Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associated Professor, Architecture Dept, Faculty of Civil Engineering, the University of Tabriz.

2 M.S, Architecture Dept, Faculty of Civil Engineering, the University of Tabriz



Despite the tremendous developments in transportation and traffic systems, walking is still considered to be the main and the most common and important pattern of movement among communities; as far as concerned, nowadays many different patterns and models like Traffic Isolation, pedestrian movement and downtown enclosed shopping center, pedestrian-oriented streets, pedestrian shopping center, shopping streets, Woonref, Pedestrian malls and traffic architectural, traffic slowing policies, green pedestrian and flyovers have been presented for its development. Since Scientific and practical explanation of models and pattern also their advantages and disadvantages can contribute to the urban pedestrian expansion; this article is an attempt to study the pedestrian network development patterns and feasibility of their expansion in the central district of Tabriz city.
 This review becomes even more important because besides the allocation of the central district of Tabriz to a considerable population and placement of important spaces like Bazaar and historical building like “the Alishah” citadel, “The Blue Mosque”, “The Mashrute house”, “Jame mosque” and residential complexes, it faces adverse environmental pollutants, car accidents and traffic jams. This part of the city could be considered as the heart of the city in every social, economic, cultural and skeletal aspect. In terms of climate, Tabriz city is categorized in Cold Mediterranean group with very cold winters and hot summers. Absolute maximum and minimum temperatures in the coldest month of year are 15 and -19 degrees Celsius.
This research has a descriptive- analytic framework. The theoretical part, includes the documents and authoritative resources in addition to some scientific reports. Given the fact that this research is studying the old part of the city of Tabriz, by the means of criteria fulfillment, every patterns and models were examined. Sample of the study is consisted of 20 urban and traffic experts. In this study after presenting enough explanation of the survey’s purpose and determining how a weak pedestrian pattern is scored 1 and a strong one is labeled 4, questionnaires have been hand out and later collected then descriptive analysis was performed at the end. Moreover, user’s direct interacts and photography are other means of conducting this research. It is to be considered that among all the pedestrian movement patterns; streets with pedestrian priority, pedestrian-oriented streets, traffic slowing policies and the expansion of pedestrians itself have shown the most compatibility to the mentioned context. Therefore it is recommended to use the Pedestrian-oriented street design principles in the urban planning on the scale of city’s centrals. Which will result in the possibility of development of historical spaces, Revitalization of destructed spaces, Improvements in the environmental quality of urban spaces and finally a healthier city.


Main Subjects

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