Hassan Rezaei; Gholamabbas Fallah Ghalhari
Understanding the climatic potentials of the regions is very important for the diversity and talent of agricultural products. Barberry, one of the products of Iran, suffers from climate change and anomalies. In the present study, the phonological stages of barberry tree without any basis of field observations ...
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Understanding the climatic potentials of the regions is very important for the diversity and talent of agricultural products. Barberry, one of the products of Iran, suffers from climate change and anomalies. In the present study, the phonological stages of barberry tree without any basis of field observations in Ghaen synoptic meteorological station were determined. To measure the accumulation of cooling needs based on the cold clock model and the Utah unit, the statistics of 18 valid meteorological stations from 1987 to 2017 on an hourly and daily time scale were used. The results showed that barberry needs six phonological stages to complete the growth period from early April to late November. The highest temperature requirement occurs in the ripening stage until fruit development. The cooling requirement of barberry tree in different stations varies from 1050 to 1960 hours depending on climatic conditions. Field observations showed that seedless barberry does not take on a full and commercial color if it does not meet the need for sufficient cooling. The study area was zoned according to the models of the cold clock and the Utah unit, based on which Ghaen and Zahedan stations have the highest cooling needs. Based on the validation indices of different models estimating the need for cooling, the root mean square criterion was used and the results show that the cold hour (CH) model has a higher performance due to the fact that the root mean square (RMSE) is less than the other model.
Urban Planning
Rasoul Ghorbani; Hassan Mahmoudzadeh; Masoome Nazari
The urban environment has a special place in meeting the needs and satisfaction of people and therefore quality is measured not only based on the objective environment but also based on people's perception of the environment to which they belong. Therefore, the present study has evaluated the quality ...
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The urban environment has a special place in meeting the needs and satisfaction of people and therefore quality is measured not only based on the objective environment but also based on people's perception of the environment to which they belong. Therefore, the present study has evaluated the quality of the urban environment of the newly established neighborhoods of Shahrekord with a descriptive-analytical method based on library studies and field studies. According to the purpose of the research, quantitative and statistical methods such as multiple regression, structural equations and fuzzy multivariate analysis in GIS environment have been used to assess the environmental quality of the target areas. In this model, in LISREL software, 54 quality indicators of urban environment in the form of 4 physical, economic, social and environmental indicators have been studied and SPSS software has been used for statistical analysis and ArcGIS software has been used to draw analytical maps. . Findings show that in terms of having environmental quality indicators, priority in the western Mirabad neighborhood, physical, environmental, social and economic indicators with 0.599, 0.539, 0.378 and 0.324, respectively. Percentage and neighborhood of Farhangian alley have priority, physical, economic, environmental and social index with 0.412, 0.260, 0.254 and 0.225 percent, respectively, have the most role in the environmental quality of Shahrekord, which shows the variables of satisfaction. From the physical-environmental quality of the neighborhoods, it has the greatest effect on improving the quality of life in the newly established neighborhoods. Also, in examining the situation of Shahrekord, there was an obvious difference in the level of satisfaction of the residents of Mirabad Gharbi and Farhangian alleys.
Urban Planning
Abolfazl meshkini; ayat rashnoofar; mehran hajilou
With the beginning of the era of urbanization and its increasing development, other cities are known as the most important human settlements.Therefore, research needs assessment and prioritization of research, according to the problems of the cities, can be an effective step in recognizing and solving ...
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With the beginning of the era of urbanization and its increasing development, other cities are known as the most important human settlements.Therefore, research needs assessment and prioritization of research, according to the problems of the cities, can be an effective step in recognizing and solving the existing problems. The aim of this research is to assess the research needs of geography and urban planning and prioritize them. The research method is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive and analytical in terms of methodology. The statistical population of the research includes 15 professors and doctoral students in the field of geography and urban planning in Yoda, whose opinions have been used. The results obtained from the opinions of the statistical community led to the compilation of 58 research titles, each of these titles in the form of five groups ((socio-cultural), ((ecology and environment), ((financial and economic)), ((physical and spatial) and infrastructure) and (politics, management and technology) were categorized. In order to weight and rank these issues, Shannon's entropy method has been used. In the following, after the weight ranking, each of the subjects was examined in terms of the frequency of publication of articles during the period of 1390-1399 in the indexing database of scientific articles .The results of prioritizing and weighting the subjects and examining the number of published articles showed that the economic subject category with a weighted average of 0.01729 has the highest weight, and among the subjects independently, the highest weight is related to the subject of public participation and urban democracy in management. It was a city with a weight of 0.01740.In terms of the number of articles, the most published articles are related to political, managerial and technological topics with 433,014 articles and the least articles are related to economic topics with 103,436 articles
Mojtaba Nassaji Zavareh; Hossein Hokmabadi; Alireza Asadolahi
Late spring frost cause a lot of damage to the agricultural sector every year. Prediction of this phenomenon is needed to active protection of plants. In this research, using FAO experimental method, daily and hourly data of two meteorological stations were used to determine the coefficients of the experimental ...
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Late spring frost cause a lot of damage to the agricultural sector every year. Prediction of this phenomenon is needed to active protection of plants. In this research, using FAO experimental method, daily and hourly data of two meteorological stations were used to determine the coefficients of the experimental model for prediction radiation frost in Qazvin Plain. also, in order to investigate the climatic condition of spring frost, the daily minimum temperature data of Qazvin and Buinzahra stations were used. The analysis of sixty years data in Qazvin stations showed that the intensity of frost has decreased during these years, but frequency of frost in Ordibehesht month has increased. Air, dew-point at two hours after sunset and minimum temperature relate 25 events of radiation frost at Simorgh station were used for regional coefficient calculation based on two models. These models were evaluated using 14 events of radiation frost at Tat stations. The mean absolute error(MAE) for testing and evaluating of Model1 was 0.71℃ and 1.21℃ and for Model2 was 0.67℃ and 1.09℃. The findings also showed that both models have acceptable accuracy in estimating the minimum temperature of the next day. It is proposed that these two models can be used for prediction of radiation frost in other regions.
All other Geographic fields of studies , Interdisciplinary
Bagher Khoshnavaz; Mir saead MOusavi; Shabnam Akbari Namdar
The waste management without considering the role of people who are the main waste manufacturers, will be impossible. In our country, in discussion of waste management and collection, repulsion and recycling in terms of type and quality of wastes, is diffrent from other countries of the world and has ...
