Document Type : Research Paper
1 PhD student in geography and urban planning, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran.
2 Department of Geography, Islamic Azad University Ardabil Branch, Ardabil, Iran
3 Assistant Professor of Geography Department, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardabil, Iran.
Many cities are exposed to natural hazards such as earthquakes. One of the important goals of urban planning is to reduce the vulnerability and make cities resilient against earthquakes, and the first step to realize this goal is to recognize and assess the vulnerability of Khalkhal city to a possible earthquake. The main goal of this research is to assess the vulnerability of earthquake hazards with a resilience approach in Khalkhal city.
The current research is descriptive-analytical in terms of method and applied research in terms of nature. In this research, first through library studies, factors affecting resilience were identified and after preparing the research conceptual model, a questionnaire was designed in order to achieve the desired goal. Determining its statistical sample size was done using the Cochran method and the sampling method was done using the simple random method. To measure resilience, 380 citizens and 15 experts were selected as the sample size of the research among the households living in Khalkhal city. After collecting data and field information, SPSS software was used for data analysis and for drawing maps and zoning in ARCGIS software.
According to the output of SPSS in the form of a GIS map, it can be said that the central part of Khalkhal city is in low resilience and is prone to earthquakes, and many parts of Khalkhal city are in medium resilience and few parts of the city are in The state of resilience is very unfavorable; Also, according to the single-sample parametric test, the results of the research show that in the implementation of urban resilience, social, physical, economic and institutional criteria are ranked first to fourth in the resilience of Khalkhal city, and they have an effective role on the efficiency of urban resilience in this city.
A city is considered fully resilient when all the components, indicators and dimensions of resilience in that city are in a better condition and are being improved, and perhaps the uneven improvement of various dimensions of urban resilience will not lead to the resilience of the entire city and its people.
In the current research, using standard indicators, the vulnerability of Khalkhal city was determined, and taking into account the results of the methods and combining them with the geographic information system, the vulnerability map of the city was drawn. Looking at Figure 5, which is the output of SPSS model, it can be said that the central part of Khalkhal city is in low resilience and is prone to earthquakes. In general, according to the above map, many parts of the city of Khalkhal are in medium resilience (yellow) and very few parts of Khalkhal are in very poor resilience (red). It was also found that the conditions of the central core of Khalkhal city are unsuitable and during an earthquake, it will cause casualties and financial damages. These neighborhoods correspond to the worn-out and old texture of the outskirts of the city, which are in unfavorable conditions and are seriously vulnerable.
The current study shows that the level of resilience of the existing situation in Khalkhal city in social, economic, institutional and physical environmental dimensions is not evaluated favorably and with the change of each of the dimensions, the level of resilience of households also changes.
By using the questionnaire in the data analysis unit of the spss environment, the results obtained through statistical tests showed that the Cronbach's alpha of the entire questionnaire of this research is equal to 0.953 (more than 0.7), which indicates that the questionnaire has excellent reliability, also in The section for determining the quality status of the items, the questionnaire questions were examined based on the determined dimensions and showed that none of the indicators and items of the dimensions of resilience in Khalkhal city are in average or higher conditions.
Further, the results of the Friedman test show that the social index with an average of 2.92 has a more unfavorable situation than the rest of the indicators according to the experts, while the institutional index with an average of 2.11 has a favorable situation. In addition to the mentioned cases in the implementation of urban resilience, according to the single-sample parametric test, social criteria with an average of 2.56 (first priority), physical-environmental criteria with an average of 2.50 (second priority), economic criteria with an average of 2.49 (third priority) and institutional criteria with an average 2.44 (last priority) have an effective role on the efficiency of urban resilience in Khalkhal city, which can contribute to sustainable urban development; Therefore, at the 95% confidence level, it can be claimed that the state of resilience indicators in the studied area is less resilient in the face of earthquake and the state of these variables (dimensions) is significantly lower than average level of 3.
