Abazar Esmali Ouri; mohammad Golshan; Komail Khorshidi Mianaee
Determine appropriate areas for optimum use of the flood is one of the most important factors determining the success of watershed management plans that collected rainwater, with the intent varies. That the main objective is optimization and operational management of rain water based on demand and consumption. ...
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Determine appropriate areas for optimum use of the flood is one of the most important factors determining the success of watershed management plans that collected rainwater, with the intent varies. That the main objective is optimization and operational management of rain water based on demand and consumption. SamborChay watershed area with 74,830 hectares in the arid and semi-dry wines in Iran in Ardabil province is located. In order to determine suitable areas for harvesting runoff was used geographic information system GIS. For this purpose the use of concept maps suitable areas for water extraction based on the source level variable water volume obtained through AHP model was developed. After weighting to determine the parameters intensity rainfall in 30 minutes with 10 years return period, intensity rainfall in one hours with 2 years return period, average rainfall, NDVI, average slope, capacity infiltration, formation geology, and temperature their effect was assessment after appropriate and inappropriate areas were identified for harvesting runoff. The results indicate that sub basin at the northern of the area have a high potential for Production runoff with peak flow 7 to 21 (m3/s), concentration time 120 minutes, average temperature 13 C°, negative NDVI, high runoff 7 centimeters.
Asghar Asghari Moghaddam; Maryam Gharekhani; Ata Allah Nadiri; Mahdi Khord; Elhan Fijani
growing of population, development of agricultural and industrial activities were intensively increased the consumption of water resources, as results, the water quality and quantity have been decreased. Vast declining of fresh groundwater resources levels and infiltrations of surface runoffs and precipitations ...
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growing of population, development of agricultural and industrial activities were intensively increased the consumption of water resources, as results, the water quality and quantity have been decreased. Vast declining of fresh groundwater resources levels and infiltrations of surface runoffs and precipitations into groundwater, were decreased the runoffs dramatically and, as a consequence, the groundwater resources became as an important part of the water resources for drinking, industrial and agricultural demands in all over the country. Therefore, the importance of groundwater preservation, management and prevention of its contamination becomes as an inevitable task. One of the effective solutions to prevent the contamination of groundwater is to distinguish the vulnerable areas of the aquifer. In this study, DRASTIC, SINTACS and SI methods are used for assessment of vulnerability of the Ardabil plain aquifer. Using from these methods and with respect to the hydrological and hydrogeological characters of the study area, zoning of the vulnerability of aquifer to contamination is carried out and then susceptible areas to contamination was distinguished in each method. The measured nitrate concentrations in the area were used to validate each method. Correlation Index (CI) between vulnerability maps and nitrate amounts were calculated for exact and better comparing of these methods. Results showed that DRASTIC model has the highest CI, this means it is better than other methods for vulnerability assessment. According to the results of DRASTIC, 44.36% of the Ardabil plain aquifer area, located in the eastern and southern part of the plain, has low vulnerability and the rest parts including northern and western part of the plain has moderate vulnerability.
Batoul Zeinali; Mahdei Aalijahan; fatemeh dashtbani; Rahim Fazeli
Floods are one of the most destructive atmospheric hazards which push different communities all over the world to suffer from life and financial damages. The present research has the aim of detection of synoptic and hydrometeorology features of flood in Herochay. For this goal, the data from daily rainfall ...
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Floods are one of the most destructive atmospheric hazards which push different communities all over the world to suffer from life and financial damages. The present research has the aim of detection of synoptic and hydrometeorology features of flood in Herochay. For this goal, the data from daily rainfall of stations in Khalkhal, Khanghah, Arpachayi and Lamber and the data from Hydrometer station in River Kivichay was used to detect the rainfall and flood happened and for synoptic inspection of this phenomenon, the data from Sea level pressure, upper layers of atmosphere like Geopotential high, Omega, Orbital wind, Meridional wind and Relative humidity in levels of 500 to 1000 HPA was used. The obtained results show that presence of low-pressure system on the surface of ground, occurrence of blocking and located of the study area on the east of the trough on the upper levels, negativity of atmospheric eddies and omega on different levels with humid supply of Black Sea and Mediterranean sea on the levels of 500 to 700 HPA, Red sea and Persian Gulf and Oman Sea on the levels of 850 and Caspian Sea on the levels of 925 and 1000 HPA have prepared the conditions needed for generation of instability over the atmosphere of the studied area. The mentioned conditions have caused intense thunderstorm and increase of Herochay discharge and generation of flood in that region.
