Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor Geography and Urban Planning , Zanjan University

2 Assistant Professor Geography and Urban Planning , Zanjan University

3 Ph.D. student geography and urban planning of Zanjan University


The critical discourse approach as a emerging discourse trying to link between power and the dominant ideologies of actors in social contexts. Problematic settlements as a serious challenge to countries, have been hidden power relations objective experience of actors that the contribution of each of them in the production of these space have been different. therefore the purpose of  the present study is explain the effects of actors' activities on the production of the text of problematic urban settlements with  a critical discourse  and right-to-city approaches.
Data and Method
Research method of the present study in terms of  nature is qualitative and in terms of the type is analysis method.For explaining the text / space in problematic settlements was used a combination of qualitative-quantitative methods.Then the research variables were extracted and tested with Delphi technique that the 50 experts selected them.The effects of the indicators were evaluated by a one- sample t-test in Spss software and for the link the power and  ideology of  the actors was used in the production of text /space of problematic settlements with Mactor software.
Results and Discussion
According to experts idea, findings showed that  life experience of  residents in the form of concepts such as poverty, neglect, backwardness, invisible forces, conflict of interest, ambiguity in fate, distance between claim and action, distance between us and them, duality and conflict and personal interests not common good,  has found meaning. Concepts show the confrontation of government/urban management space strategies against the space tactics of weak people with naturalization of the dominant ideologies and the lack of awareness and economic weakness of the rsidents of these settlements. The role of middle management as a link between government and local management have been significant in the production of text / space of  problematic settlements.
 recognizing the rights of the users of  these settlements with decryption of  hidden meaning  behind the apparent meaning, it can be increased the conditions of domination of the main actors at different levels in the form of self-Administered and self-management.


Main Subjects

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