In the end, Spearman's correlation coefficient was tested and the results obtained that there is a significant relationship between the components and the resilience of Khalkhal city through statistical tests, showed that there is a significant relationship between the level of resilience and the social, economic, and physical institutional components. In other words, according to the Spearman correlation coefficient, there is a significant relationship between the dimensions and a strong positive correlation. In other words, the higher the level of the mentioned components among the citizens, the higher the level of resilience. The results of the investigation and the research of other researchers can lead to lessons in the preparation of increasing resilience against reactions and crises. In such a way that the safety of the city against risks is considered as a goal at all levels of planning, which reduces vulnerability and increases resilience in cities. Suggestions to increase the resilience of Khalkhal city are shown in Table 18.
Main Subjects
بسیاری از شهرها در معرض مخاطرات طبیعی ازجمله زمینلرزه هستند. یکی از اهداف مهم برنامهریزی شهری کاهش آسیبپذیری و تاب آور نمودن شهرها در برابر زمینلرزه است و اولین گام برای تحقق این هدف، شناخت و ارزیابی میزان آسیبپذیری شهر خلخال در مقابل زمینلرزۀ احتمالی است. هدف اصلی این پژوهش سنجش آسیبپذیری خطرات زمینلرزه با رویکرد تابآوری در شهر خلخال است.
پژوهش حاضر ازلحاظ روش از نوع توصیفی- تحلیلی و ازلحاظ ماهیت جزو پژوهشهای کاربردی است. در این پژوهش ابتدا از طریق مطالعات کتابخانهای، عوامل مؤثر بر تابآوری شناسایی و پس از تهیه مدل مفهومی تحقیق، پرسشنامهای در راستای رسیدن به هدف موردنظر طراحی گردید. تعیین حجم نمونه آماری آن با استفاده از روش کوکران و روش نمونهگیری با استفاده از روش تصادفی ساده انجام شد. برای سنجش تابآوری از بین خانوارهای ساکن در شهر خلخال، تعداد ۳۸۰ نفر از شهروندان و ۱۵ نفر کارشناسان بهعنوان حجم نمونه تحقیق انتخاب شدند. پس از جمعآوری دادهها و اطلاعات میدانی در راستای تجزیهوتحلیل دادهها از نرمافزار SPSS و برای ترسیم نقشهها و پهنهبندیها در قالب نرمافزار ARCGIS استفاده شد.
با توجه به نتیجه خروجی SPSS در قالب نقشه GIS میتوان بیان کرد که بخش مرکزی شهر خلخال در شرایط تابآوری پایینی قرار دارد و زلزلهخیز است و نقاط زیادی از وسعت شهر خلخال در وضعیت تابآوری متوسط و نقاط کمی از شهر در وضعیت تابآوری بسیار نامناسب قرار دارد؛ همچنین با توجه به آزمون پارامتریکتی تک نمونهای نتایج حاصل از پژوهش نشان میدهد که در پیادهسازی تابآوری شهری، معیارهای اجتماعی، کالبدی، اقتصادی و نهادی به ترتیب در رتبههای اول تا چهارم تابآوری شهر خلخال قرارگرفتهاند و نقش مؤثری بر کارآمدی تابآوری شهری در این شهر دارند.
- Abenayake, Ch. Yoshiki, M, Marasinghe, A, Takashi, Y, & Masahiro, I.(2016). Applicability of extra-local methods for assessing community resilience to disasters: a case of Sri Lanka, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 18 (2), 1650010
- Armstrong A. R.(2011).Emotional intelligence and psychological resilience to negative life events, Personality and Individual Differences, 50,440-446.
- Adger, W.N.(2000). Social and ecological resilience: Are they related? Progress in Human Geography, 24 (3), 347-364.
- Batabyal, A.A.(1988).The concept of resilience: retrospect and prospect, Environment and Development, Economics, 3 (2), 221-262.
- Berkes, F, J. Colding & C. Folke.(2007). Cambridge University Press: Navigating social-ecological systems: building resilience for complexity and change Carpenter, S. R. et al, (2001), Ecosystems, From metaphor to measurement: Adaptiveco-management : collaboration , learning and multi- level governance:19-37.