Sayyed Asghari Saraskanrood
The purpose of this study is analysis of affecting factors in pattern forming and channel dynamic in mountainous Intervals of Garangu River between Khorasanak villages in Hashtrood to input of river in Mianeh city. The pattern of research is comparative – deductive. materials of research are include ...
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The purpose of this study is analysis of affecting factors in pattern forming and channel dynamic in mountainous Intervals of Garangu River between Khorasanak villages in Hashtrood to input of river in Mianeh city. The pattern of research is comparative – deductive. materials of research are include of Topographic map, Geological map, flow Hydrological data, data provided from Dem and field data. In this research were used methods of River Power Analysis, River specific power, Sinuosity Index, Central angle, Route Sinuosity and longitudinal profile analysis in order to channel pattern and dynamic analysis. Results indicated that forming of channel pattern and dynamic in studied area was controlled by lithological features of sections. So channel dynamic in sections such as section 1 is impressed by lithological resistance of river bed and sides mainly bed deepening and it in sections such as section 10 is impressed by erodibility and loose formation mainly bed Widening that it was controlled by river lithological features strongly. The results of this study can be used to identify of interval Maximum River power and interval affected by river erosion.
Jamsheid Yarahmadi; Nasrein Hajihassani; Asgar farajnia; Ali Tajabadei pour
Recent permanent trend of drought in East Azerbaijan province has caused of the reduction in available water resources, a sharp drop in the groundwater levels as well as drying of the Uremia Lake and finally increasing saline lands surrounding the Uremia Lake. Also, the orchards and farm lands which ...
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Recent permanent trend of drought in East Azerbaijan province has caused of the reduction in available water resources, a sharp drop in the groundwater levels as well as drying of the Uremia Lake and finally increasing saline lands surrounding the Uremia Lake. Also, the orchards and farm lands which strangely depended on groundwater have been indiscriminately and disproportionately developed related to the current climate condition. Therefore, modification of agricultural patterns is one of the best solutions for efficient water usage in agricultural section and is considered as the only practical solution in relation to the sustainable development of agriculture. This study was conducted in order to determine the suitability for growing pistachio orchards and replacing it with second and third degree gardens. Suitable areas were determined by modeling in ArcGIS software environment based on various affective climate parameters in various stages of plant growth. Results show that about 25 percent of the area is completely suitable, 27 percent is relatively suitable and 48.4 percent is completely unsuitable for pistachio plantation. Also, marginal areas of the Uremia Lake are quite suitable which indicates that the replacement of the orchards of pistachio with high water consuming orchards in the area is fully practical and feasible. The results could provide more reliable basis for agricultural decision-making and planning to provide a new model to replace the pistachio orchards with high water consuming orchards.
Sayyed Asadollah Hejazi; Setare Farmaini mansour
The geomorphological features and their existence on geomorphic sites are one of the main components of the geotourism. The focus of study in this branch of science is to determine the special tourism landforms and combining it with cultural heritages, historical and ecological tourism in order to achieve ...
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The geomorphological features and their existence on geomorphic sites are one of the main components of the geotourism. The focus of study in this branch of science is to determine the special tourism landforms and combining it with cultural heritages, historical and ecological tourism in order to achieve long lasting development in a region. Therefore geomorpho sites are defined as the geomorphological forms and processes to get the scenic, scientific, cultural, historical and social effects of these places. Varkaneh village because of its geological characteristics and the geomorphological features in architecture has a high and important potential in attracting tourist. Therefore, It's of vital importance to provide ways to evaluate scientific, cultural and economic values of this village. In this work it has been tried to evaluate the capability of geomorphological places of Varkaneh using Periera method and local researches. In this method, on the one hand the geomorphological values of the sites will be distinguished by combining both scientific and supplementary criteria and on the hand the management value will be achieved by combining protection and usage criteria. The final value of geomorphological sites will be determined by combining these two main values. The results determine the highest point of the geomorphological sector among the investigatedgeomorphosites belongs to stone house (7/62) and the highest point of the management sector (6/02) belongs to this site as well. It indicates theremarkable capability of under the study geomorphological places to attract tourists and to develop the tourism of the region. According to the achieved results, in order to prepare these geomorphic places for visitors and tourists its necessary to turn this place into touring productions. Above all, Turning into tourism attractions and places needs investment and preparation to obtain a sustainable development especially in rural communities.
