan and protection of valuable villages, development plan and Rural development is a plan for the sustainable development of rural systems and a program for the economic development and job creation of rural areas. Due to the importance of local development projects in the geographical space of rural settlements in East Azerbaijan province have been more or less effective, which include the scope of research. 22 influential variables and finally 7 key drivers: "Creating a single and clear management system for the villages, Local potential in planning, sectoral and local plans, stakeholder participation, resource self-sufficiency in a system, the role of middle cities in local rural development and finally the appropriate implementation model" in local planning of rural settlements were identified. "Creating a single and clear management system for the villages" is in the first place of direct and indirect impact and is of great importance.


Local planning of rural settlements is an inevitable issue and requires foresight and the development of appropriate development policies in this area. The present study is applied in terms of purpose and in terms of nature and data collection is descriptive-analytical and based on the nature of data is mixed and in terms of time is futuristic. The sample size of the present study consists of 30 panels of respondents. MICMAC method has been used for futurism and processing of interaction matrices. Local development plans, include "rural guide plans, rural areas reorganization plan, scattered village integration plan, improvement plan, reorganization plan and protection of valuable villages, development plan and Rural development is a plan for the sustainable development of rural systems and a program for the economic development and job creation of rural areas. Due to the importance of local development projects in the geographical space of rural settlements in East Azerbaijan province have been more or less effective, which include the scope of research. 22 influential variables and finally 7 key drivers: "Creating a single and clear management system for the villages, Local potential in planning, sectoral and local plans, stakeholder participation, resource self-sufficiency in a system, the role of middle cities in local rural development and finally the appropriate implementation model" in local planning of rural settlements were identified. "Creating a single and clear management system for the villages" is in the first place of direct and indirect impact and is of great importance


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