- Cutter, S.L.(2008). et al, A place-based model for understanding community resilience to natural disasters. Global environmental change. 18(4),598-606.
- Gilbert, S.W. (2010). Disaster Resilience: A Guide to the Literature, NIST Special Publication 1117, Office of Applied Economics, Engineering Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.
- Harody, J.Ruete, R (2013). Incorporating Climate Change Adaptation into Planning For a Livable City in Rosario; Argentina.Environment and Urbanization, 2, 339–360.
- Kofinas, G. (2003), Resilience of human-rangifer systems: Frames off resilience help to inform studies of human dimensions of change and regional sustainability, HDP.
- Kontokosta, C.E, & Malik, A.(2018). The Resilience to Emergencies and Disasters Index: Applying big data to benchmark and validate neighborhood resilience capacity, Sustainable Cities and Society, 36, 272–285.
- Labaka, L, Marana, P, Gimenez, R. & Hernantes, J. (2019). Defining the roadmap towards city resilience. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 146, 281–296.
- Manyena, S. B. (2006). The concept of resilience revisited. Disasters, 30(4), 434-450.
- Mitchell, T. & Harris, K. (2012). Resilience: a risk management approach, background note, ODI.
- Rahmawati, D, Supriharjo, R, Setiawan & Pradinie, (2014).Community Participation in Heritage Tourism for Gresik Resilience, Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 135, 142- 146.
- Simmie James, Ron Martin (2015). the economic resilience of regions: towards an evolutionary approach.Cambridge journal of regions economy and society, 3: pp 27–43.
- M. (2015). Resilience revisited: taking institutional theory seriously, Ecology and Society, 20(4), 23-35..
- Steven J. R. (2016), A multi-scalar, mixed methods framework for assessing rural communities’ capacity for resilience, adaptation, and transformation, Journal Community Development.124,140
- Suoninen, L. (2017), Leading resilient organization – Change leadership’s impact on organizational resilience, Doctoral Thesis, Advisor Aino Kianto, Department of Knowledge Management Lappeenranta University of Technology, the case of the 2011 earthquakes in van, turkey. International journal of the sister risk reduction 16:108-114.
- US-ISDR (2004), Annual report from International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, United Nations.
- Villagran de leon, juan, varlos (2006), A conseptual and Methodological Review issues 2006 of source: Reserch Councel, Education: Publication Series UNU-EHS, issue 4 of Studies of the university: research, counsel, education.
- Ylenia, S. Luca, S & Maria, R.V(2021). Seismic response of masonry buildings in historical centres struk by the 2016 Central Italy earthquake, Calibration of a vulnerability model for strengthend conditions, Constraction and Building Materials, Vol. 299, 123911, conbuildmat. 2021.123911.
- Zhou, H. et al, "Resilience to natural hazards: A geographic perspective", Nat Hazards, DOI 10.1007/s11069- 009- 9407-y, 2009
- Abenayake, Ch. Yoshiki, M, Marasinghe, A, Takashi, Y, & Masahiro, I.(2016). Applicability of extra-local methods for assessing community resilience to disasters: a case of Sri Lanka, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 18 (2), 1650010
- Armstrong A. R.(2011).Emotional intelligence and psychological resilience to negative life events, Personality and Individual Differences, 50,440-446.
- Adger, W.N.(2000). Social and ecological resilience: Are they related? Progress in Human Geography, 24 (3), 347-364.
- Batabyal, A.A.(1988).The concept of resilience: retrospect and prospect, Environment and Development, Economics, 3 (2), 221-262.
- Berkes, F, J. Colding & C. Folke.(2007). Cambridge University Press: Navigating social-ecological systems: building resilience for complexity and change Carpenter, S. R. et al, (2001), Ecosystems, From metaphor to measurement: Adaptiveco-management : collaboration , learning and multi- level governance:19-37.
- Cutter, S.L.(2008). et al, A place-based model for understanding community resilience to natural disasters. Global environmental change. 18(4),598-606.
