Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Zanjan University

2 Islamic Azad University. law department.

3 Islamic azad university

4 Islamic Azad University




Since the time of ancient Greece, the city has been more than a physical body and a carrier of political-legal issues, therefore, urban contexts are an important platform for reading the legal and legal issues. In other words, the formation of events that happened in the context of the city tells about the state of "legal matter" in its various dimensions. Both from the side of political and social rights and civil rights, and from the side of the right to the city of Lofuri. The state of construction violations is an important indicator of this reading. The present research has been carried out using a descriptive analytical method and the studied indicators have been studied in the two urban areas of Aksane and Islamabad in the city of Zanjan. The results of the research indicate that construction violations can originate from several factors such as economic, social, physical, managerial, and laws and regulations. According to the research results, it can be concluded that all these factors are involved in the occurrence of construction violations in Zanjan city, but the influence of management factors in the formation of construction violations is more than other factors. Therefore, it can be said that construction violations will always be more in cities with poor management and profit seeking.

Keywords: right to the city, human rights, construction violations, urban fabric


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