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The waste management without considering the role of people who are the main waste manufacturers, will be impossible. In our country, in discussion of waste management and collection, repulsion and recycling in terms of type and quality of wastes, is diffrent from other countries of the world and has different nature and taking action from any method and technology without examining and recognizing materials and compatibility of local factors, especially the issue of citizens' participation, will not be feasible.The present research with an explanatory approach has been addressed to the issue that the capacity of citizens participation in each dimensions of managerial decision making is to be explored. The results of 24 items in the form of 385 questionnaires in 10 municipalities showed that the score obtained in the Likret scale equals 3.08 . The highest extractive averages is related to areas 1, 2, 9 and 5 are 3.15, 3.13, 3.12 and 3.11, and the lowest average is associated to area 4 equals 3.03. Despite the fact that these areas are at the average of the Likert spectrum, there is a possibility of instability in this section due to the low levels of Urban mismanagement in this section.The study 44 Index of Waste sphere and Urban Management with opinion apply of 50 Related Experts to determine the importance of factors using interaction analysis method / structural in Mic MacFase software demonstrated that the most influenced direct factors of the system are: Creating social capacity, Active participation of beneficiaries people, Social trust, Social capital, Institutions and civil, society,organizations (CSO), Interaction and balance between participater and participating,Education of citizenship rights and NGO assignments. The effects obtained showed the role of social factors, cultural infrastructure and the role of beneficiaries.
Mohammadreza Rafighi; Mehry Akbary; Mohammad Hassan Fakharnia; Mohammad Hassan Vahidnia
IntroductionAlthough the air layer adjacent to the earth's surface - the boundary layer - is a small fraction of the entire atmosphere, the processes that take place on a small scale are very important to human life and activites. Among living organisms, plants and especially trees have undeniable effects ...
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IntroductionAlthough the air layer adjacent to the earth's surface - the boundary layer - is a small fraction of the entire atmosphere, the processes that take place on a small scale are very important to human life and activites. Among living organisms, plants and especially trees have undeniable effects on surface temperature and especially in urban environments have several balancing effects. This research was carried out using Landsat 8 satellite imagery and with Arc GIS software to compare the surface temperature of the earth in two areas with vegetation of coniferous trees (Chitgar Park) and broadleaf trees (Shahid Chamran Park). The values of Radiance, Reflectance, Brightness Temperature, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Proportion of Vegetation and Emissivity and then Land Surface Temperature were calculated and generated. A total of 1700 points were harvested from Chitgar Park and 800 points from Chamran Park. In SPSS software, Leven test (F) statistics was used to prove the homogeneity of variances of the samples and parametric tests (T with two independent samples) were used to prove the significant difference between the surface temperature of the earth in the mentioned areas. According to Leven test, the value was Sig = 0.409 (P_value), which confirms the homogeneity and equality of variance of the studied samples. Also, in the T test, the value was Sig = 0.000, which is less than 0.05, which means a significant difference. Therefore, the difference between the surface temperature data of the two parks was proved. Also, by comparing the graphs of LST values in the two groups, we found that Chitgar Park has a higher surface temperature than Chamran Park. In the current dilemma of the century, global warming, knowing these local realities and providing logical solutions to reduce surface temperature at the regional and regional scales as a whole can effectively solve the problem of global warming on a global scale.Data and Method The data used in this study is a Landsat 8 satellite imagery with the acronym: 8 (LC08_L1TP_165035_20190706) is LANDSAT.Retrieved July 6, 2019 from the USGS website.Production of component images for Shahid Chamran Parks in Karaj and Chitgar in Tehran: The surface temperature image was generated step by step using the Landsat 8 satellite image using the Raster Calculator command in the ArcMap software environment. First, relevant and effective indicators in calculating the surface temperature of the earth, Top of atmospheric radiance, reflectance, Brightness Temperature, normalized difference vegetation index, proportion of vegetation, emission coefficient (emissivity), calculation and their images are produced and then the land surface temperature, It was calculated and produced according to the following mathematical formulas.Step 1: Produce a spectral radius image from above the atmosphere To obtain the brightness temperature, the image must first be converted to radius. Therefore, the gray DN values of bands 10 and 11 of the Landsat 8 satellite TIRS sensor should be converted to high atmospheric radius separately with the help of the MTL file, which is an extension of the Landsat image (Tables 1, 2 and 3).Formula (1) :Calculate the radius of the upper atmosphere TOA (Lλ) = ML * Qcal + ALLλ = (Watts / (m2 * srad * μm)) The radius of the atmosphere in terms ofML = Multi-band radius_ 10 bandStep 2: Produce an image of the light temperature above the atmosphere After converting the DN values of bands 10 and 11 to high atmospheric radii, we converted these two corrected bands to Brightness Temperature.BT = (K2 / (ln (K1 / L) + 1)) - 273.15 Formula (2): Calculation of Brightness Temperature BT = Atmospheric Brightness Temperature (° C)Lλ = (Watts / (m2 * srad * μm)) Radius of the atmosphere in terms ofBT = (1321.0789 / Ln ((774.8853 / “% TOA%”) + 1)) - 273.15K1 = K1 Constant Band (No.), K2 = K2 Constant Band (No.)Step 3: Produce vegetation index image formula (3): normalized difference vegetation index image was generated usingNDVI = (Band 5 - Band 4) / (Band 5 + Band 4)Step 4: Produce a proportion of vegetation imageThe proportion of vegetation image was generated using normalized difference vegetation index.formulas (4):Calculate the proportion of vegetation PV = (NDVI - NDVImin / NDVImax- NDVImin) 2PV = Square (("NDVI" - 0.216901) / (0.632267 - 0.216901))Step 5: Produce the Emissivity image Emissivity image was generated using formula (5)ε = 0.004 * PV + 0.986 Formula (5): Calculate the Emissivity coefficientStep 6: Produce an image of the earth's surface temperature Land surface temperature image was generated using formula (6).Formula (6) :Calculate ground land surface temperatureLST = (BT / (1 + (0.00115 * BT / 1.4388) * Ln (e)))Results and Discussion Text Comparison of surface temperature phenomena (LST) According to Table (6), the highest land surface temperature with 44.42 ° C belongs to Chitgar Park, which is covered with coniferous trees, and the lowest in Shahid Chamran Park, in Karaj with 28.09 ° C with broadleaf trees. Has been. According to Tables (7) and (8), the lowest temperature of Chamran Park is 28.09 ° C and the highest is 36.51 ° C and the lowest temperature of Chitgar Park is 34.74 ° C and the highest is 44.42 ° C. . According to Figure (22), Chitgar Park with an average surface temperature of 38.92 ° C is warmer than Shahid Chamran Park with an average land surface temperature of 31.39 ° C. Figure (23) shows a red graphic showing the surface temperature of the ground in Chitgar Park with coniferous species (pine) and the blue diagram shows the surface temperature of Shahid Chamran Park in Karaj with broadleaf species. It is clear that the temperature is significantly higher in Chitgarh Park. The range of temperature fluctuations in Shahid Chamran Park is between 36.51 - 28.09 ° C and in Chitgar Park is between 42 / 44-74 / 34 which is exactly shown in the diagram. The fact that the red chart is higher than the blue chart explains this correctly. This is due to the lower density of trees in Chitgarh Park as well as the predominant tree species (needle-shaped) due to less shading and more input radiation. T test with two independent samples: This test, which is a parametric test, was used to prove a significant difference between the earth's surface temperature in areas with coniferous and deciduous trees. Leven test (F) was used to prove the homogeneity of sample variances and t-test with two independent samples was used to examine the homogeneity of the means of the two statistical populations, which resulted in the following results. As can be seen in Table (12), the value = 0.409 Sig, which is the same value as P_value, is greater than 0.05, ie the variance of the communities is homogeneous and equal. 0.05 is less, which means that the difference is significant. Due to religion, the difference between the land surface temperature data of Shahid Chamran and Chitgar parks is proved.ConclusionAccording to all the findings, Chitgar Park has a higher land surface temperature than Chamran Park, which is due to the lower density of trees and also the type of dominant tree species (needle-shaped). Coniferous species that take up less space than broadleaf species and have less shading. They also make it possible for the sun to collide with the ground due to the fact that the leaves of the adjacent trees do not meet, and this is an important factor in raising the surface temperature in the mentioned park. Species compatible with the climate of the study areas are broadleaf species because they have more leaves shading and care than coniferous species and ultimately cause more climate adjustment. The difference in temperature between the two parks confirms this fact. In the current dilemma of the century, global warming, knowing these local realities and providing logical solutions to reduce surface temperature at the regional and regional scales as a whole can effectively solve the problem of global warming on a global scale.
