Document Type : Research Paper


Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran


Industrial clusters are related SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) concentrated in geographical areas which help regional development by promoting learning capacity. This development is due to intraction of four physical, economic, social- cultural and organizational proximity in industrial regions. According to above mentioned facts the main purpose of this article is to analyze the impact of industrial networking on learning promotion in “Qazvin” and “Arak” industrial regions (These two province are industrial poles in iran Specially in automobile industry). Research methodology that is applied in this research is descriptive, analytic and comparative. The results in this article are supported by systematic-stratified sampling, data gatherd by in-depth interviews and questionnaires.
The results show that there is meaning full correlation between networking and its intensity that represent learning process in networks. Also, studding of industrial networks parameters influencing learning and network topology shows that there is correlation between network structure and learning (straight correlation).


Main Subjects

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