Akbar Rahimi
Tabriz city asthe populous city in the northwest of Iranstarted the rapid spatial- physical expansion in past decades. Tabriz area in1335 to 1385 increased from 1770 to 25000 hectare. Lock of suitable policy in urban development controls and land management, caused that the Tabriz faced whit many challenges. ...
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Tabriz city asthe populous city in the northwest of Iranstarted the rapid spatial- physical expansion in past decades. Tabriz area in1335 to 1385 increased from 1770 to 25000 hectare. Lock of suitable policy in urban development controls and land management, caused that the Tabriz faced whit many challenges. One of these chalenges is the lock of public land use. So,in this paper, accessibility of urban public land uses in Tabriz is analysed. Methodology in this paper is practical and the surviving method based on descriptive – analytical method. In surviving and analyzing of public land uses, we used per capita and Taxonomy methods. For necessary surviving, statistical blocks information and urban land use map for Tabriz city are used. Results show that the public land use per capita is less than 8 meters, while in master plan of Tabriz; this per capita has proposed 16.71 meters.So, the availability of public land use has critical condition in Tabriz. Green space per capita in all of zones is faced with shortages and the reason of these shortages is the lock of suitable planning for urban expansion. This lock caused that the gardens and green spaces in the periphery of Tabriz are demolished. For analyzing of urban public land use allocation in this paper, Numerical Taxonomy is used.The results of Numerical Taxonomy show that district of number one is the best degree (0.30) and district on nine is the worst degree (0.83) for accessibility to public land use.
Somayeh Khaleghi; Shahram Roostayee; Ali Mohammad Khorshiddoost; Mohammad Hossein Rezaee Moghaddam; Mhammad ali Ghorbani
Catchments and river systems altered in response to changes of internal and external factors. Hence, several techniques have been proposed to simulate these changes and Evolution of the river systems. Cellular Automaton is one of the newest river cellular models that define the catchment landscape with ...
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Catchments and river systems altered in response to changes of internal and external factors. Hence, several techniques have been proposed to simulate these changes and Evolution of the river systems. Cellular Automaton is one of the newest river cellular models that define the catchment landscape with a grid of cells, and development of this landscape is determined by the interactions between cells (for example fluxes of water and sediment) using rules based on simplifications of the governing physics.This method is used for simulation of Lighvan catchment with 20 m cell size and 10 years precipitation data (1380 to 89). Simulation results evaluated in two qualitative and quantitative methods, So that the relative changes in the catchment and spatial distribution of erosion and aggradation value in the entire catchment and each cell was identified on Digital Elevation Model map and also, values of different particle size distribution in different discharges showed that with the increasing discharge, and amounts of sediment increased and among this coarse sand have the highest value and very fine sand, clay and silt particles have the lowest value. Also investigation of longitudinal and latitude profile show that Lighvan river is in mature stage and Lighvan channel has been underwent aggradation due to climate changes and increasing catchment precipitation in last decade that causes hillslope erosion and channel aggradation. Finally, Since certainty of Cellular Automata results is difficult and CAESAR is sensitive to input parameters but comparing the results with previous investigation and field observation shows that Cellular Automata has acceptable results.
Sayyad Asghari Saraskanroud
The purposes of this study are investigation of Shahr Chai river patterns, its stability and subsequently changes in the period of 2000-2013. For this purpose were used Landsat images, topography, geological maps and hydrological data. For study of river pattern and its changes was used Sinuosity and ...
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The purposes of this study are investigation of Shahr Chai river patterns, its stability and subsequently changes in the period of 2000-2013. For this purpose were used Landsat images, topography, geological maps and hydrological data. For study of river pattern and its changes was used Sinuosity and Meander Central Angle Indexes. Also for study of river stability was used by shear stress and RBS indexes. Results indicated that river pattern changes are very low. River stability analysis indicated that total shear stress rate is higher than critical shear stress. Results show that potential of river is high for creating of morphological changes in costal interval but decreasing of river flow has been caused that river changes be in lowest amount possible.
mehdi Saghafi; abolgasem amirahmadi; maryam rabiei
Alluvial fans as one of the major geomorphological forms of water reservoir are very important, such that most of urban and rural centers of Iran, especially in central and eastern sections are located on alluvial fans. They are usually controlled by geomorphological forms of tectonic activity along ...
