Document Type : Research Paper


1 Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tarbiat Modarres

2 Economic Sciences, Tarbiat Modarres University

3 Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tarbiat Moallem, Tehran


Housing sector has been the emergence of several problems that have frequently been imposed on other sectors of society, and caused the imbalance which has provided. One of the issues consistently raised in the housing sector and with non- regular sequence is repeated, Spiraling house prices have been raising tide that has brought to their numerous problems. Several factors seem to increase housing prices and excessive wave formation and its role is increasing. The consultative research in this subject that has been done to the descriptive analysis. The use of descriptive studies and professor of library research required information is collected; the analytical part of the main factors determining the effects and consequences of the excessive increase in housing prices, Survey and statistical analysis was performed. Results from statistical analysis of survey data, The opinions of elites and experts were used for housing, Has shown that the components of social variables (Social) to explain the effect of social factors-cultural, with a correlation coefficient (0.84) the greatest impact on increasing housing prices in the study area is irregular. The physical variables-physical and administrative, respectively, with correlation coefficients (0.66 & 0.61) in the second semester has been. On the contrary, the component of economic variables (Economic) from the perspective of housing expert’s minimal impact on housing prices in metropolitan Tehran has been. Thus, despite these variables with correlation coefficient (0.45) is still dedicated to its role , the effect is not seen as a weak , irregular and increased housing prices , along with other factors have played.


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