Urban Planning
Mohammadreza Pourmohammadi; Kioumars maleki
The city is not only a collection of buildings, but a phenomenon beyond a building complex. Therefore, a city cannot be considered unique only in the collection of buildings. One of the dangers that threaten many cities in the world is earthquakes. Earthquake has long been one of the most dangerous natural ...
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The city is not only a collection of buildings, but a phenomenon beyond a building complex. Therefore, a city cannot be considered unique only in the collection of buildings. One of the dangers that threaten many cities in the world is earthquakes. Earthquake has long been one of the most dangerous natural hazards and has a high risk. Earthquake risk is an expected damage that will cause damage to elements of society or the environment. For this reason, the protection of the city against earthquakes cannot be considered only in retrofitting and building earthquake-resistant buildings. The connection of the northwest of the country has been done after obtaining the opinions of experts in earthquake and passive defense and urban planning, the necessary investigations and analyzes were carried out using Vikor and TOPSIS fuzzy models, and the result of the model was shown using GIS software as a vulnerability map of the display areas. has been given and finally, areas 2, 3, 7, 4, Tabriz metropolitan municipality with less vulnerability and areas 10, 5, 1, 9, 6 and 8 located in the northeastern and northern areas of the city have been identified as unsuitable and critical. and the causes of vulnerability were expressed and solutions to control vulnerability were presented using data and matching the results of models.
Urban Planning
Mostafa Movasati; Hassan Ahmadzadeh; Ali panahi
Earthquake is one of the most dangerous, destructive and unpredictable natural hazards. Therefore, identify the vulnerable areas of cities is necessary in order to increase the capacity to deal with earthquake risks and crisis management of this risk. In this regard, the present study was written with ...
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Earthquake is one of the most dangerous, destructive and unpredictable natural hazards. Therefore, identify the vulnerable areas of cities is necessary in order to increase the capacity to deal with earthquake risks and crisis management of this risk. In this regard, the present study was written with the aim of investigating the vulnerable levels of Tabriz metropolis against earthquakes and providing crisis management solutions (before the crisis) to reduce the effects of earthquakes. The research method in the current study is mixed (combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches) with a practical purpose and analytical-exploratory nature, in order to analyze information; FAHP method in ArcGIS and PROMETHEE method were used. In addition, the statistical population of the research includes managers, city officials, and academic elites. The sample size of managers and officials was determined using Cohen's method at the 95% confidence level, 90 people, and the method of accessing them is based on the snowball method. The size of the sample of academic elites is also determined based on the targeted Delphi sampling method of 14 people. The findings of the research show that the peripheral and central areas of the city have the highest vulnerability potential. Meanwhile, regions 10 and 1 with net flow of -0.454 and -0.527 are considered among the areas with high vulnerability to earthquakes. Among the factors affecting the vulnerability of these areas, we can mention the proximity to the fault, wear and tear of the tissues, distance from the aid centers, high density and the lack of elasticity of the roads. For this purpose, a systemic and integrated approach is needed in order to be able to recover and empower the community, and in this regard, it is necessary to pay attention to the pre-crisis stage in the dimensions of building retrofitting, improving access and
Urban Planning
seyed Karim Mousavi; mahsa faramarzi; nazmfar hos
The concept of space quality is the product of various conditions and variables, which are actually the influential elements in space-geographical place. The objectivism of space plays a prominent role in every city and establishes mutual relations with critical situations such as earthquakes. ...
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The concept of space quality is the product of various conditions and variables, which are actually the influential elements in space-geographical place. The objectivism of space plays a prominent role in every city and establishes mutual relations with critical situations such as earthquakes. In this article, the quality of space is considered as a benefit or a public good that has functional, perceptual and physical dimensions. The public benefit is not only considered in the conventional sense of urban services and their equal distribution, but it is a public benefit and good.
Methods: Text
The research method is descriptive and analytical. A number of 120 people have been questioned randomly from the residents of Zone 1 of Tabriz Municipality.Results: Text
Conclusions: The research results indicate that the quality of space has a significant effect on reducing vulnerability to earthquakes.
sayyad asghari; Elnaz Piroozi
The danger of earthquakes causes irreparable damage to societies. Therefore, it is effective to prepare to deal with it by identifying vulnerable points. Ardabil City is not exempt from this rule due to the existence of many faults, seismic points, and non-compliance with standards. Based on this, the ...