- Gilbert, S.W. (2010). Disaster Resilience: A Guide to the Literature, NIST Special Publication 1117, Office of Applied Economics, Engineering Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.
- Harody, J.Ruete, R (2013). Incorporating Climate Change Adaptation into Planning For a Livable City in Rosario; Argentina.Environment and Urbanization, 2, 339–360.
- Kofinas, G. (2003), Resilience of human-rangifer systems: Frames off resilience help to inform studies of human dimensions of change and regional sustainability, HDP.
- Kontokosta, C.E, & Malik, A.(2018). The Resilience to Emergencies and Disasters Index: Applying big data to benchmark and validate neighborhood resilience capacity, Sustainable Cities and Society, 36, 272–285.
- Labaka, L, Marana, P, Gimenez, R. & Hernantes, J. (2019). Defining the roadmap towards city resilience. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 146, 281–296.
- Manyena, S. B. (2006). The concept of resilience revisited. Disasters, 30(4), 434-450.
- Mitchell, T. & Harris, K. (2012). Resilience: a risk management approach, background note, ODI.
- Rahmawati, D, Supriharjo, R, Setiawan & Pradinie, (2014).Community Participation in Heritage Tourism for Gresik Resilience, Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 135, 142- 146.
- Simmie James, Ron Martin (2015). the economic resilience of regions: towards an evolutionary approach.Cambridge journal of regions economy and society, 3: pp 27–43.
- M. (2015). Resilience revisited: taking institutional theory seriously, Ecology and Society, 20(4), 23-35..
- Steven J. R. (2016), A multi-scalar, mixed methods framework for assessing rural communities’ capacity for resilience, adaptation, and transformation, Journal Community Development.124,140
- Suoninen, L. (2017), Leading resilient organization – Change leadership’s impact on organizational resilience, Doctoral Thesis, Advisor Aino Kianto, Department of Knowledge Management Lappeenranta University of Technology, the case of the 2011 earthquakes in van, turkey. International journal of the sister risk reduction 16:108-114.
- US-ISDR (2004), Annual report from International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, United Nations.
- Villagran de leon, juan, varlos (2006), A conseptual and Methodological Review issues 2006 of source: Reserch Councel, Education: Publication Series UNU-EHS, issue 4 of Studies of the university: research, counsel, education.
- Ylenia, S. Luca, S & Maria, R.V(2021). Seismic response of masonry buildings in historical centres struk by the 2016 Central Italy earthquake, Calibration of a vulnerability model for strengthend conditions, Constraction and Building Materials, Vol. 299, 123911, conbuildmat. 2021.123911.
- Zhou, H. et al, "Resilience to natural hazards: A geographic perspective", Nat Hazards, DOI 10.1007/s11069- 009- 9407-y, 2009.
- Abenayake, Ch. Yoshiki, M, Marasinghe, A, Takashi, Y, & Masahiro, I.(2016). Applicability of extra-local methods for assessing community resilience to disasters: a case of Sri Lanka, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 18 (2), 1650010
- Armstrong A. R.(2011).Emotional intelligence and psychological resilience to negative life events, Personality and Individual Differences, 50,440-446.
- Adger, W.N.(2000). Social and ecological resilience: Are they related? Progress in Human Geography, 24 (3), 347-364.
- Batabyal, A.A.(1988).The concept of resilience: retrospect and prospect, Environment and Development, Economics, 3 (2), 221-262.
- Berkes, F, J. Colding & C. Folke.(2007). Cambridge University Press: Navigating social-ecological systems: building resilience for complexity and change Carpenter, S. R. et al, (2001), Ecosystems, From metaphor to measurement: Adaptiveco-management : collaboration , learning and multi- level governance:19-37.
- Cutter, S.L.(2008). et al, A place-based model for understanding community resilience to natural disasters. Global environmental change. 18(4),598-606.
- Gilbert, S.W. (2010). Disaster Resilience: A Guide to the Literature, NIST Special Publication 1117, Office of Applied Economics, Engineering Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.
- Harody, J.Ruete, R (2013). Incorporating Climate Change Adaptation into Planning For a Livable City in Rosario; Argentina.Environment and Urbanization, 2, 339–360.
