Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Geography, University of Madras

2 Geography and Rural Planning ¬, Tarbiat Modarres University


Making efforts to improve the quality of human being life and raising the conditions and standards of that, is one of the dimensions of planning, in our contemporary world. So that many of the most successful governments, evaluate the successful of their programs by people life improvement and increase in their welfare level. On the other hand, the social welfare programs will better achieve their expected goal, if the society have an acceptable level of knowledge according to this knowledge and wisdom are the bed stone of social welfare and development the overall level of knowledge and scientific wisdom of social in Iran is relatively low. This is too lower in rural social in compare with urban social and that shows the depth of wisdom s challenge among this portion of society. However as a result of low education level, knowing a little about personal, civic and social rights makes rural community too confuse to get to its willing. In turn, this matter will have a contrary effect on success of rural social planning organizations know, this question evil raise that: is there any meaning relation behaviors rural people legal knowledge and the social welfare? To knowing this, 200 questionnaires have been filled among rural habitat of Vashian country areas of Lorestan province and have shown that there is significant correlation between social welfare and the level of legal knowledge of rural people. In respect to this personal and civic right have had the largest shares in social welfare especially in housing quality, rural partnership and housing satisfaction.


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