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Alluvial fans as one of the major geomorphological forms of water reservoir are very important, such that most of urban and rural centers of Iran, especially in central and eastern sections are located on alluvial fans. They are usually controlled by geomorphological forms of tectonic activity along with climate change. Alluvial fans are located in the southern half of the drainage basin of Birjand. Due to their proximity to the city and the residential areas, they are very important. BagheranMountains in the south part of Birjand are part of Sistan area. The most important rock units in the upper Cretaceous include ophiolitic mixture, flysh, congelomerate and the oldest unit is related to that era. In this study the geomorphology evidence of the area has been used to investigate the morphotectonic activity. In order to do this purpose, we used sime indices. Review of the samples of sediment aggradation and drainage network on alluvial fans show how climate and tectonic have influenced them. Field observations and sediments granolometry have been used for this purpose. The results of the analysis also show young tectonics and dynamic processes of external activities intensity performance in the region. Also granolometery analysis of the area as evidence of tectonic activity result in alluvial fans landforms transitional to the bajada plains indicated that climate change and wind erosion have higher intensity on landforms.
Davoud mokhtari; Fariba Hemmati
Geo-tourism is a combination of geography and tourism. In this sense, geo-tourism encompasses biodiversity, cultural diversity, beautification, community-based tourism, and even local food movement, and homogeny and similarity are considered its enemies. Geo-tourism is a form of tourism which is defined ...
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Geo-tourism is a combination of geography and tourism. In this sense, geo-tourism encompasses biodiversity, cultural diversity, beautification, community-based tourism, and even local food movement, and homogeny and similarity are considered its enemies. Geo-tourism is a form of tourism which is defined to ensure the establishment and improvement of geographical features such as the environment, culture, landmarks and legacies and well-being of residents. With this approach, Deira catchment area in Gilangharb Township located in 215 km of Kermanshah, was chosen because of its natural resources for Geo-tourism assessment and was analyzed according to obtained data from library and literature studies and field studies using Pereira. Although the region attracts hordes of tourism annually, yet its economic position in tourism industry is not founded. In this research we try to assess Geo-tourism capabilities related to available landforms in the region in addition to identify geomorphological shapes and forms in the region and explore its features. The results of this study showed that the geomorphic location of Galin has high capability in the field of tourism attraction with 345/5 geomorphology value and managerial value of 5 in Deira catchment area. The geomorphological shapes and forms of the region have high capability in the field of tourism due to high ability in the field of geosciences education, and feature and attributes such as beauty, ease of access, and natural and cultural attractions.
Ebrahim Asgari Kalajahi; Fatemeh Namakchi; Abdolreza Vaezi Hir
Volume 20, Issue 56 , August 2016, , Pages 19-38
Landslide is one of the natural hazards which affects mountainous areas and destroys residential areas, farms and basic facilities each year. In addition to the damages caused by landslides on roads in towns and villages, the natural environments are also affected by soil erosion. The study area with ...
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Landslide is one of the natural hazards which affects mountainous areas and destroys residential areas, farms and basic facilities each year. In addition to the damages caused by landslides on roads in towns and villages, the natural environments are also affected by soil erosion. The study area with an area of about 80,000ha is located in the west of Khoy city, northwest of Iran. Some landslides have occurred on the southern slopes which verge on the roads and frequently damage the main road, Iran-Turkey railway and several villages, such as Gougerd and upper Kalt village. Due to the proximity of the study area to the main roads and residential areas and the existence of several historical mass slides, evaluation of landslide hazard and preparing a risk map is necessary. In this research, the potential landslide zoning map was developed by evaluation of each parameter influencing landslide including lithology, slope geometry, geological structures, relative elevation, land use and coverage and ground-water. Final zoning map was produced through overlaying of the maps developed by scoring of the mentioned parameters. The study area was divided in to 5 zones from potential landslide view of point, including safe, low, medium, risk and very high risk zones. About 23 and 5.6 percent of the total area are subjected to high risk and very high risk landslide hazards, respectively.
