Document Type : Research Paper


1 Member of Faculty of Geography - Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

2 M.Sc of Geography and Urban Planning , Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman- Iran


In this regard, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the desirability of pedestrian-orientation in commercial center of Kerman city. The method of research is descriptive-analytic based on the field method (questionnaire). By random sampling, 284 pedestrians and residents in a week and 30 specialists were selected as sample size. Reliability of the data was calculated by Cronbach test at 0/818. For analyzing the data, stepwise regression analysis, Independent sample T2test was used. Also for prioritizing and importance coefficient the criteria, the technique of BWM was used in LINGO software. The results of stepwise regression indicate that the factor of social activity, with the Beta amount of 0/249, has the maximum effect and the factor of safety and security has the/138 minimum effect on walking rate in commercial center of Kerman city. Results from sample T2 test show that in the meaningful level of (0/05) there is not any significant difference in the mean of the evaluation of walkway conditions of Arg district from the viewpoint of walking people (2/28) and authorities( 2/29). And both of the societies have evaluated the walking orientation status of the downtown of Kerman based on qualitative factors of walking in inappropriate and unsecured conditions. The results of BWM technique reveal that safety and security index with the value of 0/169 is placed in the first rank, penetrability and access with the value of 0/147 in the second rank, the structure and the form with the value of 0/1426 in the third place, attractiveness and vitality with the value of 0/1422 in the fourth rank, facilities with the value of 0/138 in the fifth rank, mixed usability with the value of 0.135 in the sixth rank, and finally the criterion of social activity with the value of 0/123 is in the seventh rank.


Main Subjects

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