Rural Planning
sirous ghanbari; Azam Bordbar Galavi
IntrouductionIn recent years, the role of enterprises (high-yield) in developed countries as well as developing countries is increasing. Enterprises are one of the most important and vital units active in today's societies that can be helped to solve the problem of unemployment, increase production and ...
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IntrouductionIn recent years, the role of enterprises (high-yield) in developed countries as well as developing countries is increasing. Enterprises are one of the most important and vital units active in today's societies that can be helped to solve the problem of unemployment, increase production and national exports with proper planning as well as supportive and regulatory solutions. But today, these enterprises face many obstacles. According to available statistics, about 23% of small units in the first year and about 42% at the end of the fifth year have failed for various reasons and have been forced to stop operating. Zabol city Enterprises, Islamabad and Hosseinabad districts are no exception to this rule. Due to lack of necessary skills and expertise, the majority of residents in these areas are not attracted to the formal sector of the urban economy and are employed in informal jobs. Considering that about 90% of the economic enterprises in these neighborhoods are serviced and commercial enterprises, and due to the unfavorable economic situation and low income, these enterprises cannot survive in the field of competition, and as a result, the owner enterprises are forced to close down. Considering the importance of the development of economic enterprises in Sistan region and its important role on the sustainability of employment and even continuoued job creation, the above article aims to investigate the obstacles to the development of economic enterprises in Islamabad and Hosseinabad neighborhoods.Data and MethodThe method in this research is descriptive-analytical. The statistical population of this research is economic enterprises located in Islamabad and Hosseinabad neighborhoods (226) which then, according to the number of economic enterprises in the above neighborhoods (142 enterprises), 142 enterprises have been calculated as the sample size of enterprises using Cochran's formula at 95% confidence level. Of these, 88 enterprises in Islamabad neighborhood and 54 enterprises are located in Hosseinabad neighborhood. To collect information, in addition to library studies and field observations and interviews with enterprise owners, indicators appropriate for the enterprises in the study area were determined. Based on the determined indicators, the studied enterprises questionnaires have been prepared. To analyze the data, Shannon and Saw entropy multivariate decision weighting models have been used. Also, in order to analyze the data, SPSS software was used along with one-sample t-test. Results and DiscussionIn order to assess the barriers to the development of enterprises in (Islam Abad and Hossein Abad neighborhoods), several methods are used, which are different based on the purpose of the study and the expertise level and analysis method. In order to determine the weight and importance of the selected indicators using the opinions of the respondents, the entropy coefficient was used. Finally, in order to obtain accurate final results, the final weight obtained for the indicators was multiplied by the data (items) obtained from the respondents' questionnaire. The weight assigned to each selected indicator is calculated and presented. Political obstacles (lack of a single trustee in the field of development of small and medium enterprises, problems for exporting goods inside and outside the country), weighing 0.246, have the highest amount of obstacles. Financial barriers (disproportion of capital and labor, fluctuations in raw material prices, retail sales of products, trade sanctions on Iran, high inflation in the country, financial problems of enterprises, reduced liquidity, high bank interest rates) with a weight of 0.200 has second rank and skills-training barriers (lack of labor skills, low level of education in the labor force, unwillingness to consult marketing, weakness in economic, financial and managerial knowledge); With a weight of 0.189, it has third rank. Then, indicators of legal obstacles (necessary instability in regulations, rules and policies of foreign exchange and trade, lack of timely implementation of government incentive policies such as tax exemptions and export bonuses, insufficient facilities and financial and non-financial support provided by small and medium enterprises, administrative barriers to receiving facilities, lack of specialized banks to pay facilities to small enterprises, lack of unity of procedure between banks in providing facilities to enterprises, the existence of numerous and sometimes contradictory laws in the country) with a weight of 0.188, have fourth rank and indicators of infrastructure barriers (weakness of local constructions, being in the false place, lack of suitable bandwidth for the Internet) with a weight of 0.187 have the lowest rank. Also, in describing the barriers to the development of enterprises in the studied neighborhoods based on the saw method, an Islam Abad neighborhood with a final score 0.507 has the highest and Hossein Abad with 0.490 has the lowest level of development barriers.ConclusionComparing the results of the present study with other similar studies shows that some of the results are consistent and contradictory. According to the research findings, political barriers (lack of a single trustee in the field of development of small and medium-sized enterprises, problems for exporting goods inside and outside the country), weighing 0.246, have highest number of barriers to the development of enterprises. These results are consistent with the findings of the study (Rezaei and colleague, 2015). In the study of Rezaei and colleague, among the six factors extracted, the political-infrastructural factor with a value 3.715 alone explains 17.38% of the total variance. Also, the third barrier for the development of economic enterprises was the financial barriers that have been emphasized in the research (Zargar and Beidakhti, 2011).
Masoomeh Mahdian Bahnamiry; M. Taghvaei
Introduction Today, due to the historical processes, interests, education and needs of society, the fields of tourism have also changed. The fact is that many countries in their new tourism planning, creativity has become a strategy in the construction of places, so it is important knowing the importance ...
