Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student, architectural Department, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardebil, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, architectural Department, Ardabil Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ardebil, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, architectural Department, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran


Natural environments - including open spaces and green spaces - have wide-ranging benefits for urban populations. Providing open and green space under conditions of dense development is one of the important challenges of cities and a wide range of studies related to the subject of green spaces. On the other hand, quality green space is increasingly recognized as an important factor for quality of life in urban areas and a key component for sustainable urban planning and design. Researchers believe that the quality of green space can be a better predictor of health (compared to its quantity). Public open spaces with good design and quality can attract more users to the space and provide a wide range of activities, unlike low quality spaces. In the meantime, visitors' perception of urban green space and the characteristics of green space is a key factor in understanding the mechanism of how the tangible and intangible benefits of urban green space ecosystems are. The results of studies show that the higher the residents' perception of the qualities of green space, the higher the mental and physical health scores. Therefore, by examining the effect of perceived qualitative components of the park on the satisfaction and vitality of residents, its effective components on health and healthy lifestyle can be Identified by creating a sense of satisfaction and vitality in people living in the surrounding areas. This research is done to answer the following two questions: 1. What are the qualitative / perceptual components of green spaces in promoting the sense of satisfaction and vitality of the residents of the neighborhoods around Eligoli Park and Valiasr Park? 2. What are the predictions of the qualitative / perceptual components of urban green spaces in the case studies of this article and what interpretations can justify them?
Data and Method
Considering the crystallization of positive qualities of urban green spaces in two characteristics of perception of vitality and satisfaction of its users; In this article, the subjective components of satisfaction and vitality in relation to intrinsic sub-qualities and sub-qualities related to use in green space in the neighborhoods adjacent to Elegli Park and Valiasr Tabriz were evaluated by quantitative survey method. A survey is conducted among the adjacent residents of Eilogli and Valiasr parks in Tabriz using a questionnaire. The questionnaire form is set in both face-to-face and online in which the various characteristics of the park environment, including: physical characteristics, naturalness, openness, tranquility, facilities, historical-cultural value and security, accessibility, Usability, variety of activities, maintenance and attachment to the park environment are questioned. Sampling was done randomly and 388 residents answered the questionnaire. The structural equation model is used in Amos Graphic software to analyze the data.
Results and Discussion
The results of structural equation model analysis show that usability, accessibility and tranquility of the park environment have a significant positive effect on residents' satisfaction in the two parks, but the facilities of the park environment have a significant effect on dissatisfaction. Also, the openness of the park environment has a significant positive effect on the vitality of residents. It was expected that more components would have a significant effect on the satisfaction and vitality of the residents adjacent to Elegli and Valiasr parks in Tabriz, but as can be seen, the results of studying the effect of other components of green space on satisfaction and vitality To a large extent, it did not meet expectations. Possible reasons for the lack of significant components of naturalness, historical-cultural value and security, maintenance, diversity of activities and attachment to satisfaction and vitality are stated in the discussion section of the article. In addition, a wide range of predictions, from cognitive to non-cognitive components, affect the perception and evaluation of satisfaction and vitality in Elgoli and Valiasr parks of Tabriz, because studies show that evaluation in Contrary to conscious judgment, satisfaction is based on general and inaccurate evaluation. Non-cognitive components such as accessibility components (generalized emotional beliefs), emotional components (attachment), and commitment components (degree of participation) lead to an overall assessment of satisfaction and vitality.
The analysis of the results of this study emphasizes the importance of perceptual dimensions versus physical dimensions of green spaces in urban design and planning. It is suggested that designers and planners of urban green spaces, in addition to using the qualitative/ perceptual components approved in this research in design and planning, To promote the satisfaction and vitality of the residents around the parks, take measures so that other identified components can play a more effective role in future parks. One of the limitations of the present study is the impossibility of studying seasonal and climatic effects, which is one of the limitations of cross-sectional studies. It should also be noted that this study and the intervals intended for people over 16 years.  


Main Subjects

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