Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Prof, Geography and Urban Planning, the University of Tabriz.

2 M.A. Student, Geography and Rural Planning, the University of Tabriz.



The spatial and functional interrelationships between cities and surrounding areas, including rural areas in their influence on districts, gradually lead to different changes in different cases. One of these phenomena is spatial mobility (positional movement) of population from village to urban areas. Considering the effect of the village-urban migration, it is quite clear that the population, economy and villages physical structure will change. The present study discusses the changes in demographics, economics and the physical structure of rural settlements in east Tabriz which have been taken based on the village residency. Moreover, an attention has been paid to the root causes of such formation. This article is based on field studies (direct observation, various questionnaires and interviews with experts).The ultimate goal of the present study is the applied one, because it is aimed at understanding the physical changes, demographic and economic way to provide optimal solutions. The results of this article revealed that the interactive effect of the spatial and functional interrelationships between Tabriz metropolitan and under study villages has had a major role in the development of population, economy and physical changes of villages. Among this, ungovernable extension of Tabriz and existence of problems like high costs of life and livelihood problems, high price of land and settlement, excessive air pollution, are the educator elements on the contrary of the low cost of land and settlement, clean air in villages and existence of equipment of transport and the suitable roads in the under study villages which acts as a suction element and actuates some of the urban people to settle in the stated villages.


Main Subjects

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