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Introduction Today, due to the historical processes, interests, education and needs of society, the fields of tourism have also changed. The fact is that many countries in their new tourism planning, creativity has become a strategy in the construction of places, so it is important knowing the importance of the fact that development based on creativity and creative tourism, various negative factors of tourism development Reduces, as the creative living industry has received a lot of attention in these countries. In the category of creative tourism, creative tourism development strategies must be sensitive to the issue of local capacities. Because the mental image of the residents of that place is important for understanding the goals and behavioral attitudes and supporting the development of tourism. Despite the growth of tourism in the world and the slow and slow growth of tourism in Iran, tourism in Golestan province has not yet reached its true position due to the existing potential and actual capabilities. Although Golestan province is considered as the "tourist bottleneck" of the east of the country based on its geographical location and is a gateway to incoming tourists from the eastern provinces of the country, but so far has only played a "crossing" role and has not benefited from such a geographical location in the "geopolitics of domestic tourism", in this regard, the present article explains and analyzes the spatial distribution of creative tourism pragmatists in tourism areas of the townships of Golestan province.Data and Method The aim of this study was development research in terms of descriptive-analytical nature and based on survey and field method. The method of collecting the required data was based on library, documentary and field survey methods by referring to the relevant organizations. 27 sub-indexes (in the form of 232 variables) were used to evaluate the spatial distribution of creative tourism operators and practitioners of creative tourism, which has four dimensions of creative environment, creative process, creative product and creative class. In order to compare the studied cities in terms of spatial distribution status of creative tourism operators, first the weight and importance of all dimensions and sub-indices were obtained through a critical model. Then, 14 sample townships were compared with each other and ranked using EDAS multi-criteria decision making method based on the status of creative tourism operators. Results and Discussion Despite some attention and positive results of the conceptual and operational development of creative tourism in the country, so far, due to the rich local capacities in all areas of music, food, local games, dance, singing and local rituals, there is still a great distance to the realization of creative tourism aspirations in the country, Meanwhile Golestan province is no exception to this rule due to its abundant talents and capabilities. The objective and tangible result of these facts can be easily seen in the product of this study;The result of evaluating the four dimensions of creative environment, creative process, creative industries (product) and creative class in the spatial distribution of creative tourism creative operators in Golestan province, where there are many potential capacities for the development of creative tourism, whose analytical output shows in the townships of the province, in terms of environment, out of 14 townships in the province, 7 townships are in a completely unfavorable situation. However Maraveh Tappeh township with the highest percentage of rural population (85.8%) has been identified as a natural habitat for car trees and rare medicinal plants.It is obvious that the study and planning of the development and consolidation of this one case (medicinal plants), itself will have a dramatic effect on economic development in the first step and the development of creative tourism in the region.The results of this study show that Gomishan township with two golf courses and an international wetland as well as the only township with marine handicraft production are among these townships.Certainly, in the production of these industries, what is important is the creativity of the individual to prepare and produce the most beautiful products with these objects and her imagination.In the creative process dimension, Azadshahr, Ramyan and Aliabad have been more successful than other townships by holding workshops, art and cultural training classes, and various festivals, and have been in a completely favorable position in terms of this dimension. n the creative class dimension, the situation is far more favorable than other dimensions of creative tourism practitioners, so that Turkmen, Kordkoy, Kalaleh and Minoodasht have a better situation in terms of creative class than other dimensions of creativity. This situation is partly due to the optimal use of industries and creative products in these areas, while other cities have not been able to take full advantage of the potential in the region. As it is evident in the findings, Gorgan township is in a very favorable situation in other cases except for one case (creative process). It is obvious that such a situation is due to the concentration of attention on the first city and the center of the province so that geographical inequality in the urban and service system of the province, disproportionate distribution of population, infrastructure facilities and activities and the tendency to polarization are among the management factors involved in these regional imbalances. ConclusionIn summary, the results of this study show that creative tourism operators in the townships of Golestan province are not in a good position. In explaining this issue, according to the objective studies conducted from the results of studies, observations and interviews, the spatial distribution of the dimensions of creative tourism operators in the five townships of Maraveh Tappeh, Gomishan, Galikesh, Kordkoy and BandarGaz, has completely unfavorable conditions, while six townships of Minoodasht, Azadshahr, Aq Qala, Turkmen, Kalaleh and Ramyan have relatively unfavorable conditions in terms of having the dimensions of creative tourism operators. However, only Aliabad and Gonbad townships are in a state of moderate desirability, and ultimately Gorgan is the capital of the province, which is in a very favorable situation in terms of having the dimensions of creative tourism operators. The results of this study show that this province, despite the potential capacities for the development of creative tourism, is still far from the ideals of this important issue in line with the existing conditions of developed societies, which is the main concern of this paper, recognition, attention, recommendation, planning and development of this important issue as one of the most important channels of sustainable economy in the world.
Urban Planning
Hossein Hataminejad; noosha hamghadam; reza kanooni
Introduction Due to the expansion of cities and population growth, the study of residential satisfaction of residents to meet future needs and achieve sustainable development, has found a special place in various studies. Residential satisfaction is examined on the basis of many components and is ...
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Introduction Due to the expansion of cities and population growth, the study of residential satisfaction of residents to meet future needs and achieve sustainable development, has found a special place in various studies. Residential satisfaction is examined on the basis of many components and is considered as a tool for decision making and policy making. In this regard, the study of residential satisfaction in the city of Rasht as the largest and most populous city in Gilan province is important. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to assess the components of good urban governance in creating residential satisfaction in Rasht with a future study approach. The present study has been applied in terms of descriptive-analytical and exploratory methods. Data collection is by documentary method as well as survey based on Delphi technique. First, 35 factors were identified as effective factors in residential satisfaction in Rasht according to the components of good urban governance and in the next step, Micmac software was used to analyze the data and the type of questionnaire was a matrix of interactions and According to the opinions of experts and specialists in urban planning in Rasht. The weighting of this questionnaire is measured by pairwise comparisons and the relationship between variables and numbers between zero and three. Finally, 13 key factors were identified and 29 possible situations were considered for key factors. The Wizard Scenario Questionnaire was also designed as an interaction matrix and provided to experts. the questionnaire ranges from +3 to -3 varying. management and integrated urban planning, participation of local citizens and communities, the existence of infrastructure and mechanisms necessary for citizen intervention and cooperation with the municipality has the highest consistency value among key factors in improving the quality of the Rasht city's residential satisfaction within the framework of good urban governance.the study of residential satisfaction of residents has been one of the most important research topics in various fields. Residential satisfaction assessment is based on many components and covers a wide range; Such as social-components, cultural-components, physical-components, service-components, and economic-components There are several main reasons for paying special attention to this issue. From the first point of view, residents' evaluation of residential environments can be considered as one of the most important criteria for measuring the achievement of goals and evaluating the success rate of any project. From the second point of view, residential satisfaction is considered as one of the important indicators of the general quality of life of individuals. Rasht is the most populous city in Gilan province. For this reason, the existence of components of good urban governance in meeting the needs of this population and housing satisfaction of people is necessary. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the components of good urban governance in creating residential satisfaction. Materials and MethodsThe present study is applied in terms of descriptive-analytical method, which in line with the basics of futures science, research on the situation of residential satisfaction in the framework of good urban governance in Rasht. In this regard, data collection in the theoretical part by documentary method and in the practical part by survey, has been based on the Delphi technique. Due to the fact that Mick Mac software and Scenario Wizard have been used to analyze the data, the type of questionnaire is in the form of a matrix of interactions and is based on the opinions of experts and specialists. To identify the key factors by Mick Mac software, after identifying the factors affecting residential satisfaction, an interaction questionnaire was designed. Its validity was conducted by experts in the form of interviews. The statistical population of the study is 20 experts and specialists (geography and urban planning of Rasht). The weighting of this questionnaire is measured by pairwise comparisons and the relationship between variables and numbers between zero and three. Then, different possible situations were considered for each of the key factors and interaction effects were designed in the form of a questionnaire. Then the questionnaire was completed by the statistical community and through the Ensemble feature in the Scenario Wizard software, the questionnaires were entered into the software. Discussion and Results Mick Mac software and cross-matrix analysis have been used to extract the key factors affecting residential satisfaction in Rasht within the framework of good urban governance and the output of this software (key factors) will be used as input to the Wizard scenario software. 35 factors as effective factors in residential satisfaction in Rasht in the framework of good urban governance have been identified and studied with Mick Mac software to extract the main factors affecting residential satisfaction in Rasht (in this software the effect of variables on each other from zero to three Is valued). 29 possible situations were created for 13 key factors affecting the improvement of residential satisfaction in Rasht. The scenarios provided by ScenarioWizard software were 10,000 scenarios, of which 1294 are valid and 2 scenarios are highly compatible. Of the two scenarios with high compatibility, the first scenario shows the favorable conditions and the second scenario shows the critical conditions for the future of residential satisfaction in Rasht within the framework of good urban governance. In order to improve the situation of residential satisfaction, the possible probable situation should be strengthened and the possible critical situation should be weakened. Conclusion According to the obtained results, the first scenario is the best progressive scenario for improving the residential satisfaction situation in Rasht within the framework of good urban governance. With the realization of this scenario, 100% of the determinants of residential satisfaction in Rasht will be achieved. All 13 key factors in this scenario are among the possible probable situations and there are no critical and static factors in this scenario. The possible situations selected in this scenario have many positive effects on the factor of improving the residential satisfaction situation in Rasht within the framework of good urban governance. The second scenario is a critical scenario that with the realization of this scenario, the situation of influential factors in the future of residential satisfaction in Rasht will reach its worst. It is better for the initial measures to be in the direction of resolving the critical situations so that the system moves towards stability and the influential factors in the first scenario have their positive impact process. Integrated urban management and planning, citizen participation and local communities, the existence of necessary infrastructure and mechanisms for citizen intervention and cooperation of non-governmental organizations with the municipality are among the highest values of compatibility related to key factors in the future of residential satisfaction in Rasht.
