Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor of Political Geography, Kharazmi University



Elections are the process that citizens can criticize and monitor the politicians and governors. In fact, the elections are the most appropriate democratic way in which the citizens can be interfered in the choosing of government operators. At the same significance, political geography is going to study and analyze the relation between election and geographical environment in order to conduct the geography of elections into the description of the general patterns of politics and recognition of the process of the government establishment. In this paper, we have studied the effective factors in the victory of, the Candidate of Kazeroun City in the 9th Period of the Iran’s Islamic Parliament Elections. The methodology of the paper is descriptive- analytic. The results of the research show that among the various theories about the sources of poll, composition of Inglehart, Pippa Norris and Chicago give a holistic opinion to studying of the elections. Therefore, in the case of Kazeroun City, it seems that three factors of political experience in the past, economic-social basin and the scheme of political system in the frame of biological foundations played the most roles in the poll of Kazeroun City’s candidate in the 9th period of the Iran’s Islamic Parliament Elections.


Main Subjects

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