Document Type : Research Paper




use it, is the most important issues in urban planning. Urban development and land conservation policies in the surrounding cities, has been the main challenges for urban planners in recent decades and Infill development strategy, that is the form of smart growth, new urbanism and sustainable development, pay attention to this subject. This study aimed to identify potential development in inner area of city, to explain the development and application of this policy in the future development of Tabriz city, using systemic analysis. Using this method, infill development potential map in Tabriz for allocating urban further development were prepared. Result show that, the urban expanded to periphery in last decades, in the neglect of inner potentials. Analyzing of infill development potentials, such as incompatible land use, vacant and abandoned land, building components with low density (one floor) and tissue damage indicate that, there are approximately 4974 hectare of potentials for future development. The results of this study show that using of infill development strategy for further development of Tabriz, not only the destruction of farm lands and orchards around the city will be reduced, but also the economic costs, establishment of urban infrastructure costs and etc. will decreased and spatial dynamic form will be using the removal of incompatible and inefficient land uses, Improvement and renovation of old and informal district.

Main Subjects

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