Document Type : Research Paper


1 Islamic azad university of Chalus branch

2 Department of Geography, Mahshahr Unit, Islamic Azad University, Mahshahr, Iran


Climatic conditions along with other environmental factors are among the most important factors in formation and development of cities and the sustainability of urban life. In fact, cities, urban factors and their performances have always been affected by climatic factors. Cities and climate are two artificial and natural systems that have strong impacts on each other. The consistency levels of vernacular and contemporary textures of Mahshahr city with climatic conditions were examined in this study. The synoptic stations statistics of Mahshahr city in a period of 30 years were used to identify types of climate and evaluate climatic parameters of the study area.
Mahoney index was applied in this study to evaluate climate comfort of Mahshahr city. Field surveys were conducted to evaluate and compare vernacular and contemporary textures of the city, ten samples from both textures were selected and evaluated in term of consistency with climatic conditions. Assessments in this study show that the most important climatic parameter in evaluation of vernacular and contemporary textures of this city is temperature. The results also indicate inconsistency of vernacular texture of the city with climatic conditions of that area. The contemporary texture of the city has the most consistency with climatic conditions.


Main Subjects

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