- Kofinas, G. (2003), Resilience of human-rangifer systems: Frames off resilience help to inform studies of human dimensions of change and regional sustainability, HDP.
- Kontokosta, C.E, & Malik, A.(2018). The Resilience to Emergencies and Disasters Index: Applying big data to benchmark and validate neighborhood resilience capacity, Sustainable Cities and Society, 36, 272–285.
- Labaka, L, Marana, P, Gimenez, R. & Hernantes, J. (2019). Defining the roadmap towards city resilience. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 146, 281–296.
- Manyena, S. B. (2006). The concept of resilience revisited. Disasters, 30(4), 434-450.
- Mitchell, T. & Harris, K. (2012). Resilience: a risk management approach, background note, ODI.
- Rahmawati, D, Supriharjo, R, Setiawan & Pradinie, (2014).Community Participation in Heritage Tourism for Gresik Resilience, Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 135, 142- 146.
- Simmie James, Ron Martin (2015). the economic resilience of regions: towards an evolutionary approach.Cambridge journal of regions economy and society, 3: pp 27–43.
- M. (2015). Resilience revisited: taking institutional theory seriously, Ecology and Society, 20(4), 23-35..
- Steven J. R. (2016), A multi-scalar, mixed methods framework for assessing rural communities’ capacity for resilience, adaptation, and transformation, Journal Community Development.124,140
- Suoninen, L. (2017), Leading resilient organization – Change leadership’s impact on organizational resilience, Doctoral Thesis, Advisor Aino Kianto, Department of Knowledge Management Lappeenranta University of Technology, the case of the 2011 earthquakes in van, turkey. International journal of the sister risk reduction 16:108-114.
- US-ISDR (2004), Annual report from International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, United Nations.
- Villagran de leon, juan, varlos (2006), A conseptual and Methodological Review issues 2006 of source: Reserch Councel, Education: Publication Series UNU-EHS, issue 4 of Studies of the university: research, counsel, education.
- Ylenia, S. Luca, S & Maria, R.V(2021). Seismic response of masonry buildings in historical centres struk by the 2016 Central Italy earthquake, Calibration of a vulnerability model for strengthend conditions, Constraction and Building Materials, Vol. 299, 123911, conbuildmat. 2021.123911.
- Zhou, H. et al, "Resilience to natural hazards: A geographic perspective", Nat Hazards, DOI 10.1007/s11069- 009- 9407-y, 2009.
- Abenayake, Ch. Yoshiki, M, Marasinghe, A, Takashi, Y, & Masahiro, I.(2016). Applicability of extra-local methods for assessing community resilience to disasters: a case of Sri Lanka, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 18 (2), 1650010
- Armstrong A. R.(2011).Emotional intelligence and psychological resilience to negative life events, Personality and Individual Differences, 50,440-446.
- Adger, W.N.(2000). Social and ecological resilience: Are they related? Progress in Human Geography, 24 (3), 347-364.
- Batabyal, A.A.(1988).The concept of resilience: retrospect and prospect, Environment and Development, Economics, 3 (2), 221-262.
- Berkes, F, J. Colding & C. Folke.(2007). Cambridge University Press: Navigating social-ecological systems: building resilience for complexity and change Carpenter, S. R. et al, (2001), Ecosystems, From metaphor to measurement: Adaptiveco-management : collaboration , learning and multi- level governance:19-37.
- Cutter, S.L.(2008). et al, A place-based model for understanding community resilience to natural disasters. Global environmental change. 18(4),598-606.
- Gilbert, S.W. (2010). Disaster Resilience: A Guide to the Literature, NIST Special Publication 1117, Office of Applied Economics, Engineering Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.
- Harody, J.Ruete, R (2013). Incorporating Climate Change Adaptation into Planning For a Livable City in Rosario; Argentina.Environment and Urbanization, 2, 339–360.
- Kofinas, G. (2003), Resilience of human-rangifer systems: Frames off resilience help to inform studies of human dimensions of change and regional sustainability, HDP.
