Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Geography and Urban Planning,, University of Tabriz

2 Associate Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tabriz

3 Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tabriz


Today, worn-out and inefficient textures are a major part from urban contexts and they have problems and specific structural and functional barriers which need to be examined importance-performance the urban regeneration indicators regarding the regeneration of inefficient textures. In this context, the present research has been done with the aim of assessment of importance-performance the urban regeneration indicators based on damages from inefficient urban texture of Saqqez city which has been identified the highest level of risk from injuries resulting from inefficient texture and it has also been assessment of importance-performance the Indicators.‌The current type of research is applied in terms of purpose and has been descriptive-analytical in terms of data collection and the field-library method has been used to collect information. In this research‌FMEA has been used of the infrastructure in the first stage to identify the damages from inefficient urban texture from Saqqez and specifying the risk priority number and determining operators and the IPA‌model has been used to assessment of importance-performance the indicators in the city of Saqqez in the next step. The investigations have shown in the FMEA‌method of the‌31‌risks raised in the10‌potential; 6‌potential effects have a high risk level (first stage; vulnerability to earthquakes, financial inability, managerial weakness and next stage;, increase in social abnormality, decrease in belongingness and increase in pollution) and the results of the IPA‌model have shown that there was no compatibility between the importance-performance the regeneration indicators of Saqqez and it is necessary to and it is necessary to be the first priority The Pay attention to the indicators of integrated urban management, organizing narrow roads, and access to main streets, compatibility of users, Supervision of construction and control of buildings, employment and income, investment in the neighborhood, improve participation and improving belonging to reduce the damage of inefficient textures.


In this research, it was used in the first stage from Kriging model in GIS environment to show the distribution of worn out and inefficient textures in the neighborhoods of Saqqez city which the findings showed the neighborhoods located in the northwest and southeast They are placed inappropriately and with high vulnerability and inefficiency in the neighborhoods and in the next step, the FMEA model was used to check the intensity of the effect from injuries resulting from inefficient textures in the neighborhoods of Saqqez city which have had 6 potential (above 300)  effects of significant risk level of the 31 risks in 10 indicators with potential impact; (­in the first stage; vulnerability to earthquakes, monetary-financial inability, management weakness, etc., in the next step; increase in social abnormality, decrease in belongingness and increase in pollution). Which it shows; have been at a serious level the damages from worn out and inefficient textures and raises the need attention and using the regeneration approach which is brought up a lot the need to pay attention to regeneration indicators to reduce the damage. In the end, the importance-performance the urban regeneration indicators was analyzed using the IPA model. After determining the position of regeneration indicators from inefficient textures in the city of Saqqez, It needs to be earned Weight (OW) from each of the indicators and normalized (SW) them, to be finally determined first priorities in recreation from inefficient textures in the city of Saqqez.  Finally, 6 have been diagnosed, in order of preference: integrated urban management index, organizing narrow passages and access to main streets, compatibility of users, supervision of construction and control of buildings and building quality, employment and income, investment in the neighborhood, improve social participation and improving spatial belonging.



It can be said that inefficient textures are very dangerous in terms of vulnerability against the earthquake, financial inability, and managerial weakness and in the next stage, the increase of social abnormality, decrease in belongingness and increased pollution according to the results of FMEA technique in the city of Saqqez and it is necessary to be placed in the first priority the Paying attention to integrated urban management indicators, organizing narrow passages and access to main streets, compatibility of users, Supervision of construction and control of buildings and building quality, employment and income, investment in the neighborhood, improving social participation and improve spatial belonging to reduce a lot of damage the result of inefficient textures according to the results of the IPA model. The mentioned indicators are important, so that this tissue has still preserved some of its capacities and capabilities like inefficient and vitality despite weariness and inefficient, if these abilities are protected and revived it will be a driving force for urban development. It is necessary to use a collaborative and demand-oriented approach with the presence of the population in inefficient textures for urban regeneration and avoiding top-down approaches and to facilitate management and urban planning and prevent repetitions and parallel works, between urban management institutions and to achieve integrated urban management. Increasing the role of residents can play a valuable role in creating the necessary balance and coordination in the affairs of their localities especially the residents of neighborhoods 6, 16, 17, 18 and 19 and their participation increases the place belonging, increasing social interaction and increasing the experience and skills of the participants and the participation of residents can also cause prosperity the tourism activities in the neighborhoods of Saqqez city. In this context it can have consequences Such as; creating job opportunities, increasing income and financial resources, creating motivation for investment, increasing belonging and optimal improvement of the environment


Main Subjects

امروزه بافت­های فرسوده و ناکارآمد قسمت عمده­ای از بافت­های شهری را تشکیل داده­اند و با مشکلات و موانع ساختاری و عملکردی خاصی روبرو هستند که لازم است ضمن توجه به بازآفرینی بافت­های فرسوده و ناکارآمد، اهمیت/عملکرد شاخص­های بازآفرینی شهری نیز مورد بررسی قرار گیرند. در این چارچوب تحقیق حاضر با هدف ارزیابی اهمیت/عملکرد شاخص­های بازآفرینی شهری برپایه آسیب­های حاصل از بافت­های ناکارآمد  شهر سقز؛ ضمن شناسایی و مشخص­سازی بیشترین سطح خطر آسیب­های حاصل از بافت­های ناکارآمد به ارزیابی اهمیت/عملکرد شاخص­های بازآفرینی شهری نیز پرداخته است. نوع تحقیق حاضر ازنظر هدف کاربردی و ازنظر گرد­آوری داده توصیفی-تحلیلی بوده است و برای­جمع­آوری اطلاعات از روش میدانی – کتابخانه­ای استفاده شده است. در این پژوهش در وهلۀ نخست از ارزیابی ریسک امنیتی زیرساخت(مدل  FMEA)­،  جهت شناسایی آسیب های حاصل از بافت­های ناکارآمد شهر سقز، مشخص­سازی اولویت و تعیین عملگرها استفاده‌شده است و در وهلۀ بعدی از مدل IPA برای بررسی اهمیت/عملکرد شاخص­های بازآفرینی شهر سقز استفاده‌شده است. بررسی­های صورت گرفته در قالب مدل FMEA نشان داده است که از 31آسیب مطرح شده  در قالب  10 اثر بالقوه؛  6 اثر بالقوه (در وهله اول آسیب‌‌پذیری در برابر زلزله، ناتوانی پولی-­ مالی، ضعف مدیریتی و در وهله بعدی افزایش ناهنجاری اجتماعی، کاهش تعلق خاطر و افزایش آلودگی) سطح خطر بارزی دارند و نتایج حاصل از مدل IPA نشان داده است که بین اهمیت و عملکرد شاخص­های بازآفرینی بافت­های ناکارآمد شهر سقز سازگاری وجود نداشته است و لازم است که توجه به شاخص­های مدیریت یکپارچه شهری، ساماندهی معابر کم عرض و دسترسی به شریان­های اصلی، سازگاری کاربری­ها­، نظارت بر ساخت و ساز و کنترل بناهاو کیفیت ابنیه، اشتغال و درآمد، سرمایه­گذاری در محله، بهبود مشارکت اجتماعی و بهبود تعلق مکانی به منظور کاهش آسیب­های بارز حاصل از بافت­های ناکارامد در اولویت نخست قرار گیرند.

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