Aliakbar Taghiloo; Sayad Asghari Saraskanroud; Batol Zeinali; Saleh Asghari Saraskanroud
Volume 20, Issue 56 , August 2016, , Pages 39-53
Geo-tourism has been existed from combine of geo (earth) and (tourism) words. Geo-tourism is tourism that has attractions of geology, geomorphology, cultural heritage and aesthetic of the geography location. The aim of this research is evaluating of geotourist capacity of Kandovan village located in ...
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Geo-tourism has been existed from combine of geo (earth) and (tourism) words. Geo-tourism is tourism that has attractions of geology, geomorphology, cultural heritage and aesthetic of the geography location. The aim of this research is evaluating of geotourist capacity of Kandovan village located in Osco city. For this was used descripted -analyzed method. In descripted method, work tool of researchers is field and documented studies. In next stage, capability of village geo-tourism was evaluated by view of experts and tourists. Finally, analysis of data was performed by dynamical model. The results showed that scientific value index of village Geo-tourism, residual values index and region's vulnerability coefficient are 22.88, 29.08 and 2.47 respectively. Finally geo-tourist capacity of Kandovan was evaluated well based on qualitative (54.45) and quantitative criteria of model.
Bahram Melekmohamadi; Fatemeh Jahanishakib; Ahmadreza Yavari
Volume 20, Issue 56 , August 2016, , Pages 257-274
In this study, for potential survey construction of wind power plants in the provinces of Khorasan Razavi and Northern different criteria and sub-criteria have been considered. To become fuzzy criteria are based on expert opinions and investigation done researches, control point and fuzzy function for ...
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In this study, for potential survey construction of wind power plants in the provinces of Khorasan Razavi and Northern different criteria and sub-criteria have been considered. To become fuzzy criteria are based on expert opinions and investigation done researches, control point and fuzzy function for each of the layers based on their membership gradation range of zero and one was determined in the IDRISI software. Then, according to the importance of integrating information, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for layers weighting was implemented by Expert choice software. Then, the software ArcGIS, was used to spatial analysis and overlapping layers, and after the analysis of information, Razavi Khorasan and North Khorasan province, in terms of capability the wind power plants building, divided into four levels: excellent, good, fair and poor. Finally, the results indicated that excellent are as for the construction of wind power plants in the study area are located in thesoutheast ofthe study area at Torbatjam station with an area exceeding 222565 .97 hectares (0.018 percent). In addition, good areas are located around the Taybad and Khaaf, Golmakan, Sarakhs, Roshtkhar, Bardaskan, Neyshaboor, Sabzevar, Bojnurd, Ferdows and Jajarm stations with an area exceeding 1817573 .81 hectares (0.17 percent). One cans that renewable energy of wind without any pollution could be utilized by the construction of wind power plants in the replaces ultimately.
masumeh Rjabi; ali shiri tarzam
Abstract There are more than 50 salt domes with neogene age in the northwest of Iran 48 Domes of which have measurable dimensions. One of the criteria's according with which we can classify Iran north-west salt domes is structural features of salt's appearances in the region. In this article salt ...
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Abstract There are more than 50 salt domes with neogene age in the northwest of Iran 48 Domes of which have measurable dimensions. One of the criteria's according with which we can classify Iran north-west salt domes is structural features of salt's appearances in the region. In this article salt domes in north west of Iran, according to their structural characteristics, have been divided into two groups with mono-clinal structure and anticline structure, at first the scatter diagram, regression line, the kind and amount of correlation between morphometric parameters of each group have been analyzed. Then the parameters of each group have been compared with those of the other group. Examining the salt domes morphometric parameters show that mono-clinal domes in comparison with the anticlinal domes have area, circularity coefficient and height but more stretching and elongation coefficient. Also, mono-clinal domes are located on faults or in a near distance from faults, therefore the mono-clinal domes in comparison with the anticlinal domes, are more influenced by the faults
Shahram Roustaei; hasan Ahmadzadeh; mohammadreza nikju; maryam dehgani
Abstract To reduce vulnerability of some villages to natural hazards, shifting their location is inevitable. The rural relocation and resettlement is a plan to determine the optimum establishment and activity site for the study of villages by studying the causes of displacement, evaluating social and ...
