Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D., Department of Geography and urban planning, Mahshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahshahr, Iran


One of the main problems in worn-out and dysfunctional fabrics in today's cities is not paying attention to the concept of social issues or factors as one of the important capacities in urban localities, since the traditional communication and interaction system has changed drastically in most big cities.  One of their worrying manifestations is the weakening of social relations among the citizens.  The evolution course of urban regeneration has shifted from paying attention to physical dimension to social, economic and cultural dimensions during about three decades of theorizing and implementing the urban regeneration approach, and it has led to the emergence of community-based urban regeneration.  This approach has sought social interaction and an emphasis on the role of social groups. Also, according to the results of urban regeneration measures in different parts of the world, the trust and participation of citizens, as an effective component in the success of regeneration projects, is not be spontaneous and requires the involvement of many factors and it is achieved by social issues by involving in the process of regeneration.
Data and Method
The methodology of this research is applied in terms of aim. It is also survey based on the research method, conducted by using a questionnaire. The analytical section of the research was conducted by survey method using a questionnaire. Accordingly, the opinions of 379 citizens of the three studied localities, who were selected using a convenience random method, were used. Also, to determine the validity of the questionnaire, the Delphi method was used by a number of experts and university professors, and by obtaining the opinions of the mentioned people, the necessary corrections were made in the questionnaire questions. Thus, it was ensured that the questionnaire measures the desired variables of the research.  Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to calculate the reliability and its value was estimated at about 0.65. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the collected data. Then, data were entered to SPSS software and a multi-criteria questionnaire based on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from very high to very low, was developed to evaluate five indicators and 36 variables of the level of satisfaction of citizens living in the study areas. Then, to check the normality of data distribution, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used and to check the status of research variables, sign test was used. Also, the weighting of variables was done by entropy model and ranking of localities was done using MABAC technique.
Results and Discussion
Ahvaz metropolis with an area of ​​31800 hectares, as the third largest city in the country, has several worn-out fabrics in its eight urban districts. In the metropolis of Ahvaz, 30 to 35% of the city limits are within the legal limits and are known as worn-out fabrics and non-allowed settlements. Out of 124 localities in Ahvaz metropolis, more than twelve localities are considered as worn-out urban fabrics. In the present study, to evaluate the performance of social issues in worn-out and dysfunctional fabrics of the three studied localities (Khazalieh, Ameri and Hasirabad), five indicators (social belonging, social cohesion, social cooperation, social security and social trust) and 36 variables according to the studies were selected. The present article revealed that based the results of urban regeneration measures in different parts of the world, the trust and participation of citizens as an effective component in the success of regeneration projects will not be spontaneous and require the involvement of many factors and it is achieved by social issues (sense of social belonging, social cohesion, social security) by involving in the process of regeneration.
Considering the 50-year history of government involvement in dysfunctional urban fabrics, new and diverse methods of intervention in urban fabrics are being carefully considered nowadays. Little attention has been paid to social factors. The general results of the sign test show that Ameri locality with a mean of 3.16 has a better status than the other two localities in terms of research variables. Also, the results of MABAC technique show that Ameri locality with Si value of 0.260 is ranked first, followed by Khazalieh and Hasirabad localities with Si values of 0.076 and -0.164 are ranked second and third, respectively, in terms of five selected indicators. The main issue of this study in comparison with previous studies is that any change in the improvement and modification of research variables in each of the studied localities, including social and individual behavior of residents, social relations of neighbors, locality social security, locality service facilities, cooperation among residents (residents’ participation), trust and belief of locality residents to each other and to the government, the interaction of service providers with the residents of the locality, etc. is very difficult due to the social conditions of these localities (different ethnicities, low literacy, low-income classes, inadequate security, improper education, high birth rates, etc.). The main reason can be the social and cultural characteristics of these localities and getting used to this lifestyle over the past few decades, which have shown resistance to any change.


Main Subjects

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