Rural Planning
Mohammad Reza Rezvani; Habib Lotfimeroueh; Reza Talebifard
Considering the extreme vulnerability of rural houses, offering low-interest credits to villagers has been one of the most important strategies for retrofitting and ameliorating of housing status in the country, especially in the last decade. Therefore, the study of factors influencing villagers that ...
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Considering the extreme vulnerability of rural houses, offering low-interest credits to villagers has been one of the most important strategies for retrofitting and ameliorating of housing status in the country, especially in the last decade. Therefore, the study of factors influencing villagers that tend to make use of this facility could be one of the most important issues that could be contributing to the implementation of this strategy. With this purpose in mind, present study aims to investigate the motives of villagers to make use of such credits and is based on the Field study in Mehrooye district, fariab city Kerman Province. Research method has been documentary - analytical and field data was collected by questionnaire and for data analysis SPSS software, is used. The reliability of the questionnaire by using of Cronbach''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''s Alpha method obtained 0/73 the research population of the study is consisted of the Mehruie village’s households that have used credits between 2007-2013 years. Accordingly, the number of these households was 1078 and also, the sample population was 200 households that were analyzed by Cocran stratified sampling. The results show that there is a significant relationship between lack of civilian housing and use of credits. In addition, the social, economic and administrative – Executive factors have played a decisive role in creating trends toward receiving credits in rural housing, and a review of the components of the social, economic and administrative - Executive factors revealed that social factors are most important
Rural Planning
Mohammad Akbarpour; Firouz Jafari; Yashar Karimi
Address the situation of rural housing is one of the basic programs of rural development in developing countries is most counties, especially. Due to the different nature of housing in rural areas andfunction its purpose, must-have features that are rural housing, housing in many rural areas, however, ...
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Address the situation of rural housing is one of the basic programs of rural development in developing countries is most counties, especially. Due to the different nature of housing in rural areas andfunction its purpose, must-have features that are rural housing, housing in many rural areas, however, the function of climate, vegetation and location are settlements.The purpose of this study was to investigate the rural housing in rural areas of the central part Hashtroud and evaluation criteria for affordable housing is a vision of society.Methodology The survey questionnaire is based on information collected in the questionnaire using SPSS statistical software was used.The research findings indicate that the residents of housing strength and resistance against disaster, not satisfied with the condition of heating and cooling systems and design and landscape standards of housing as well.Other findings indicate that the criteria related to adequate housing, building resistance against disasters and environmental health in the first place, area and size of housing, facades, new architecture and the use of local materials is the next priority.
Rural Planning
Morteza Tavakoli; Shirko Ahmadi; Gharib Fazelniya
Different geographic environments, offer different potentials and problems in different fields especially in livelihood activities of their residents, attention to which gains a lot of importance in local and environmental programming. Thus identification and analysis of rural potentials and problems ...
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Different geographic environments, offer different potentials and problems in different fields especially in livelihood activities of their residents, attention to which gains a lot of importance in local and environmental programming. Thus identification and analysis of rural potentials and problems is an important step in the process of planning a sustainable rural development. Thus, in an explanatory and analytical approach. This study aims to assess the livelihood problems for villagers living in of Sardasht township based on its findings. This research was conducted based on documents and library as well as interpretations and field survey with a descriptive approach. The statistical population consists 5722 people from the top 50 households of 8 villages of Sardasht township 386 of which were selected the Morgan tables as a statistical sample by simple random sampling and its data was analyzed by SPSS software. Results show that, supply factors imposed the livelihoods in this villages were affected by environmental conditions including gardening and non-agricultural activities, being in a boundary region has also caused smuggling activities. Also results generally show that significant relationship exists between geographic factors such as land slope, access to educational level, distance from boundary area and different earning source of rural livelihoods all of which generated specific livelihood pattern for the villages in the region. Areas of the border also cause direct and indirect employment (freight transportation and passenger operations, loading, etc) that share a border of more than direct employment of indirect employment.
Rural Planning
Hosein Kouhestani
The purpose of this study was to measurement of villagers’ satisfaction from Dehyari performance and the influential factors on it. The statistical population of the study was heads of rural household in central district of Hamedan county. This sample included 268 of heads of rural household that ...