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Abstract To reduce vulnerability of some villages to natural hazards, shifting their location is inevitable. The rural relocation and resettlement is a plan to determine the optimum establishment and activity site for the study of villages by studying the causes of displacement, evaluating social and economic characteristics of villagers and environmental and physical assessment are of options for a new location. Googerd village due to its vulnerability to landslides was studied which several times was displaced and finally a place is specified for the displacement. If this site itself be vulnerable to natural hazards, it will cause the collapse of the physical, economic and social environment of villages. Vulnerability assessment in relation to natural hazards requires precision tools with applications in the spreadsheet spatial level. Therefore, in this study, in order to evaluate the rate of stability of the chosen site for displacement and relocation of Googerd village, at first the rate and range of displacement during the period from 2003 to 2010 were derived using 25 ASAR ENVISAT radar images and SBAS differential radar interferometry (D-InSAR) technique. The results showed that the stability of the selected sites does not have the favorable conditions and experience on average 12 cm line of sight (LOS) displacement. In order to conduct survey on the hillside of study area against mass movements and assessment of environmental stability and optimized understanding of them, displacement time series plots was drawn for six points around the selected site. These figures indicate that there is variable line of sight (LOS) rate of downward motion between 14-8 cm in all sides of selected site.
Seid kazem Alavi panah; Abdolali Rezaei; saeed Azadi ghatar; Hamid reza jeddi azgandi
Abstract Urban heat island phenomenon is generally caused by a reduction in latent heat and a rise in sensible heat in urban areas. Today, this is one of the major problems of the large cities which has attracted the attention of many ...
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Abstract Urban heat island phenomenon is generally caused by a reduction in latent heat and a rise in sensible heat in urban areas. Today, this is one of the major problems of the large cities which has attracted the attention of many researchers and experts in various fields. This study investigates heat island in Tehran metropolitan as the most densely populated city of Iran. This paper aims to use satellite imageries to compares the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and impervious surface (ISA) as representative parameters that of surface urban heat island (SUHI) by examining their relationship with land surface temperature indices (LST) and land-use map. For this purpose, LANDSAT 5 TM imageries and Tehran1:2000 land use map and sub-pixels model has been used. The results show that there are a linear and strong relationship between LST and ISA, while the relationship between LST and NDVI is much weaker and in order to quantitative investigation of LST in urban heat island we used thermal remote sensing. Results indicated that ISA indicator is suitable than NDVI. Also, the investigation on percentage of impervious surfaces in each land-use represents that residential land uses has the highest percentage of impervious surfaces because having the surfaces like asphalt and concrete and vegetation is the lowest one.
hosein nazm far; masud moradi
Abstract Given the lack of information about the amount of snow in the highland area, the use of satellite imagery can be helpful in distributing of snow cover and resulted stream flow in water basins. The aim of this study is to investigate surface runoff at the Dehgalan basin ...
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Abstract Given the lack of information about the amount of snow in the highland area, the use of satellite imagery can be helpful in distributing of snow cover and resulted stream flow in water basins. The aim of this study is to investigate surface runoff at the Dehgalan basin outlet associate with changes in snow cover in the highlands of the basin. To this purpose the Values of runoff resulted from snowmeltin Dehgalan basin were simulated using snowmelt runoff model. In order to simulate, first climatic and hydrometric data were collected from Iran meteorological organization and Kurdestan Regional Water Co and then physical characteristics of basin include perimeter, area, and high zones were calculated using digital information. Climatic and hydrometric information were obtained from linked organizations. The ratio of basin snow cover was prepared by the SNOWMAP algorithm using 8-day snow cover products at the global scale bands of MODIS snow cover data from NASA site. The information that was essential for modeling were entered to model and simulating process was done according to the requirements of the particular specification of catchment. The assessment parameters that were used by model to evaluating the accuracy of the simulation included the coefficient of determination and volume differencing. The procedure of simulation of runoff resulting from snowmelt was conducted by calculateion necessary factors and parameters in the time period of December 2004 to April 2005. The results of simulation showed that snowmelt-runoff model was efficiently capable to simulating runoff from snowmelt in Dehgolan basin by 52% coefficient determination and volume difference of 2.23. The obtained correlation coefficient and difference of volume shows the mean accuracy of model in simulation of snowmelt- runoff in the basin. It could be caused by the physical characteristics of the basin. The results of this study showed that the operation of SRM model in study area as a coupled of mountainous and plain basin was less than mere mountainous basins.
seid hedayat allah nuri; efat fathi; seid abolfazl masudian
Abstract Qanat is one of the most complicated human invention techniques to extract underground water in arid and semi-arid areas which has been constructed for irrigating. In spite of the Zayandehrood River’s water, Qanat in Lenjan is still an important source of water for irrigating agricultural ...
