Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Geography, University of Razi

2 Climatic hazards Razi University


The evaluation of environmental conditions in particular climatic
conditions of crops such as soybean that have a great economic
importance for the country. In this regard, climate regions, with a
minimum requirement of soybean cultivation were identified. By
choosing a 20-year period from 1989 to 2008 and precipitation map of
Iran on the basis of all available stations over 20 years of daily data
completed, three regions with annual rainfall of over 500 mm in the
North, West and South West were then determined. To increase
precision, creating a virtual stations on the basis of daily maximum
and minimum temperatures, areas outside of the internal parts were
removed and each of the relevant area, was approved to determine the
ultimate potential. Using CGMS software, the minimum temperature,
maximum vapor pressure, sunshine hours and wind were estimated for
rainfall estimation from Completely Regularized Spline (CRS)
method, and Spline Regularize (SR) method was used to estimate
relative humidity. In the next phase, the mean rate of deficit in
soybean yield in dry land conditions was determined using the
CROPWAT. Then, three valuable layers of precipitation, relative
humidity and maximum temperature were explained by the use of
AHP to determine the weight of each layer which was overlapped.
The results showed that in the West and South West regions, with the
percentage deficit crop yield of over 50%, conditions are low to
moderate but the western half of the country's northern region can be
considered suitable for soybean cultivation. Calculations showed that
the deficit efficiency of the crop in this region, was less than 10
percent and thus has good potential for rain-fed soybean cultivation. It
also became clear that to start rain-fed soybean cultivation in all
regions, the month of Ordibehesht was more suitable than other months.


Main Subjects

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