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The danger of earthquakes causes irreparable damage to societies. Therefore, it is effective to prepare to deal with it by identifying vulnerable points. Ardabil City is not exempt from this rule due to the existence of many faults, seismic points, and non-compliance with standards. Based on this, the current research seeks to measure and evaluate the vulnerability of Ardabil City against the risk of earthquakes. For this purpose, first by examining research sources related to the subject, some of the most important factors affecting the occurrence of this phenomenon were prepared as independent variables. Valuation and standardization of the layers were done by using the fuzzy membership function and weighting of the criteria, using the CRITIC method. Finally, modeling was done using the MARCOS multi-criteria decision-making method. The results of the study showed, respectively; The factors of distance from the fault, land use, and distance from the earthquake center have the greatest influence on the occurrence of earthquakes in the region with the weight coefficient of 0.110, 0.104, and 0.102. In addition, according to the results of the research, 16.67% of the entire city of Ardabil has a high vulnerability potential and 30.27% has a relatively high vulnerability probability. Also, based on the results of the research, Ardabil city is at an average level in terms of the level of vulnerability to earthquake risk, the cities of Hir and Arallo are in the high vulnerability category and Somarin city is in the relatively high vulnerability zone. In addition, according to the findings of the research, 22.86 and 30.86 percent of the settlements and villages of Ardabil, respectively; In the area with high and relatively high vulnerability, 13.14% in the area with moderate vulnerability, and respectively; 22.28 and 10.86% are located in the area with relatively low and low earthquake vulnerability.
Urban Planning
Akbar Samadi; Rafat Shahmari Ardjani; alireza poursheykhian; Seyyede Sedighe Hasanimehr; Hossein asghari
Earthquake is considered as one of the most catastrophic and destructive types of natural hazards that cause extensive damage to property and assets, especially in urban areas, and cause many human casualties by destroying buildings and urban infrastructure. Therefore, the first and most basic step in ...
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Earthquake is considered as one of the most catastrophic and destructive types of natural hazards that cause extensive damage to property and assets, especially in urban areas, and cause many human casualties by destroying buildings and urban infrastructure. Therefore, the first and most basic step in crisis management in order to reduce the effects of an earthquake is to identify vulnerable levels against this crisis. In this regard, the present research was written with the aim of evaluating the level of vulnerability of Ardabil city against the earthquake crisis. The research method in the present study is mixed (quantitative and qualitative) with practical purpose and analytical and exploratory nature. The statistical population of the research also included managers and elites of Ardabil city, and the sample size was determined through the Delphi method of 20 experts. Also, in line with information analysis, have been used AHP technique in Expert Choice software, Weighted Overlay method in GIS software, and RADIUS damage estimation model. The findings of the research show that by examining 15 criteria, the criteria of distance from the fault, proximity to hazardous uses and access to service centers have the most importance (influence) to assess vulnerability to earthquakes. Also, according to the evaluation of the examined criteria and its integration in the fuzzy overlay method, it was found that about 13% of the tissue of Ardabil city is in the zone of very high vulnerability and about 18% is in the zone of high vulnerability. On the other hand, the results of the RADIUS model show that 13853 buildings are subject to destruction, 36% of them are in region 1 and 29% of them are in region 4. Also, the number of injured in the possible earthquake is estimated to be 67117 and the number of dead is 3113.
Urban Planning
elnaz hadi; mohammadreza pourmohammadi; hadi hakimi; elham hadi
Investigations on the rates of damages and casualties caused by earthquake in the cities have shown that in many cases, high percentage of casualties are directly or indirectly associated with undesirable state of urban planning and urban risks reduction. In fact, it can be said that the ...
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Investigations on the rates of damages and casualties caused by earthquake in the cities have shown that in many cases, high percentage of casualties are directly or indirectly associated with undesirable state of urban planning and urban risks reduction. In fact, it can be said that the major causes of damages and casualties caused by the earthquake, in addition to the negligence and nonchalance in observing the safety standards of structures, can also be resulted from the lack of appropriate urban development principles and plans. It is noteworthy that one of the issues of urbanization and urban planning that can be effective in reducing the earthquake effects and incrementing the urban Resilience is the compatibility of various forms of urban usages versus each other.
Data and Method
The term resilience is derived from the Latin word "Resilio" which means “to return (or to bounce back) suddenly”. The concept of resilience has undergone many changes throughout the time. Although the existing interpretations for this term are complex and diverse, but what is certain is that there is a close relationship between disaster risk, resilience and the built environment. In this context, consideration of resilience as the ability to organize the threats posed by accidents as well as the ability to attract people and resistance against disasters- while still retaining essentially the same function - is particularly concerning. Thus, it can be concluded that the characteristic of returning to the situation that existed before the disturbance occurred, and also improving the situation, for further development of the system, is called resilience.
By compatibility factor in planning, we mean the land use compatibility, which means that the use of lands that are within the sphere of influence of each other, should be consistent with each other in terms of compatibility, stability and activities and do not cause problems for one another or impede others from accomplishing their activities.