Seyyed mahmoud Hosseini seddigh; masoud jalali; Hossein Asakereh
IntroductionThe results of the study showed that the correlation headley cell and subtropical jet on the atmosphere Iran at the level 200 hPa has a positive correlation with a value of 0.4-0.7 to 35 ° latitude and also regression analysis showed that in latitudes between 15 35 degrees north of the ...
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IntroductionThe results of the study showed that the correlation headley cell and subtropical jet on the atmosphere Iran at the level 200 hPa has a positive correlation with a value of 0.4-0.7 to 35 ° latitude and also regression analysis showed that in latitudes between 15 35 degrees north of the subtropical jet 1(m/s) is higher than normal, although in 2017 up to latitudes 30 degrees north showed an increase of 2(m/s), which had a negative effect on rainfall.Data and MethodThe relationship between Hadley cell and olr in the southern, southwestern and southeastern regions of Iran with a value of 0.4 and the Zagros and northwestern heights of Iran with a value of 0.7 and regression with a value of (w/m2) 0.01 more than normal.Results and DiscussionIt acts as a tangible source of heat in the middle Wordspehr and the heat is added directly to the middle Wordspehr and causes heating of the upper half of the Wordspehr.ConclusionRegression 2 to 1 is shown. Low relative humidity along with the dried air mass is located below the descending branches of the headley cell, which has ruled the drought conditions (-0/7) showed that it creates conditions for lack of rainfall and drought.
Urban Planning
M. Taghvaei; sohila rezaiee adaryani
Introduction A child-friendly city is one of the theories of urban planning, in line with allocating citizenship rights to children and taking care of their wishes and needs, with the aim of creating an opportunity for children to shape or change their surroundings (Sardar Masri,897:2017). Many ...
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Introduction A child-friendly city is one of the theories of urban planning, in line with allocating citizenship rights to children and taking care of their wishes and needs, with the aim of creating an opportunity for children to shape or change their surroundings (Sardar Masri,897:2017). Many studies have been conducted in connection with child-friendly cities in recent years. For the first time in 2007, UNICEF introduced the city of Bendigo, Australia, as the first city to successfully implement child-friendly city projects. Bendigo was introduced as a city where attention to children's rights is the priority in solving urban problems (Kiani & esmailzade kavaki,2012:51). Examining cities' current situation indicates children's neglect in urban planning, especially in Iran (Ghaffari et al., 2014:27). This is even though children, in addition to being an essential part of society, are strongly influenced by the environment and space. One of the urban places that require special attention in this regard is parks and green spaces because they play an essential role in children's leisure time.The present article has examined the studies that have been conducted in the field of the child-friendly city since 1980. Since the 1920s, Western countries have shown early attention to children and their relationship with the environment, and since the 1990s, they have begun to build child-friendly cities, and currently, they have made positive achievements in both the theory and practical examples (Yao & Xiaoyan,2017:699). This research is more about assigning citizenship rights to children and providing for their needs. Today, the child-friendly city is at the top of decision-makers agenda in urban affairs.Therefore, this article examines children's chances to have a share in creating their environment and highlights their ideas, especially in green space design.Data and MethodThe main goal of this study is to identify the indicators of child-friendly green spaces and, in the next step, to measure the realization of child-oriented green spaces in Nazhvan in Isfahan. The method adopted to conduct the present research is descriptive, analytical, and based on the library method and field studies. For this purpose, using the library and documentary method and referring to the available sources in this field, this theory's intellectual and theoretical foundations were studied, and valuable indicators for creating child-friendly green spaces were identified. These indicators were extracted from different scientific sources (including books, articles, and scientific reports). The framework of indicators is produced by collecting all the indicators in a matrix and deducing the most frequent ones. As the main and most important indicators of children's green space, these indicators include security, participation, and sense of belonging, a healthy environment, creativity, interactive spaces, accessibility, variety of spaces, safety, and services. Then, the necessary information was collected by using the field method, including observation, interview, and completing the researcher-made questionnaire. The study sample was selected due to the uncertainty of the community's population size, which included the number of visitors to the green space; based on Cochran's formula in communities of unknown size, 384 cases were selected, including 200 children and 184 adults. Finally, data analysis was done using SPSS software and a T-test.The results of the research show that Nazhvan Park has nine defined components. Based on this, the criteria of a healthy environment, creativity, having interactive spaces, participation, and sense of belonging, security, accessibility, variety of spaces, safety, and services have obtained the highest to lowest points, respectively. In order to improve the level of child-oriented in Nazhvan Park, measures such as: improving the level of services, increasing children's playgrounds suitable for different age groups with high safety, designing and implementing intellectual, group, and various games in the park, improving the quality of access to the park from Through public transportation, it is suggested to improve the safety of the environment and increase the participation of children.Results and DiscussionThe results of the research show that Nazhvan Park has nine defined components. Based on this, the criteria of a healthy environment, creativity, having interactive spaces, participation, and sense of belonging, security, accessibility, variety of spaces, safety, and services have obtained the highest to lowest points, respectively.ConclusionIn order to improve the child-friendly approach in Nazhvan Park, some solutions were suggested, including the following: Improving the service level, increasing playgrounds suitable for children of different ages and groups and with high safety, applying and using all kinds of intellectual games in the park, improving the quality of access to the park through public transportation, improving environmental security and increasing Children's participation. Based on the obtained results, we can determine the score of Nazhvan Park in nine sections based on the opinions of children and adults. This result shows the strengths and weaknesses of the park in order to improve the situation according to the child-friendly approach.
