Document Type : Research Paper


university of tabriz



What is happening today at the dawn of the 21st century as a crisis in our cities and changes the cities to an ugly and unhappy places and makes citizens tired and prosaic is the breakdown of human-nature transplantation which has unfortunately been neglected in recent years in urban development and the urbanization system of the country. The importance of social health in today's densely populated and polluted cities is one of the main factors in attention to urban green spaces. Today, in many cities in the world, the development of health and social welfare policies in cities has emphasized on the availability of urban green spaces in the closest accessible areas for residential areas and workplaces. In the present study the optimal deployment of urban green spaces in the zone 8 of Tabriz has been assessed. Zone 8 as the central texture of Tabriz which has mainly a commercial-residential role (given the prevailing commercial role) receives a massive population from different parts of the city and even the province during certain times of the day. However only a few pieces of green space have been built in this zone. Regarding this issue, it is necessary to pay attention to the construction and optimal location of urban green space in accordance with demographic needs of the region.


Main Subjects

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