- Kontokosta, C.E, & Malik, A.(2018). The Resilience to Emergencies and Disasters Index: Applying big data to benchmark and validate neighborhood resilience capacity, Sustainable Cities and Society, 36, 272–285.
- Labaka, L, Marana, P, Gimenez, R. & Hernantes, J. (2019). Defining the roadmap towards city resilience. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 146, 281–296.
- Manyena, S. B. (2006). The concept of resilience revisited. Disasters, 30(4), 434-450.
- Mitchell, T. & Harris, K. (2012). Resilience: a risk management approach, background note, ODI.
- Rahmawati, D, Supriharjo, R, Setiawan & Pradinie, (2014).Community Participation in Heritage Tourism for Gresik Resilience, Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 135, 142- 146.
- Simmie James, Ron Martin (2015). the economic resilience of regions: towards an evolutionary approach.Cambridge journal of regions economy and society, 3: pp 27–43.
- M. (2015). Resilience revisited: taking institutional theory seriously, Ecology and Society, 20(4), 23-35..
- Steven J. R. (2016), A multi-scalar, mixed methods framework for assessing rural communities’ capacity for resilience, adaptation, and transformation, Journal Community Development.124,140
- Suoninen, L. (2017), Leading resilient organization – Change leadership’s impact on organizational resilience, Doctoral Thesis, Advisor Aino Kianto, Department of Knowledge Management Lappeenranta University of Technology, the case of the 2011 earthquakes in van, turkey. International journal of the sister risk reduction 16:108-114.
- US-ISDR (2004), Annual report from International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, United Nations.
- Villagran de leon, juan, varlos (2006), A conseptual and Methodological Review issues 2006 of source: Reserch Councel, Education: Publication Series UNU-EHS, issue 4 of Studies of the university: research, counsel, education.
- Ylenia, S. Luca, S & Maria, R.V(2021). Seismic response of masonry buildings in historical centres struk by the 2016 Central Italy earthquake, Calibration of a vulnerability model for strengthend conditions, Constraction and Building Materials, Vol. 299, 123911, conbuildmat. 2021.123911.
- Zhou, H. et al, "Resilience to natural hazards: A geographic perspective", Nat Hazards, DOI 10.1007/s11069- 009- 9407-y, 2009.
- Abenayake, Ch. Yoshiki, M, Marasinghe, A, Takashi, Y, & Masahiro, I.(2016). Applicability of extra-local methods for assessing community resilience to disasters: a case of Sri Lanka, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 18 (2), 1650010
- Armstrong A. R.(2011).Emotional intelligence and psychological resilience to negative life events, Personality and Individual Differences, 50,440-446.
- Adger, W.N.(2000). Social and ecological resilience: Are they related? Progress in Human Geography, 24 (3), 347-364.
- Batabyal, A.A.(1988).The concept of resilience: retrospect and prospect, Environment and Development, Economics, 3 (2), 221-262.
- Berkes, F, J. Colding & C. Folke.(2007). Cambridge University Press: Navigating social-ecological systems: building resilience for complexity and change Carpenter, S. R. et al, (2001), Ecosystems, From metaphor to measurement: Adaptiveco-management : collaboration , learning and multi- level governance:19-37.
- Cutter, S.L.(2008). et al, A place-based model for understanding community resilience to natural disasters. Global environmental change. 18(4),598-606.
- Gilbert, S.W. (2010). Disaster Resilience: A Guide to the Literature, NIST Special Publication 1117, Office of Applied Economics, Engineering Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.
- Harody, J.Ruete, R (2013). Incorporating Climate Change Adaptation into Planning For a Livable City in Rosario; Argentina.Environment and Urbanization, 2, 339–360.
- Kofinas, G. (2003), Resilience of human-rangifer systems: Frames off resilience help to inform studies of human dimensions of change and regional sustainability, HDP.
- Kontokosta, C.E, & Malik, A.(2018). The Resilience to Emergencies and Disasters Index: Applying big data to benchmark and validate neighborhood resilience capacity, Sustainable Cities and Society, 36, 272–285.
