Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.A Student of Geography and urban planning, Mahshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahshahr, Iran

2 Ph.D., Department of Geography and urban planning, Mahshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahshahr, Iran


Educational spaces are among strategic urban land uses. that use the principles of passive defense as the most important measures to reduce their risk against threats and increased security and safety and the improvement of their sustainability is considered. The aim of this research, identify and evaluate the indicators of the safety western sector of elementary schools is bandar Imam khomeini city with an emphasis on passive defense. The current research is applied and the research method is survey evaluation with emphasis on the questionnaire. The statistical populations are all managers, assistants, teachers, and several experts of the department of education and some city officials of bandar imam khomeini city, and the determined sample size is 117 people. To ass the data distribution normality, the kolmogorov-sminrov test was used, and to check the research variables status the structural equation modeling using the partial least squares (PLS) method the SMARTPLS software was used and for weighting and shannon entropy and codas models were used for ranking the selected research schools. The research findings from the PLS test to determine the level of safety and risk taking of these schools reveal that: the equipment index with an impact factor of 0.842 is the highest rate and the proximity and accessibility index with 0.595 has the lowest rate impact among the research indicators. similarly, the results of the ranking schools located in the study area and the calculation of the selected research indicators by the codas model, level of safety and risk taking setayesh school with a final score of 0.625 (Hi) was in good situation(first place) and sizdeh aban school with a final score of 0.125 was in adverse situation (last place) among the investigated indicators.


Educational spaces are among strategic urban land uses. that use the principles of passive defense as the most important measures to reduce their risk against threats and increased security and safety and the improvement of their sustainability is considered. The aim of this research, identify and evaluate the indicators of the safety western sector of elementary schools is bandar Imam khomeini city with an emphasis on passive defense. The current research is applied and the research method is survey evaluation with emphasis on the questionnaire. The statistical populations are all managers, assistants, teachers, and several experts of the department of education and some city officials of bandar imam khomeini city, and the determined sample size is 117 people. To ass the data distribution normality, the kolmogorov-sminrov test was used, and to check the research variables status the structural equation modeling using the partial least squares (PLS) method the SMARTPLS software was used and for weighting and shannon entropy and codas models were used for ranking the selected research schools. The research findings from the PLS test to determine the level of safety and risk taking of these schools reveal that: the equipment index with an impact factor of 0.842 is the highest rate and the proximity and accessibility index with 0.595 has the lowest rate impact among the research indicators. similarly, the results of the ranking schools located in the study area and the calculation of the selected research indicators by the codas model, level of safety and risk taking setayesh school with a final score of 0.625 (Hi) was in good situation(first place) and sizdeh aban school with a final score of 0.125 was in adverse situation (last place) among the investigated indicators.


Main Subjects

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