Document Type : Research Paper
1 Department of urban and regional planning
2 Associate Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, University of Guilan
3 Departmet of urban and regional planning
Strategic planning includes strategies and goals that operate in a creative and sustainable manner in order to manage, maintain and finance the transportation system. The goal of the strategic plan is to promote a balanced transport system that offers sustainable choices; On the other hand, this issue makes it necessary to address the approaches that lead transportation towards social, economic and environmental sustainability, and one of these approaches is the integration of transportation.
The present study is an applied research for the purpose that Strategic planning of regional transport integrated development in Kerman province. It also in nature and method ,is exploratory-descriptive-prescriptive. Access to information is mainly through a documentary procedure, namely referring to existing texts, textbooks, documents and papers. Also, field methods such as the use of questionnaires and interviews Through the Delphi model are used to complete the information. The study area is Kerman province and interviewees are from a number of Specialists, experts And managers (Road Maintenance and Transportation Organization, Department of Roads and Urban Development, Management and Planning Organization, Department of Environment) and professors of universities in Kerman province. Questionnaires were distributed and collected in two round. After obtaining the required information using strategic planning models, data has been analyzed by using strategic planning models. In fact, after Preparation the Vision, the objectives, the main and most important strategic factors of the external environment (opportunities and threats) and the internal environment (strengths and weaknesses) of the Kerman province's transport sector, to evaluate external and internal factors respectively External Factor Evaluation (EFE) and Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) matrices are used. The external and internal factor analysis (IE) matrix is then compiled based on the findings of the two IFE and EFE matrices to determine the best strategy. In the following have been Preparation strategies for integrated regional transport development in Kerman province using the SWOT matrix.
Results and discussion
What is stated in this part of the article It includes Preparation a vision, Preparation goals, evaluating the external environment, evaluating the internal environment, analyzing matrices of internal and external factors, Preparation strategies and executive planning in order to integrate regional transportation in Kerman province. Given that the sum of the final scores of the EFE matrix is 2.622 and the sum of the final scores of the IFE matrix is 2.56, and as shown in the IE matrix, the offensive strategy (SO) is the superior strategy. Then, strategies related to the integrated development of regional transportation in Kerman province have been developed using the SWOT matrix. Therefore, according to the priority of offensive strategies, a number of policies, action plans and projects have been presented in connection with these strategies.
Strategic planning brings many opportunities for an organization, including facilitating the analysis of past practices using a methodical approach, providing a way to prioritize organizational needs and goals, and providing information that will help resource prioritize. The benefits of using strategic planning in the field of transportation include promoting economic growth, improving the quality of the environment, strengthening the integration and cooperation between different modes of transportation, maintaining the transportation system at an efficient level and improving the level of services, improving safety and much more. In fact, strategic planning includes the principles of sustainability, integrity and comprehensiveness, and is promising to address the problems of urban and regional transportation planning in relation to the hierarchical system of programs, inter-organizational coordination, implementation, public participation and sustainable development; Therefore, in order to methodize the analysis of past performances and prioritize the needs of the transportation sector in Kerman province, the strategic plan for the integrated development of regional transportation in Kerman province has been carefully studied.
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