Document Type : Research Paper



Nowadays, while there are a number of definitions have been introduced for the concept of zoning, there is no general consensus due to different disciplines adopt this term. In the field of planning, the zoning is a conscious and contemplative process to detect homogenous areas by an authority to allocate certain kinds of resources to them. Therefore, the process of zoning is an essential task to allocate and monitor the development projects for different type of territories. In this article, zoning is took into consideration from the rural transportation point of view to find what would be the homogeneous zones of rural transportation for Iran? To answer this question, an in-depth spatial analysis through the Geographical Information System (GIS) is performed with regards to a descriptive-analytical method. Based on four main indices which are fully explored in the paper (i.e., access to the link road, distance to urban hierarchical levels, rural density and land use), five homogenous distinct zones for Iran is emerged. The resulted zones which are presented on a country map would be useful for future rural transportation planning in Iran.             


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