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Abstract Qanat is one of the most complicated human invention techniques to extract underground water in arid and semi-arid areas which has been constructed for irrigating. In spite of the Zayandehrood River’s water, Qanat in Lenjan is still an important source of water for irrigating agricultural areas. The “descriptive-analytic” method has been used in this research, and all data have been collected from related libraries and institutes. In this research, the relation between the qanat water quantity and the agricultural area under cultivation has been studied in Lenjan. For doing so, the statistical data has been analyzed using SPSS and Excel by standardized score analysis method. Next, the linear regression of time series, hydrograph charts, and correlation methods have been applied for further data interpretation and analysis. It has been found that the rate of qanat discharge has been decreased in Lenjan compared to the previous time periods especially in drought years. This has caused to complete dryness of some of the qanat sources during 19991-2012. In addition, a direct relation has been found between the amount of qanat water drainage and the cultivated areas which have been shown by significant factor 0.001 and the correlation coefficient 0.69.
Ebrahim Asgari Kalajahi; Farideh Amini Beirami; Masood HajialilouBonab
Volume 19, Issue 54 , February 2016, , Pages 1-18
Kandovan village with cone-shaped rocky houses is one of the tourist attractions in East Azerbaijan Province of Iran. Investigations show that the cone-shaped rocks are eroded and deteriorated by environmental factors. For investigation on this issue, in addition to the field word, the samples were taken ...
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Kandovan village with cone-shaped rocky houses is one of the tourist attractions in East Azerbaijan Province of Iran. Investigations show that the cone-shaped rocks are eroded and deteriorated by environmental factors. For investigation on this issue, in addition to the field word, the samples were taken from fresh and weathered parts of the rock mass of houses and we studied the effects of climate and weather factores on their physical and chemical properties using freezing-thawing, wetting-drying and X-ray diffraction testes. Also fractures characteristics of Kandovan rock mass was measured and analyzed by using a computer program called "Dips" and three major fractures were detected in its erosion on rocky created cone-shaped houses. There is the chance of degradation of houses due to continuing erosion along them. The results of the climate data, tests and analyzes show that rock surface were damaged and eroded by environmental factors but due to lack of appropriate water and suitable temperature for chemical weathering, there are no traces of clay minerals in the rock. Area climate condition does not show significant effect on physical and chemical weathering process of the cone-shaped rocky houses and only a thin layer of them has been damaged but there is the possibility of further damage of rocks due to continuing weathering and erosion processes and lack of conservation and restoration actions.
Maryam Baiati Khatibi
Volume 19, Issue 54 , February 2016, , Pages 61-81
Soil erosion is a major environmental proplem in the world which causes economic losses and threatens the sustainable development. Many factors are responsible for erosion acceleration in catchement scale. Soil erosion by water is the result of interplay between catchement environmental factors such ...
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Soil erosion is a major environmental proplem in the world which causes economic losses and threatens the sustainable development. Many factors are responsible for erosion acceleration in catchement scale. Soil erosion by water is the result of interplay between catchement environmental factors such as soil, topography, drainage density and land use pattern and other factors. The soil erosion problem is more serious with hilly catchements which are subject to heavy rainfall, in semi arid mountains. In the study area-as a semi-arid region–which is situated on eastern slope of Sahand mountain (NW of Iran) soil erosion with water is very intensive. This area is as a major farmland and grazing land. Gullies and rills are the traces of water erosion. These phenomens are seen in many parts of study area. In order to investigatien on responsible factors to soil erosion and assessement of the risk to erosion, we used USLE model. By using this model, we studied the role of topography, land use, and soil type on soil erosion. The results suggested that slope and slope length play a major role on determining the erosion pattern. The depth of gullies is increased at parts where the length of slopes is increased. In these parts there is increased linear erosion through the increased rates of silt.
Esmail Ali Akbari; Nafiseh sadat Mirayee
Volume 19, Issue 54 , February 2016, , Pages 211-233
There is a close link between the urban fabric, seismicity and seismic pathology. Urban fabric has been affected, due not only to the physical characteristics, but also through non-physical components (functional), and effects on it. This paper attempts to identify zones and levels of seismic vulnerability ...