Urban Planning
Mahmood Akbari
IntroductionIn many developing countries, cities have emerged as engines of economic growth by providing a variety of opportunities. However, high population growth in urban areas has put a lot of pressure on natural resources (Dambeebo and Jalloh, 2018: 235). Governments in developed and developing ...
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IntroductionIn many developing countries, cities have emerged as engines of economic growth by providing a variety of opportunities. However, high population growth in urban areas has put a lot of pressure on natural resources (Dambeebo and Jalloh, 2018: 235). Governments in developed and developing countries also use policies to counter the effects of urbanization. One of these policies is the issue of sustainable development (Abu Bakar and Cheen, 2013: 484). The social dimension is an important component of sustainable development. While the discourse of sustainable development is largely limited to environmental and economic concerns (Hemani et al, 2012: 783-784). The overall goal of social sustainability seems to be social justice (Koglin, 2009: 13). In the present study, an attempt has been made to measure the indicators of sustainable social development in Iranian metropolises by using Edas and Mairca technique. Data and MethodIn the present study, by using the Edas and Mairca techniques, the indicators of sustainable social development in Iranian metropolises have been investigated. The metropolises studied in this study were Tehran, Mashhad, Isfahan, Shiraz, Tabriz and Qom. The most important indicators used in the Edas and Mairca are: number of public indoor sports facilities covered by the municipality, area of public indoor sports facilities covered by the municipality, number of public outdoor sports facilities covered by the municipality, area of the premises Public sports covered by the municipality, number of libraries and study halls, area of libraries and study halls, number of cultural centers covered by the municipality, area of cultural centers covered by the municipality, number of urban parks, number of forest parks, number of cinemas, Number of cinemas, number of cinema seats, center for social injuries, number of medical centers contracted by the Social Security Organization and number of hospitals contracted by the Social Security Organization. Results and DiscussionIn most of the studied indicators on social development, Tehran metropolis has the most positive distance from the average. The results of using the Edas technique show that Tehran metropolis had the highest score with a score of (0.998), Isfahan metropolis with a score of (0.201) and Mashhad metropolis with a score of (0.189) had the highest score, respectively. The final score was Tabriz metropolis (0.143), Shiraz metropolis (0.100) and Qom metropolis (0.008). The results of Mairca technique show that Tehran metropolis with a score of (0.0049) has the highest scores of sustainable social development indicators. Isfahan metropolis with the highest score (0.1410) after Tehran had the highest score. The metropolis of Mashhad has gained the most points after gaining points (0.1462) after the metropolises of Tehran and Isfahan. The score of Tabriz (0.1520), Shiraz (0.1540) and Qom (0.1612) was gained. ConclusionComparative comparison of the results of Edas and Mairca techniques shows similar results and in these two techniques, Tehran metropolis has had the highest score. In the studied indices in the model of Edas and Mairca, Isfahan metropolis had the highest score after Tehran metropolis. The metropolis of Mashhad has had the highest score after the metropolis of Isfahan. In this regard, after Mashhad metropolis, Tabriz, Shiraz and Qom metropolises have obtained the most points, respectively. The results obtained in both techniques indicate inequality due to the difference in points between the studied metropolises.
M. Taghvaei; Sheida Janali poor; Marjan Shafiei
IntroductionIn 2016, almost 55% of the world’s population were living in cities which is anticipated to amount to 66% by 2050. As the population grows, competition between cities as tourism destinations also grows (Boivin & Tanguay, 2019:67). Tourism is a major industry globally, with so many ...
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IntroductionIn 2016, almost 55% of the world’s population were living in cities which is anticipated to amount to 66% by 2050. As the population grows, competition between cities as tourism destinations also grows (Boivin & Tanguay, 2019:67). Tourism is a major industry globally, with so many people spending their time in recreation and travel each year (Taghvaei & Jozi-Khamsalouei, 2016:163). This rapidly growing industry which is affecting economies considerably (Bazrafshan & Bameri, 2018:168), is becoming one of the main components of the world’s trade shortly (Taghvaei & Hosseini-Khah, 2017:9). Today, tourists seek to gain more interactive and satisfying experiences, as creative tourism can be an effective way to connect this (Mohammadi et al. 2016:5). Creative tourism is gaining momentum and seeks to provide modern tourism development strategies (Kiani Salmi & Safari, 2017:117). Creative tourism paves the way for societies to achieve development (Saniei et al. 2014:84). With an oil-dependent economy, Iran has not done non-oil economy and revenue generation through other channels; thus, it should seriously engage in tourism (Taghvaei et al. 2013:172) because it enjoys the potential to become a strong tourism hub.Meanwhile, creative tourism refers to a more developed form of tourism that has a rich historical and cultural background in Iran, especially in Isfahan (Shafie et al. 2014:251), which enjoys nationally and internationally-recognized attractions and draws many tourists from all over Iran and the world (Taghvaei & Izadi, 2012:32). Therefore, given the positive outcomes that tourism may bring about for cities and also the role of the city of Isfahan as a tourism city, the present research investigates the most important components affecting the creative tourism development in Isfahan and emphasizes tourism attractions. It also seeks to answer the following questions: What is the distribution of tourism attractions in Isfahan? AndWhat are the most important components affecting the development of creative tourism in Isfahan?Data and MethodThe present research falls under applied-developmental studies in terms of goals and uses a descriptive-analytical method from a methodological perspective. Data required were gathered from library and document sources and field surveys. A research questionnaire was developed using indicators extracted from books, scientific articles, views, and related theories in creative tourism, including four dimensions and 29 indicators. Also, factorial analysis, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) (TOPSIS and SAW), Partially Ordered Set (POSET) methods, and entropy coefficient were used to analyze the data.According to Isfahan’s Handicraft and Tourism Organization, the statistical population was 850000 in 2018. The Cochran formula yielded a total sample size of 385 tourists and officials working in the tourism sector (Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization) selected via the snowball sampling method.Results and DiscussionFactor analysis model findings suggest that social-cultural (9 variables), artistic-cultural (6 variables), structural-institutional (7 variables), and finally economic (6 variables) factors were the most important factors affecting the materialization of creative tourism in the city of Isfahan, which could explain 49.73% of the total variance. AHP, TOPSIS and SAW methods were used to prioritize the indicators. Also, the POSET method was used to rank the indicators.Model findings of the cultural dimension suggest that the criterion of official attention to the cultural heritage, learning experiences and new skills and holding handicraft industries workshops are ranked first to third, respectively. Model finding of the structural dimension also suggests that creativity in design, standard location and quality of tourism infrastructure, and the effects of night transportation on the use of tourism attractions take first to third ranks, respectively. The prioritization of social dimension indicators reveals that the sub-criterion of security and peace of mind in tourism spaces, greater interaction between people and tourists and holding sports-cultural games take first to third priorities. As regards the economic dimension, components of handicrafts industries marketing, appropriate distribution of sale centers and diversity of tourism services consistent with all income groups are ranked first to third. In the meantime, the entropy coefficient for the distribution of attractions in the city of Isfahan was 0.5, which indicates a greater concentration and imbalanced distribution of the attractions in the municipal districts of the city. It is thus required to develop and balance new attractions fundamentally.ConclusionWith so many historical sites, the metropolis of Isfahan is considered one of the most popular tourist hubs in Iran, which necessitates tourism planning for this city. The distribution of tourism attractions in Isfahan indicates greater concentration and imbalanced distribution of the attractions in municipal areas of the city. Despite the large number of tourists flowing into this city, their presence is limited to some areas, with people of Isfahan themselves having to travel longer distances to see the attractions. Thus, one of the critical solutions is to employ successfully implemented models and ideas for creating new attractions in areas which lack attractions. Also, to materialize creative tourism in Isfahan, it is imperative to provide planning on major components and indicators and understand and prioritize these indicators so that creative tourism is developed and implemented.
