Document Type : Research Paper


1 Geography Department, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

2 Geography, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad


Participation, one of the strategies sustainable developments, has faced to challenges in process of operation. These challenges have cultural - intellectual roots or have linked to the strategies attraction of participation. This article searches weak roots of informal and formal participation of villagers within the intellectual method-cultural. The research methodology is based on descriptive and analytical and the tool of data collection is questionnaires and documents methods. Research findings indicate that about 80 percent of community participation does not participate or is less in formal institutions. But about 60 percent of people have non-formal public participation that the major reason relates it to traditions and social customs and is not related to personal motivation and intellectual. According to The statistical analysis, factors of none participation in the official activities has significant relationship with the rate of individualism, none responsible, poor trust people on each other and the lack of futurism. As regards civil institutions can create culture of participation in community so strength and structure of civil institutions and NGOs can overcome barriers of participation. 


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