Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Pro, Faculty of Architectural Engineering and Urbanism, Shahroud University of Technology(SUT), Shahroood, Iran.



The present study raised the issue of satisfaction with physical-spatial indicators of sustainability in the degree of satisfaction and loyalty of residents to the city, and the importance of sustainability indicators from the perspective of citizens and the performance of the city in their objective and subjective determination were investigated. The statistical population is the central population of Tabriz metropolis and the sample size was estimated to be 384 people. Questionnaires were analyzed using IPA and SEM methods. Considering the network analysis in the IPA method and specifying the priorities and importance and performance of the indicators, the findings were synchronized and analyzed using structural equations. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) fit indices, such as chi-square statistic (x2/FD) = 2.365, goodness of fit index (GFI = 0.961), comparative fit index (CFI = 0.972), fit index smoothed (NFI=0.936), Tucker-Lewis index (Tli=0.959), root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA=0.029), and root mean square of standardized data (SRMR=0.035) was obtained. The value of RMSEA is less than 0.1, which indicates a very good fit of the model. The results show that resident satisfaction mediates the relationship between perceived overall performance and resident loyalty; the relationship between perceived overall importance and resident loyalty is mediated by perceived overall performance and resident satisfaction, and sustainable city performance increases people's understanding of sustainable development and increases people's understanding of sustainable development and residents' loyalty to the place of residence. The result was presented in the form of strategies in five content areas (access system, physical-spatial, landscape, activity and performance organization and urban use) and three procedural areas (legal, economic and urban management).


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