Urban Planning
Akbar Rahimi; Ramin Nagshbandi
The growing trend of urbanization in developing countries like as Iran has led to a threefold increase in the urban population, with 54% of the world's population living in cities and projected to reach 66% by 2050. From 1950 to 2014, the world's population increased by 423 percent. The ...
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The growing trend of urbanization in developing countries like as Iran has led to a threefold increase in the urban population, with 54% of the world's population living in cities and projected to reach 66% by 2050. From 1950 to 2014, the world's population increased by 423 percent. The willingness towards machine life is the rapid development of construction in urban areas, causing psychological pressures along with physical pressures on the living environment in urban spaces) and can be said that construction without limitation in cities has a negative impact on urban landscape preferences. Also, rapid population growth in cities has a negative reflection on the environment and urban the pollution of cities, environmental degradation, also the ecological balance of the environment, destruction Cover plants of urban and suburban areas (farmland, gardens) and the conversion of natural ground cover to the impermeable surfaces. It also has an impact on the urban ecosystems. The sequence of that urban dispersal takes place. Extravagant use of suburban lands has led to dramatic changes in the landscape of suburbs and city entrances. Today's entrances, which serve as only an element to determine the city's boundaries, are decorative elements that are located in the middle of the city's entryway and can be said to have no identity. Some of the most important actions carried out in the field of organization of entrance gates in Iranian cities are the construction of the Boulevard and the Blvd and often has been added to the problems of these fields. The lack of proper city management, on the other hand, has led to undesirable uses at the entrance of cities that limit the attractiveness of tourism and the use of natural elements and make visual and environmental disturbances more evident.
The importance of urban landscapes has been revealed to everyone with its many benefits, so planning for urban landscape design is one of the most important issues in ecology and urban landscape. Landscapes are important in human life activities and how they affect the quality of our life. However, strategies for urban landscape management have been developed by experts and the perception of people from the urban landscape is often ignored. The European Landscape Convention (ELC) mentioned that people’s perceptions are the main factor in the assessment and planning of the landscape because general people think in a different way than experienced designers’ do. Studies show that human judgment is instinctive so that prospects for suitable for survival are more preferred. These responses are usually unconscious and immediate. So, in planning and managing public spaces, they need to be considered and understood by users of these.
The need to integrate public perception and expert approaches into landscape management processes can help improve the urban because the use of urban sights is a expect if the reality is not coordinated, it leads to incompatibility between space and citizens. It is obvious that recognizing the desires of people and their preferences is not only an educational challenge, but also vital for policymaking and implementation, and in addition to creating more attractive neighborhoods and promoting environmental services. In this way, urban spaces can be gained better acceptance and satisfaction by people of society. Evidence shows that in Iran, public perception of urban landscapes, especially at city entrances, has not been addressed at all, and therefore, this study attempts to examine the perceptions of people who use the entrances to Saqqez city in order to improve their perceptions. Environmental quality from the perspective of the indigenous peoples of Saqez, travelers, and tourists.
Materials & Methods
study area
The city of Saqqez is located in the northwest of Sanandaj City (center of the province) and approximately 190 kilometers. The city of Saqqez has located between orbit 36 degrees 13 minutes to 36 degrees 16 minutes north latitude and 46 degrees 14 minutes 46 degrees 17 minutes east longitude. The city of Saqqez, with a population equal to 168.258, has also been divided into 22 neighborhoods and 8 districts.The city of Saqqez has 4 entrances; it has one entrance to Sanandaj to the south-east, 1 to Boukan to the north, 1 to Baneh to the west and 1 inlet in the northwest of the city where this entry is a rural entrance, which in this study will examine three main entrances of the city Used.
Questionnaire Structure
The questionnaire is divided into three sections. The first section contains demographic information. Before scoring each landscape scene, the participants had to indicate their personal socio-demographic information; marital status, age, education level, monthly income, and city of residence. Finally, the third section deals with the independent and dependent variables of the research. The questionnaire was designed based on the Likert spectrum and is structurally closed.
Scene Evaluation
The studies’ photographs were collected during the summers of 2018. All photographs in the studies were taken on sunny to partly sunny days from 10 am to 4 pm to avoid large differences in lighting. They were taken from approximately 5 feet above the ground from streets or sidewalks. A total of 40 images were selected and presented as a booklet. All 12 pictures related to one entrance and 2 photos of the beginning of each section and 2 final pictures were not considered in the analysis. participants were asked to evaluate the images on a 5-Point Likert-type Scale (Very nice + 2, beautiful +1, normal 0, ugly -1 and very ugly -2). The purpose of having two extra scenes at the beginning was to make the participants familiar with the photo rating procedure, whereas the two extra photos at the end of the photo-questionnaire served to prevent the participants from anticipating, which could render them easier. Finally, the images were calculated using the formula below.
Survey Population and Sample Size
The most relevant formula and a suitable solution would be the formula proposed by Mitra and Lankford (1999). This formula significantly prevents error by reducing the sampling error and increasing the confidence level, while at the same time reducing the non-sampling error. We assumed the standard deviation to be equal to 2.88, with the sampling size amounting to 300 persons. as a result, the sampling size amounted to 300 persons.
e = √ (P (1-P)/n); P = 50% and e = 2.88% 2.88% = √ (50 %( 1-50%)/n) → n = 300
Sampling Method, Survey Duration and Data analysis
During the spring months 2018, 300 entrance in Saqqez City users, aged 18 to 75, were randomly selected to answer a questionnaire containing 20 questions, using the booklet. The questionnaire was distributed every day at 8 am to 8 pm. These hours constitute the most frequently visited times of urban entrance. The data collected from the questionnaire survey were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), no. 20.
Discussion of Results
Examine people's preferences
The mean of the dependent variables of the research required to create an appropriate environment and to improve the quality of the environment are "public service, tourist, traffic, law enforcement, and green space. Green space with a mean of 4.40 was the top priority, and tourist destinations with a mean of 4.23 were.