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The purpose of this study was to measurement of villagers’ satisfaction from Dehyari performance and the influential factors on it. The statistical population of the study was heads of rural household in central district of Hamedan county. This sample included 268 of heads of rural household that were calculated by the Cochran formula and the data was chosen through the random stratified sampling. In this research, the important tool for data gathering was a questionnaire. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by specialists and its reliability was computed using Cronbachs Alpha coefficient (0.83(. Results indicated the villagers’ satisfaction of Dehyari performance was moderate. The results of Mann-Whitney tests indicate that there is a significant difference between the villagers’ satisfaction who permanently reside in the village and those who temporarily reside in the village. Also, there is significant differences between the villagers’ satisfaction who cooperate with Dehyari and who have never cooperate with Dehyari. The result of regression analysis revealed that the variables Dehyari relationship with villagers, age of household heads, and attention to the views of villagers and the awareness of villagers from Dehyari responsibilities in a total are predicted of about 67 percent of the dependent variables (villagers’ satisfaction of rural management unit performance).
Rural Planning
Seyd Hedayatolah Nori; Davood Jamini*; Alireza Jamshidi
The aim of the current study is, which uses a descriptive-analytical tool, is to investigate the factors hindering the usage of sprinkler Irrigation systems among farmers in Ravansar and propose practical ways to reinforce these systems. The sample included those farmers who used sprinkler Irrigation ...
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The aim of the current study is, which uses a descriptive-analytical tool, is to investigate the factors hindering the usage of sprinkler Irrigation systems among farmers in Ravansar and propose practical ways to reinforce these systems. The sample included those farmers who used sprinkler Irrigation in Ravansar (N = 190). Factor analysis was performed for analyzing the collected data. The results indicated that use of these systems among farmers in Ravansar is more due to the physical issues rather those theoretical issues. Physical variables of performance system issues (26/612), the agricultural characteristics (22/868), behavioral issues (19/997), and environmental factors (16/492) were found to account for the 82/969 percent of the variance. Additionally, theoretician factors of performance system issues (31/874), personal (19/980), technical (15/236), and technical incongruence (7/921) accounted for 72/711 percent of the shared variance. The findings also indicated that providing financial (bank) facilities in form of loans was the best way to implement these sprinklers Irrigation systems. Most of the participants (77/9 %) found the practical solutions proposed by this study to be satisfactory.
Rural Planning
Mohsen Aghayari Hir; Kolsoom Zakeri Miab
Earthquake risk identification and analysis in rural areas is the decisive factor in the reduction their damages and casualties. Because in the cycle of crisis management, planning and identification of rural settlements risk is necessary to achieve the waste resources prevent policy and utilization ...
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Earthquake risk identification and analysis in rural areas is the decisive factor in the reduction their damages and casualties. Because in the cycle of crisis management, planning and identification of rural settlements risk is necessary to achieve the waste resources prevent policy and utilization of the maximum power. In other words, many of the villages risk in the earthquake, is preventable with causes recognition and reduction of vulnerability roots.Therefore this study pays to discuses and analysis of the earthquake risk in the rural settlements of central District of Marand County with the descriptive- analytic methodology. The population of this study is consisted of 74 villages in the central District of Marand County, that all of them have been studied. To assess earthquake risk in study area, initially the earthquake risk assessment model was presented in rural areas based on the conceptual and operating framework and then weighting to the indexes using the academic professionals (30 analytical hierarchical process questionnaire) and data process in the GIS environment, indexes of exposure (using GIS analysis) and vulnerability (with using of TOPSIS technique) was calculated. It should be noted that, each of the parameters was measured and modeled within several indicators and finally, using of layers overlay analysis in the GIS, earthquake risk assessment was conducted in the study area. According to the results, about 32 percent of the studied villages are located in high and very high risk zones that raised the necessity of planning, based on principles of crisis management.
Rural Planning
Hamdollah Sojasi Qidari
This study, has tried to express the quality of environment using theoretical conceptions in rural areas. The guide plan impacts on quality of rural environment was assessed through environmental quality indexes and criteria. The study methodology is based on library documents and experimental approach ...
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This study, has tried to express the quality of environment using theoretical conceptions in rural areas. The guide plan impacts on quality of rural environment was assessed through environmental quality indexes and criteria. The study methodology is based on library documents and experimental approach that was used in 17 rural areas of north and south Fendresk district of Ramyan county in the form of 359 cases of sample community. The obtained results show that for the from index with 0.438; has maximum impacts and the functional index with 0.288 has the minimum impact of guide plan implementation from 3 dimensional components on quality of rural environment. Thus, it could be argued that the guide plans have been carried out with formal and physical approaches in rural areas and their formal effectiveness is more than the functional one and functional changes in rural area as well.
