Document Type : Research Paper



The aim of the research is recognizing mechanisms of the heavy rainfalls in the west and southwest of Iran using synoptic and thermodynamic method. For analysis of case study at April 2016, At first was obtained and calculated hourly rainfall data from 70 weather stations in the research area and 10 weather stations bordering the research area. Then rainfall amounts in stations were calculated and zoned using Arc/Map10. After that Ki, Li, TTi, Cape and SWEAT instability indexes was calculated for Kermanshah and Ahwaz weather stations. Finally, the synoptic maps were analyzed. According to instability indexes, mostly atmospheric instability has been moderate and favorable conditions could be observed for convection and thunder storm, lightening and snow fall. The analysis of the sea level synoptic maps have shown that a few days before the rainfall, the study area has been under the influence of the Siberian high, and simultaneously cyclones centers were formed above the Mediterranean Sea. Their eastern-ward movements created the condition for instability and rainfall in the area. Cold air downfall from high-pressure centers toward the backside of the Mediterranean trough and lower latitudes beside the dislocation of warm humid air to the fore side of the trough created the front and resulted in intensifying the rainy system that finally resulted in heavy rainfall in the area. The atmospheric physical and dynamic indexes show that during the rainfall, voracity positive values, jet stream wind and negative omega figures were in their maximum.


Main Subjects

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