Prioritizing independent variables from people's perspective
Friedman's test was used to prioritize independent variables from the viewpoints of indigenous people, travelers, and tourists in Saqqez City. Prioritizing independent variables is the indicator that it can have a positive impact on different applications within the city's entry range of those users. Green walkways in the range with an average rating of 8.20 as the first proper use of the entrance axis could have the most impact, creating parks or recreational or resorts with an average rating of 8.12 was the second most preferred, but there are repair shops and industrial applications with a mean rating of 2.62 was the lowest preference. The results also showed that the priority of independent variables of people is completely different and not at a level where the mentioned test was significant at the error level of 0.05 (P < 0.05).
People's preferences for independent variables according to demographic characteristic
People's preferences for independent variables were adjusted according to age, education level, marital status and residence in the form of sequential variables. Kruskal-Wallis test for age and level of education was used to compare the independent variables of the study, and the Mann-Whitney test for marital status and residence was used to compare the independent variables of the study. The results show that the choice of some variables (95% and 99% confidence level) was significant, which means that people with age, education, marital status, and different residence have the same priority in relation to variables. Top of form
Mean Description of Preference
Respondents' preferences at the entrances to Saqqez show That scenes 12, 16, and 34 are the most preferred scenes for the City entrances Saqqez. Sanandaj entrance Scene 12 (M = 3.50, SD= 1.050, pt=269) followed by bukan Entrance scene 16 (M = 4.08, s. d= 0.943, pt=324) and baneh Entrance scene 34 (M =4.06, SD= 0.929 pt=319). The favorable criteria natural landscapes, wide visibility, the presence of green spaces, Plant, elements and urban signs and service use in the desirability of spaces are important factors. But at the entrance to Sanandaj Scene 2 (M = 1.32, SD= 0.173, pt=-503) followed by bukan Entrance scene 15 (M = 1.40, s. d= 0.767, pt=-480) and baneh Entrance scene 32 (M =1.151, SD= 0.832 pt=-448) have the least preferred.The presence of visual turbulence by the waste collection center, range vendors and industrial applications, environmental degradation, lack of green space and lack of identity were the least effective preference. Bottom of Form
According to the results obtained from the present study, suitable land uses have been selected by the people from the perspective of Green walkways as the first priority of land use planning. In this regard, various studies show that green walkways or green trails contribute to the provision of multiple ecosystem services, protection, and conservation of biodiversity in cities. Tourists and travelers in the city of Saqqez have chosen the parks or recreational parks as a second priority in landscaping the entrances. Urban parks have been one of the most important cities. Top of form bottom of Form Urban parks are the main points of the cities. Green spaces, especially urban parks, give the community a wide range of environmental, psychological, social and economic benefits depending on their performance. The third priority of the people to use in landscaping entrances is "health centers". Health is one of the first basic needs of human societies for health and can be said to be an important part of one's social needs. Therefore, equal access to the primary health services for all social and economic groups of security and control with the aim of improving the quality of life and health of citizens is of the most important duties of Governments.
The lowest priority of the people is among the users from the perspective of entrances to "repair shop and industrial applications". Research has shown that the establishment of industrial and repair shops at the entrance axis is unauthorized due to the visual pollution they create, and it is suggested that they are transferred to the second layer. Or that these observations are covered with vegetation. Previous studies have demonstrated that different people could have different perceptions of landscape visual quality. Socio-economic and demographic characteristics significantly affect individuals’ preferences. Landscape preferences show in the entrances of cities, the existence of handmade objects such as houses, buildings in agricultural farms and index changes affect the preference of negative impact, but water, plant cover, shrubs, and trees have a positive impact on the viewpoint and study of verification of this issue.
ahmad asadi; Mohammad Reza Pourmohammadi
Introduction ach form of urban development has its own characteristics and disadvantages or advantages. But the common denominator of all these development patterns has been responding to the growing development of cities and preventing irregular growth. In recent years, with the emergence of new ideas ...
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Introduction ach form of urban development has its own characteristics and disadvantages or advantages. But the common denominator of all these development patterns has been responding to the growing development of cities and preventing irregular growth. In recent years, with the emergence of new ideas in various political, economic and environmental sciences, the growth and development of cities has become intelligently considered. Internal development is an essential part of smart urban development. Internal urban development policy is one of the three urban development policies that, along with other urban development policies; Connected or continuous development or separate or discontinuous urban development policy is proposed. In parallel with the horizontal growth of the city towards the suburbs and the destruction of lands and natural environment around the city, some spaces inside the city have been abandoned and have been left out of the development process. These abandoned spaces, called "infill-level" spaces, are important because they are located in cities, have underground or day-to-day facilities or equipment, and have access to such service centers and facilities. For example, in many of the old cities of Iran, the core of the city, which is considered in the form of historical and valuable worn-out texture, has such potential. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of infill development strategy on the components of vitality and social desirability in the worn-out tissue of Zanjan city. Methodology This research project in nature is an applied investigation and based on methodology is considered attributive- analytical project. Also using GIS techniques and FUZZY-AHP model required maps was provided and in each map Zanjan city’s deteriorated areas infill development specified and in final map under studying area’s internal development characterized as low, average and high developed areas. The questionnaire was used to measure the variables of vitality and social desirability. The sample size is 382 questionnaires that have been selected from the statistical population of worn-out tissue of Zanjan city using Cochran's formula. The research findings show that infill development has a positive effect on promoting vitality and social desirability in worn-out tissues, and there is a significant relationship between infill development with vitality and social desirability variables. Therefore, it can be said that vitality and social desirability are significantly different from infill development (less, medium, high). Results and discussion 17 items have been selected to measure vitality, and according to descriptive statistics, vitality in the range will increase with increasing level of infill development. The rate of vitality score in neighborhoods with low intermediate growth development is 46.77, in neighborhoods with medium infill development is 52.63 and in neighborhoods with high infill development is 53.82. Also, each of the vivacity items is examined separately. The score of each of the items is between 1 and 6. To measure the level of social desirability, 14 items have been selected. The level of social desirability is improved according to the increase in the rate of infill development, and according to the average score of the social desirability variable, this can be realized. The rate of social desirability score in neighborhoods with low infill development is 44.98, in neighborhoods with medium infill development is 50.66 and in neighborhoods with high infill development is 52.12. Conclusion In studies of infill development, the potentials of different urban neighborhoods have been examined using the principles of infill development and its relationship with other variables has not been investigated. However, in this study, the relationship between infill development and the variables of vitality and social desirability in the worn-out context of Zanjan city has been investigated, which is a new discussion. This can determine the benefits of infill development. The findings show that the higher the infill development of neighborhoods, the higher the level of vitality and social utility. In the dilapidated context of Zanjan, neighborhoods with high infill development (neighborhoods above Imam Street) are in a better position in terms of quality of life and social acceptance than neighborhoods with low level of infill development (neighborhoods around the Husseinieh Azam Zanjan). Therefore, it can be said that the higher the level of infill development, the better the security, the beauty of urban spaces, the diversity of activities, the physical diversity, the presence of women in the place, the compatible uses, the vitality of the citizens, and so on.