Rural Planning
Davoud Mahdavi; Abdolreza Roknoddin Eftekhari; Hamdollah Sojasi Gheidari
Volume 20, Issue 56 , August 2016, , Pages 275-300
In recent decade, tourism especially in rural area has important role in economic diversification and natural and historical- cultural heritage preservation. The available historical- cultural heritage importance in rural area as a civilization heritage has a special situation and it causes to attract ...
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In recent decade, tourism especially in rural area has important role in economic diversification and natural and historical- cultural heritage preservation. The available historical- cultural heritage importance in rural area as a civilization heritage has a special situation and it causes to attract many of tourists to these kind of potential destination. So, take advantages of these potential destination needs to design appropriate strategies and specific areas of the tourism planners and managers. Therefore, this study has aimed to develop strategy for the sustainable development of rural tourism and in this case study tried to answer the fundamental question that what is the appropriate strategy for sustainable tourism development in rural area where has historical -cultural potential? Accordingly, the present study by using of descriptive- analytic and survey methodology and SWOT technique, QSPM assessment matrix, has presented the appropriate strategies in three dimensions of rural community as participators, tourists and administrators in seven historical-cultural rural area. For data analyzing and presenting appropriate and comprehensive strategy for rural tourism development, had been use of SWOC analytic method. According to the obtained results from the sample communities, the defensive strategy had been selected as a central strategy for rural tourism development in case study of rural area.
Rural Planning
Mohammad Zaheri; Nahid Kargar
Abstract The spatial and functional interrelationships between cities and surrounding areas, including rural areas in their influence on districts, gradually lead to different changes in different cases. One of these phenomena is spatial mobility (positional movement) of population from village to urban ...
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Abstract The spatial and functional interrelationships between cities and surrounding areas, including rural areas in their influence on districts, gradually lead to different changes in different cases. One of these phenomena is spatial mobility (positional movement) of population from village to urban areas. Considering the effect of the village-urban migration, it is quite clear that the population, economy and villages physical structure will change. The present study discusses the changes in demographics, economics and the physical structure of rural settlements in east Tabriz which have been taken based on the village residency. Moreover, an attention has been paid to the root causes of such formation. This article is based on field studies (direct observation, various questionnaires and interviews with experts).The ultimate goal of the present study is the applied one, because it is aimed at understanding the physical changes, demographic and economic way to provide optimal solutions. The results of this article revealed that the interactive effect of the spatial and functional interrelationships between Tabriz metropolitan and under study villages has had a major role in the development of population, economy and physical changes of villages. Among this, ungovernable extension of Tabriz and existence of problems like high costs of life and livelihood problems, high price of land and settlement, excessive air pollution, are the educator elements on the contrary of the low cost of land and settlement, clean air in villages and existence of equipment of transport and the suitable roads in the under study villages which acts as a suction element and actuates some of the urban people to settle in the stated villages.
Rural Planning
Seyed Hasan Motiei Langroudi; Mohammadreza Rezavani; Seyed Mortaza Noorbakhsh; Mohammad Akbarpour
Volume 19, Issue 52 , June 2015, , Pages 303-322
Today the great number of emigrations and the villages getting evacuated from skilled and youth is a social- economical inexpressiveness in our country. Migration to condition development countries cause falter conditions to principle one the one hand and create E economic, Social and Cultural problems ...
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Today the great number of emigrations and the villages getting evacuated from skilled and youth is a social- economical inexpressiveness in our country. Migration to condition development countries cause falter conditions to principle one the one hand and create E economic, Social and Cultural problems to destination for cause non migration extra possibilities with measure migration. Literature Development Showing to Countries for Condition Development that Migration Village- Town have Placed Negation many on Zone Offset and Destination therefore to Duration Decades past to be Accomplished, many Efforts to set Recognition this Circumstances and Search Efforts of Direct Reduce this Difficult, that unfortunately in proof loss standpoint Guidance and Concrete not Accompaniment with Success. To Standpoint Guidance with Empathic Sustainable development one of Passes Reduce Migration of Village to Town to be Constant Quality Existence Population village inclusive Opportunity at Equation and Preservation Cultural Versatility, increase Collective Sense and citizenry, Opportunity to Quality and to Improve Quality life and type change Economic Activities that have introduced Gradation Quality life. This Paper with use Implement Honorific based in SWOT Model, Points Strength inner Weakness, Opportunities and Threats out to Compound Residences Villages central Zone solook Rural District Hashtroud Township making clear with Concrete vision, and Efforts Guidance have Showed to Direct Resolving of Problems in Migration to Villages Case Study. Consequence show can be to via development Interpret and also participation method to planes rural development also strengthening mentality and expansion motive grounds hopefulness to for village to strengthen to this way motive non migration to villages have strengthened.