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There is a close link between the urban fabric, seismicity and seismic pathology. Urban fabric has been affected, due not only to the physical characteristics, but also through non-physical components (functional), and effects on it. This paper attempts to identify zones and levels of seismic vulnerability zones in urban fabric of ValiasrTown, Tabriz, using descriptive data and documents method. Eight indicators (distance to fault, the quality of buildings, building density, population density, building height-to-width ratio, type of land use, level of traffic service, distance from medical centers) which have been analyzes through irreversible analysis (IHWP). Results show that 54% of the town has been located in the zone of seismic vulnerability. High building density, deficiency of green and open space, high amount of building height-to-width ratio and commercial land uses are the main characteristics of urban fabric in the vulnerable zone. Model of urban fabric distribution and vulnerable zones matches with the location of main arteries (Mokhaberat, Valiasr, Shariati, Ohadi, Moalem, Foroghi, Takhti, Parvin Etesami, Aref, Zand and Javanmehr) especially sub-passages (8-10 meters) leading to these arteries and commercial land uses in the central part (Bozorg and Bazar squares). Spatial model of seismic zone has the east-west direction and center-round. This model has shaped the direction and intensity of changes in vulnerability and has created macro pattern of pathology and seismic zoning of town in two parts: The eastern half is a zone with low risk factors and vulnerability that has the most sustainable urban fabric of town. However, western half represents high and very high seismic instability and vulnerability. The central part of the town is the spatial center of seismic intensity of these areas.
Mohammadreza Rezaei Moghaddam; Khalil Valizadeh Kamran; Soghra Andaryani; Farhad Almaspoor
Volume 19, Issue 52 , June 2015, , Pages 163-183
Land use and land cover maps are necessary for planning and natural resources management. In the way, remote sensing data have special place because of providing update data, repetitive covers and low cost images. Therefore Optimum Land Image/ Thermal Infrared Sensor were used to map land-use and land-cover ...
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Land use and land cover maps are necessary for planning and natural resources management. In the way, remote sensing data have special place because of providing update data, repetitive covers and low cost images. Therefore Optimum Land Image/ Thermal Infrared Sensor were used to map land-use and land-cover in 1 and 2 level. Because of, this images are new thus radiometric correct was used ERDAS software model maker. Also Normalize Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Bare Soil Index (BI) and Principal Component Analyze (PCA) were used as inputs to improve classification accuracy. On the other hand kernels functional and polynomial ranks of Support Vector Machine method evaluated in side others bands and the best result of SVM method compared with Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The results indicated that SVM method has accuracy: 92% with Kappa Coefficient: 0.91 and ANN method has accuracy: 89% with kappa coefficient: 0.87 also SVM method has a good performance in the regions that, classes show similar spectral behavior.
Musa Abedini; Bahareh Ghasemyan
Volume 19, Issue 52 , June 2015, , Pages 205-227
Landslides and mountainside instabilities are major dangers for human activities which often cause the waste of economic resources and damage to properties and installations. These dangers occur in natural slopes or in slopes changed by man. This study mainly aims at identifying the factors influencing ...
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Landslides and mountainside instabilities are major dangers for human activities which often cause the waste of economic resources and damage to properties and installations. These dangers occur in natural slopes or in slopes changed by man. This study mainly aims at identifying the factors influencing landslides happening in the city of Bijar, Kordestan Province, and at evaluating the regions having the potentiality of landslide for preparing localization map using the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) Model. In the present study, first employing field visits, questionnaires, geological and topographic maps, and reviewing the studies carried out, nine factors including the variables of: height from the sea level, degree of slope, direction of slope, geology, the distance from the linear elements (fault, road, river), rainfall, and land use were employed. Then affecting factors were binary compared using analytical method by indicating the weight of each factor as indicator for their effects in occurrence of landslide. Accordingly, the landslide zonation hazard map was prepared to the use of weighed information layer and weighted coefficient of each factor. Results of this study show That slope factor of the relative weight of 0.307, and Landuse factor with the relative weight of 0.218 The most effective respectively And the relative weight of rainfall factor 0.019 the lowest impact on Landslides have on the city of Bijar. Thus, 75.489 % of the area of the region have faced very low-risk, 10.037% with low risk, 3.628% with average risk, 4.062% with high risk, and 6.784% with very high risk.