Results and Discussion
In this study, considering the proximity of urban usages relative to each other and using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the urban usage compatibility of district 4 in Tabriz was assessed. For this aim, first all urban usages in the study area were classified in 10 classes and the compatibility of each usage relative to other usages were studied. Then the usage layers were combined in GIS software by AHP model and finally, the compatibility map of urban usages for district 4 was obtained.
The results show that 5.9 % of the urban land usages in district 4 are totally incompatible with each other and 43.9 % of the urban usages are completely compatible with each other in the case of an earthquake. In general it can be said that most parts of the district 4 of Tabriz are in good condition in terms of the index of the urban land use compatibility and in case of an earthquake, less damage will be imposed on this area. Only the lands used for industries and workshops as well as municipal, administrative and military facilities are not in proper conditions in terms of the compatibility factor. So, on the basis of GIS-generated maps, because of incompatibility of industrial, municipal, administrative and military land uses, it is necessary to take effective measures in order to create a favorable environment in the city; because neglecting and disregarding the importance of the compatibility of these land uses can be dangerous for the surrounding area and it can increase the casualties caused by the earthquake in an area.
All other Geographic fields of studies , Interdisciplinary
Ali Reza Darban; Mostafa Haraeeni
Volume 23, Issue 68 , September 2019, , Pages 91-111
Among the natural disasters of the earthquake, it has a special position because it causes more damage than severe floods and storms, as it occurs almost without fear of any warning. Due to Iran's location on the Alp-Himalayas earthquake belt, earthquakes sometimes shake different regions of the country ...
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Among the natural disasters of the earthquake, it has a special position because it causes more damage than severe floods and storms, as it occurs almost without fear of any warning. Due to Iran's location on the Alp-Himalayas earthquake belt, earthquakes sometimes shake different regions of the country and with their effects and consequences have incurred irreparable damage in various social, economic and environmental dimensions, especially in rural areas. For this reason, it disrupts the development of a settlement or region. Based on numerous studies carried out in Tehran, including the Aftab area in this city, in terms of vulnerability to earthquakes in high risk areas are very high. In this regard, the study of socio-economic capacities of communities in increasing the resilience and recognizing the dimensions of resilience in local communities is important and can be considered in future plans. Accordingly, the present study aims to investigate the socioeconomic resilience capacity and its spatial analysis in the villages of Aphat district in Tehran using primate techniques. Today, resiliency is proposed as a way to strengthen local communities against the natural disasters by using their capacities. In this regard, the aim of this study is to analyze and evaluate the different dimensions of social economic resilience of rural communities in Aftab district of Tehran County.
Urban Planning
Kiumars Habibi; Mohammad Ezzati; Kamal Torabi; Bakhtiar Ezzat Panah
Considering high construction and population density, unstable structures, narrow streets, and high rate of inclusion in cities, it is necessary to plan and carry out researches to minimize vulnerabilities caused by natural events. To accomplish this, one of the important efforts can be identifying effective ...
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Considering high construction and population density, unstable structures, narrow streets, and high rate of inclusion in cities, it is necessary to plan and carry out researches to minimize vulnerabilities caused by natural events. To accomplish this, one of the important efforts can be identifying effective factors in reducing vulnerabilities of cities against earthquake. Recognizing and investigating the vulnerability of urban areas, particularly within the context of the old fabrics and informal settlements, is of great importance. By specifying vulnerable areas against earthquakes, with an awareness of the damage they may suffer, cities can be planned and designed in a way that the least damage during an earthquake is received. In this paper, by picking several indicators such as land use, street width, number of floors, rate of inclusion, population density, fabric segmentation, occupied space, floor-area ratio of buildings, built quality, structure type, building age, access to open spaces and distance to the main seismic belt and by employing the MIHWP model along with the capabilities of the Arc GIS software and by multiplying and overlaying the data layers of indexed indicators, the seismic vulnerability of the region 10 of Tabriz has been represented. The results conclude that the buildings with low width streets, high number of floors and high value of enclosure, less lot areas, high occupied space and building and population density, low built quality, unstable structures, old buildings, more distance to open space and proximity to major seismic belts, have been rated as high vulnerable areas. Within the region, moving from the North West to the center and North East, vulnerability considerably increases
Mohammadreza Pourmohammadi; Mohammadreza Karami
Volume 18, Issue 50 , February 2015, , Pages 55-88
Evaluation of the vulnerability is one of the most important challenges facing metropolises in Iran. Sensitivity of the issue is duplicated when the city is not only timeworn and includes squatter areas, but also is exposed to natural disasters such as earthquake and flood. Zoning the risk of earthquake ...
