Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tabriz Azad University

2 assistant professor, department of urban development, Architecture & Art college ,Tabriz branch, Islamic azad university, Tabriz, Iran



The increasing development of cities and the movement of population and capital towards new planned structures has led to the wear and tear of the organic parts and the primary cores of urban development, in which the boundaries and structures with historical value are one of the damages. The most acceptable are urban textures. Meanwhile, the city of Tabriz, as a historical city with an ancient and valuable identity with 1336 hectares of historical value, is completely affected by the aforementioned currents. The continuation of the exogenous development perspective and the lack of attention to the revival of historical contexts in Tabriz city have caused many problems in these contexts, which is the most important goal of this research to examine this issue and provide optimal suggestions with a view to the future. The research method is based on the use of common future research methods and models, including the Delphi method and structural analysis (cross-effects matrix). The results show that among the 49 indicators that are effective on conservation-oriented regeneration in the historical context of Tabriz city, there are 21 indicators They were chosen as vital drivers, and in this regard, suggestions have been made to achieve the research goals.


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