Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor in Urban Planning & Geography, University of Tabriz, Aras Campus.

2 Assistant Professor in Urban Planning & Geography, University of Tabriz, Geography and Planning Faculaty.

3 M.A. in Geography and Urban Planning and, Aras Campus



Housing as a heterogeneous product, lasting, immovable and assigning is the main part of family budget. In other words, the housing as one of the main goods not only contains use value in its nature but also is considered as an investment in which selection of the price has main role. Therefore this article attempts to explore the affecting variables on housing prices in the Sahand new town. The research method is correlation test and the use of hedonic function. The results showed that the factors like lot size and building area, number of floors and the number of apartment in per floor among the physical and spatial factors’ distance to nearby park and green space, distance to nearby shopping center have the highest effect on housing price. The correlation analyses used were Spearman and Kendal methods. These analyses only used for spatial factors. Results showed that there was straight correlation between the price and nearby mosques, which means the price arises when it is far away from the mosque. 


Main Subjects

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