Document Type : Research Paper


Phd student rurul planning


Rural managers and study of their performance in rural development is one the important topics of rural management. Using public cooperation and participation, rural managers have attempted to eliminate pubic needs, collect garbage, provide public services, and develop pathways. Choosing and explaining components and indicators of research were conducted according to the related literature. So that five components and forty indices were assessed. for effective component (rural managers awareness level of rules and regulations) and impressionable component (desirable rural management). The statistical society of this study include 60 Rural Manager from under study area. The research tools were validated based on experts’ opinions and durability of questionnaire was determined and validated using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient. There was a positive and meaningful relationship between rural managers awareness level of rural rules and regulations, and desirable rural management; furthermore, there was such a relationship between rural managers awareness level of social rules and regulations and desirable social rural management as well as between rural managers awareness level of economic rules and regulations and desirable economic management of villages. Actually, the results of research showed that the development level of villages have influence on increment of rural managers awareness level of rules and regulations and enhancement of desirable rural management. Thus, paying attention to rural managers awareness level of rules and regulations is a priority for rural managers empowerment in local management, desirable rural management and development level of villages, and leads to enhancement of existing potentials of rural residences. Indeed, the enhancement and improvement of rural development indicators and enhancement of rural managers awareness of functional rules and regulations must be considered by policy-makers and planners of rural development as one of the effective strategies and the required background and infrastructure for realization of it must be provided.


Main Subjects

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