- Labaka, L, Marana, P, Gimenez, R. & Hernantes, J. (2019). Defining the roadmap towards city resilience. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 146, 281–296.
- Manyena, S. B. (2006). The concept of resilience revisited. Disasters, 30(4), 434-450.
- Mitchell, T. & Harris, K. (2012). Resilience: a risk management approach, background note, ODI.
- Rahmawati, D, Supriharjo, R, Setiawan & Pradinie, (2014).Community Participation in Heritage Tourism for Gresik Resilience, Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 135, 142- 146.
- Simmie James, Ron Martin (2015). the economic resilience of regions: towards an evolutionary approach.Cambridge journal of regions economy and society, 3: pp 27–43.
- M. (2015). Resilience revisited: taking institutional theory seriously, Ecology and Society, 20(4), 23-35..
- Steven J. R. (2016), A multi-scalar, mixed methods framework for assessing rural communities’ capacity for resilience, adaptation, and transformation, Journal Community Development.124,140
- Suoninen, L. (2017), Leading resilient organization – Change leadership’s impact on organizational resilience, Doctoral Thesis, Advisor Aino Kianto, Department of Knowledge Management Lappeenranta University of Technology, the case of the 2011 earthquakes in van, turkey. International journal of the sister risk reduction 16:108-114.
- US-ISDR (2004), Annual report from International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, United Nations.
- Villagran de leon, juan, varlos (2006), A conseptual and Methodological Review issues 2006 of source: Reserch Councel, Education: Publication Series UNU-EHS, issue 4 of Studies of the university: research, counsel, education.
- Ylenia, S. Luca, S & Maria, R.V(2021). Seismic response of masonry buildings in historical centres struk by the 2016 Central Italy earthquake, Calibration of a vulnerability model for strengthend conditions, Constraction and Building Materials, Vol. 299, 123911, conbuildmat. 2021.123911.
- Zhou, H. et al, "Resilience to natural hazards: A geographic perspective", Nat Hazards, DOI 10.1007/s11069- 009- 9407-y, 2009.
- Abenayake, Ch. Yoshiki, M, Marasinghe, A, Takashi, Y, & Masahiro, I.(2016). Applicability of extra-local methods for assessing community resilience to disasters: a case of Sri Lanka, Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, 18 (2), 1650010
- Armstrong A. R.(2011).Emotional intelligence and psychological resilience to negative life events, Personality and Individual Differences, 50,440-446.
- Adger, W.N.(2000). Social and ecological resilience: Are they related? Progress in Human Geography, 24 (3), 347-364.
- Batabyal, A.A.(1988).The concept of resilience: retrospect and prospect, Environment and Development, Economics, 3 (2), 221-262.
- Berkes, F, J. Colding & C. Folke.(2007). Cambridge University Press: Navigating social-ecological systems: building resilience for complexity and change Carpenter, S. R. et al, (2001), Ecosystems, From metaphor to measurement: Adaptiveco-management : collaboration , learning and multi- level governance:19-37.
- Cutter, S.L.(2008). et al, A place-based model for understanding community resilience to natural disasters. Global environmental change. 18(4),598-606.
- Gilbert, S.W. (2010). Disaster Resilience: A Guide to the Literature, NIST Special Publication 1117, Office of Applied Economics, Engineering Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD.
- Harody, J.Ruete, R (2013). Incorporating Climate Change Adaptation into Planning For a Livable City in Rosario; Argentina.Environment and Urbanization, 2, 339–360.
- Kofinas, G. (2003), Resilience of human-rangifer systems: Frames off resilience help to inform studies of human dimensions of change and regional sustainability, HDP.
- Kontokosta, C.E, & Malik, A.(2018). The Resilience to Emergencies and Disasters Index: Applying big data to benchmark and validate neighborhood resilience capacity, Sustainable Cities and Society, 36, 272–285.
- Labaka, L, Marana, P, Gimenez, R. & Hernantes, J. (2019). Defining the roadmap towards city resilience. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 146, 281–296.
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