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Evaluation of the vulnerability is one of the most important challenges facing metropolises in Iran. Sensitivity of the issue is duplicated when the city is not only timeworn and includes squatter areas, but also is exposed to natural disasters such as earthquake and flood. Zoning the risk of earthquake and its modeling by advanced techniques regarding the vulnerability level of cities is inevitable. In Tabriz, diversity of urban textures, proximity to fault lines and lack of precision and revision on the subject, increases the vulnerabilit of such textures besides squatter textures. This project studies the municipal areas (1 and 5) in Tabriz city, regarding the nature of earthquake and its relation with four factors: population density, building density, quality of buildings and types of materials. Furthermore, the relation of vulnerability due to earthquake has been studied and modeled taking the advantage of the GIS robust technique with integrating Kernel Density Estimation model (KDE) and Analytical Hierarchy Possess model (AHP) in order to determine the vulnerable areas more precisely with an emphasis on residential application.
Karim Hosseinzade Delir; MohammadHosein Khodabakhah Charkhaloo
Volume 18, Issue 50 , February 2015, , Pages 153-174
Large earthquakes usually cause huge damages to human life. Street network vulnerability makes the rescue operation to encounter serious difficulties especially at the first 72 hours after the incident. Today, physical expansion and high density of great cities, due to no attention to hierarchical street ...
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Large earthquakes usually cause huge damages to human life. Street network vulnerability makes the rescue operation to encounter serious difficulties especially at the first 72 hours after the incident. Today, physical expansion and high density of great cities, due to no attention to hierarchical street network, narrow access roads, large distance from medical care centers and location at areas with high seismic risk, would lead to a perilous and unpredictable situation in case of the earthquake. Occurrence of earthquakes with large magnitude would destroy the functionality of street networks and cause large amount of casualties and major financial damages. In Tabriz city, the areas of first and fifth zones are equal to 3327 hectares. The area of first and fifth zones is over 2844 and 483 ha respectively. According to current estimates, the population of these zones is equal to over 458939 people. In this research using 12 indexes such as: land use, width of roads, height of buildings, street inclusion, population and construction density, buildings area, quality, materials and antiquity of building, access to medical centers, distance and proximity to major faults vulnerability degree of street networks in zones 1 and 5 of detailed plan of Tabriz against the earthquake is calculated through overlaying maps and data in combination with IHWP method and GIS. The article concludes that buildings alongside the streets with high population and building density, low building quality, far to rescue centers and high level of inclusion represent high rate of vulnerability, compared with other buildings. Also highways and streets with substantial width and low building and population density hold little values of vulnerability. By moving on from east to west of the zones, the vulnerability increases. This vulnerability of streets is in high level in the central zones. Therefore, the existing street networks in the center will be unable to perform their role at the case of occurrence of earthquake.
gholamreza Dinpanah
Volume 18, Issue 50 , February 2015, , Pages 175-188
Large earthquakes usually cause huge damages to human life. Street network vulnerability makes the rescue operation to encounter serious difficulties especially at the first 72 hours after the incident. Today, physical expansion and high density of great cities, due to no attention to hierarchical street ...
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Large earthquakes usually cause huge damages to human life. Street network vulnerability makes the rescue operation to encounter serious difficulties especially at the first 72 hours after the incident. Today, physical expansion and high density of great cities, due to no attention to hierarchical street network, narrow access roads, large distance from medical care centers and location at areas with high seismic risk, would lead to a perilous and unpredictable situation in case of the earthquake. Occurrence of earthquakes with large magnitude would destroy the functionality of street networks and cause large amount of casualties and major financial damages. In Tabriz city, the areas of first and fifth zones are equal to 3327 hectares. The area of first and fifth zones is over 2844 and 483 ha respectively. According to current estimates, the population of these zones is equal to over 458939 people. In this research using 12 indexes such as: land use, width of roads, height of buildings, street inclusion, population and construction density, buildings area, quality, materials and antiquity of building, access to medical centers, distance and proximity to major faults vulnerability degree of street networks in zones 1 and 5 of detailed plan of Tabriz against the earthquake is calculated through overlaying maps and data in combination with IHWP method and GIS. The article concludes that buildings alongside the streets with high population and building density, low building quality, far to rescue centers and high level of inclusion represent high rate of vulnerability, compared with other buildings. Also highways and streets with substantial width and low building and population density hold little values of vulnerability. By moving on from east to west of the zones, the vulnerability increases. This vulnerability of streets is in high level in the central zones. Therefore, the existing street networks in the center will be unable to perform their role at the case of occurrence of earthquake.